July 27, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            [“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”]

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Now we should say unto thee unto these words. In the time of Atlantis, in the time before that of the last of the islands of Atlantis to sink beneath the sea, in the time that the continent within itself was vanished from the earth, in this time there were many who could prophesy and many who could see forth unto the time of the destruction. Of these people, they had great machines capable of moving large quantities of earth. And there were those who said to build dikes; yet there were those who did not want to lose that of the beauty of their shoreline.

Yet the engineers of that time came together. And some spoke in these words, for they laughed at their prophets, and they all said, “Why should we go unto such a great undertaking on the word of so few?” And of the priest, Arcan, and the priest, Ra-Tai, they banished from the land.

            Yet there were a few who tried to build such dikes. Yet as they started, they began to quarrel among [among] themselves. Each thought in their own mind, “Why I should I do the task of another? Why should I help this other person? Why should I, who is so great, pick up a pick and shovel when we have such great machines that do the work? Why should this not be left for the peasants to do?” Yet, the peasant worked on.

            Yet there was that who was known as Noah. And Noah came unto these men who should build the dike, and said unto them, “Come, let us build unto this craft that should float above the ocean.”

            Yet, of the engineers and those in charge, they laughed at such an idea. They said, “If our dike could not hold back the waters that has been prophesied to come, how then could such a craft stand such storms?”

            And Noah said unto them, “For God shall guide the craft, and God shall lift it up and protect it.” And all laughed.

            Yet there was one who did not laugh among the peasantry, and there was one who did not laugh who was of an engineer, and there was one who did not laugh who was a doctor, and another who was of a lawyer. And they said unto this one, “We shall go and build your craft. But some shall stay and build of the dike.” And [the ____] --And the craft and the dike grew together.

            And then there came the time the lands began to sink. Earthquakes began to rip the land, and the land began to slide. Yet those that were to stay behind and build of the dikes, one by one, began to flee.

            And as the waters rose, the Lord looked down upon this one and said unto him, “WHY, MY SON, SHOULD YOU STAY, DAY AFTER DAY, AND TRY TO BUILD THAT WITH YOUR HANDS THAT THE OTHERS HAVE ABANDONED WITH THEIR MACHINES?”

            And he looked unto the Lord and said unto these words, “But Lord, I must have faith.”

            And the Lord said into him, “WHAT FAITH HAVE THEE?”

            And he said, “I have faith in my God, who should not desert me in my hour of need. And I have faith, oh Lord, in myself, that the Lord would not place me to such task just to destroy me.”

            And the Lord reached down and picked up this one, and therefore, took him unto the land of Egyptan.


            And so it was done.   

            Now we say unto thee in this manner, in these words. We have placed some of you in positions that are that of labor. Your knowledge is great. We have placed some of you in positions to do certain jobs. But we say unto you, in the eyes of God all is mighty. Look through the eyes of God unto yourselves, and you shall see that each within themselves are very important.

            But you can build once again both an ark and a dike, that your 300 years of darkness shall not come upon the earth -- and the 300 shall go unto 3,000 -- that man should not walk backward and be that much less than the smallest animal upon the earth, that the way shall be prepared for his [the Messiah’s] coming.

            Prepare, therefore, within each of you that way. But prepare it in such a manner that you should look unto yourselves, and see the righteousness of your paths.

            We shall say unto you these words, a man should be paid for his labor. Toil that is done in harmony shall grow, and we shall continue to see that the things that are needed for this work shall be provided. Your machines have stopped, and they shall remain stopped, until harmony once again comes forth. Therefore, do that unto which you must do. Prepare the work, and the machines shall be provided that are needed to build the dike.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [7-27-73-001] asks for a health reading. She had surgery this morning. She asks, ‘What kind of help can you give me?’ And says, 1969 and ’70 she had pain in both legs; in November of 1970 she had a spinal fusion in the lower lumbar which was to relieve leg pains, but didn’t help. She has had a backache since. January 1972, she had three operations for artery transplants in both legs. The morning of June 25, 1973, ‘woke up with blockage in the left leg; was in the hospital for 10 days.’ For the next two or three weeks, she is on blood thinning, then back in the hospital to operate on the left leg  transplant again. So she’s asking for help. ”

            Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should answer in this manner. We shall give forth the healing that is needed, that that should make of a speedy recovery.          

            As the patient is released from the hospital, we would suggest that castor oil packs, not hot, but of body temperature, be placed both over both leg areas, of the upper chestular part of the body, and of the shoulder areas, that which should lead from the backular upper neckular area. We would suggest that this subject should take of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest that this subject drink six times per day that of the sage tea sweetened with the local honey. We would suggest that the vitamin B in multiple use form be used. We would suggest the taking thereof of the subject known as Lydia E. Pinkham.

            We would suggest -- yes we see this. We find, therefore, of the back, lower backular area, that proportions of the body -- sores of the same. We would suggest the use of sugar packs be placed over these. This in itself would greatly speed up the healing of the same. This should be done in this manner, that the sugar should be mixed with small quantities of the white of the egg, placed over the sore portions of the body, small quantities of vitamin E be added within the same.

This is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-20-73-006] asks for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, the subject -- yes, yes, that is better.

Yes, all is in accord now. Yes.

We find, therefore, pain in the lower abdomen. We find problems, therefore, of the liver and both of the kidney areas. We find, therefore – yes.

Yes -- of the ovaries.

We find the swelling of the same, that -- yes.

            We find -- yes -- problems of the upper backular area. We would suggest, therefore, that these adjustments be made, by either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, of the upper area that surrounds the brainstem within itself. We find, therefore, [the] protruding of nerves.


We find this should be adjusted .

Yes -- of the 6th and 7th vertebrae, this should be adjusted.


We find curvature, therefore, of the spine.


We find -- yes -- slight deformity [at] birth in this area. We would suggest, therefore, that most of these problems within themselves could be corrected, either by an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor. We would suggest that x-rays be taken of this area, that the doctor may be readily advised, therefore, of the problems existing.    

            We find -- yes -- that of a rash [upon] the vaginal area, irritation in the same.


We would suggest, therefore, that the cleansing of this be done by adding small quantities within your wash you are presently using of that of the apple vinegar within the same.


We find a problem, therefore, within the respiratory system -- nervous condition, highly irregular.


We find, for the circulatory system, this highly irregular. These are being caused both by that of the backular area and that -- yes -- we find therefore, pain, upper left side of the [labonia] [mastoid?] area.


Corrections should be made in this area also at this time. We would suggest, therefore – yes -- that none of this of what you call your nerve relaxers be used. This is only increasing the problem as it is within itself. We would suggest, therefore, that after this of the osteopathic and chiropractic doctor has made the proper adjustments, you should seek out that of the assistance of soul Ray in the awakening state.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-27-73-003] asks for a health reading. She has backaches and heaviness in her legs.”

            Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.


Therefore, we have before us the body.


First we should, it should be understood, the lack of that of blood. The vessels [for] the main arteries are that quite similar to that you might call to the hardening of the arteries. This is causing great pain. We would suggest that of the seeking out of the Lipoflavinoid-type vitamin. We would suggest -- yes -- the use of body-temperature castor oil packs on the hip, upper back, and lower backular area be used.


We would also suggest the use and the drinking, therefore, of the sage tea, therefore, sweetened with slight amounts of honey.

            We find -- yes -- the subject in mind is that of a low blood sugar.


We would suggest, therefore, that that of the natural honey be with the subject most of the time, that the subject shall have urges, therefore, to take of it; do so readily, it shall not harm you.


Adjustments of the back -- yes -- this should be done.

            We would further suggest that this subject seek out that of a clay that should come from this area, and therefore, use of baths of the same, that the lower proportion of the body might be emerged [immersed] within the same. This in itself would greatly help in that of the arthritis that is now creeping into the body. The hands also should be immersed within the same, hands and elbows. This should be done repeatedly for a three-week period. We would further suggest that small quantities, that proportions of one ounce might be taken internally, mixed with small quantities  of milk, be taken daily of the same.

            We would further suggest that more of the vitamin A and E [D?], and vitamin B, be taken into the body. We would further suggest the taking of at least 1,000 units of vitamin E be taken. We would further suggest -- yes -- that the taking of either of the S.S.S. Tonic, or that of the Lydia E. Pinkham in capsule form or liquid.


This is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, could you -- one brief questions about this clay. Could you tell me what it contains that makes it beneficial to peoples’ health?”

            Yes, we shall answer in this manner. First, there is magnesium, that of the copper extract, that of your, both your vitamins A, B, C, that of dolomite, that -- yes -- your clay within itself holds that of an antibiotic, that that of  yet you are to have placed a name upon. You shall find that the antibiotic can be used in many forms. You shall find that the clay within itself may be used in that of treating ulcers. You may [be] find that that of the clay may be used of that of heart condition. You will find also quantities of radioactive material within the same. These you shall think might be harmful to the body, but they are not. In that proportion that the body is lacking, it shall bring forth and excite the antibodies within the body to fight off disease within itself.

We could give you much more lengthy descriptions of the question unto which you asked. We shall say unto you unto these words. Only as suggested should this clay be used, and only within the amounts that we should give, and in the manner unto which we should give. Soul Ray in his awakening state shall know of these things and should be capable of giving to those in need that knowledge that they need at the time.

            You have other questions, ask.         

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, [7-27-73-004] has asked for a health reading and other information. He asks, ‘What is the cause and solution for the stiffness and pain in my upper back and neck?’”

            Yes, we see of this. The cause within itself was caused as a fall as a very small boy, injury to central nervous system, causing that of rheumatoid arthritis within the body. The solution should be that of the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] in quarter-by-quarter cubes. We would further suggest the use of the same clay, and immerging of the body in the same manner. We would suggest the taking of that of vitamin E. We find that of too much at this time of the vitamin C within the body. Therefore, the use of the same should be avoided for the present time. Substitute this with orange juice in your early morning and late evening hours.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, he asks for advice on his economic affairs in the next four months. And he would like to know, will he be moving from Arizona in the near future, and if so, where?”

            First, your move shall be into the East.

Of your economic problems, as they stand at the present time, shall become much better. You shall not become of great wealth, but yet, that of a -- one moment.


That of thy problem that thy shall seek financial help upon shall be given, and an expanding and growth within thyself, both spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “He has two other questions, Aka. One, what will his job status be for the next few years? And he also asks about previous incarnations?”

            We shall answer, that of the job status shall remain. Soon you shall be that, you would say, of a promotion within the same.

            Of you reincarnations, we should say unto thee into these words. Lay aside one reading for health and one for life.

And we shall give of these in these manners. Place one night of the week for health, one night of the week for that of life readings.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-27-73-005] has a list of questions which, since they all run together, I would like to read it all. ‘What are the internal physical causes of each of my symptoms? What are the original external causes or events which started these health problems? What would be the best treatments for each of these symptoms? If medicines, herbs, and so forth are suggested, where can I obtain these? If particular medical treatments, operations, osteopathy, etc., are suggested please give me the names and addresses of the best doctors to do these. For how long should these medicines be taken or treatments be administered? Shall I change my diet? If I follow the treatments and/or medicines judiciously, how long will it be before I begin to feel improvements? And shall I discontinue or change any of my current treatments?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. That that thy should seek in life should come forth in life. That that thy should demand from life shall not always be that that should best suit thee. If thy should wear of another man’s clothes, first ask permission. If thy should ask of a question, that, a door must be opened that we may enter. Rephrase your question, and ask again.

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

And therefore, we should say unto thee unto these words. As we have said before, thy did not watch of the water, so therefore, thy did not see of the warning. Your earthquake was small. Yet it is but the beginning. The path shall spread and multiply.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Beware. [Editor’s note: Was Aka speaking of a slight disturbance to the Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona, where the Yuma ministers and group lived?]

            Yet, we should say unto thee unto this manner. For those who have stood before us and their God, and did swear unto our God, reread that unto which you have sworn.

Give unto thy God glory, and [thy] God shall give unto His children glory. But unto each, cast aside small jealousies. We have told unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits. Therefore, bring them forth in fulfillment.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona





