July 30, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That that you have brought before God in honesty shall be given in honesty, for thy have prayed unto the Lord, and the Lord has seen fit unto thee to place forth His blessings within thee. And these blessings shall shine forth as many great stones [stars?] for all to see.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-30-73-001], who is here tonight, has asked for a life reading and also for a health reading. In regards to her health reading, Aka, she has two questions. One, ‘What was the cause of the headaches in the spring of 1965? And what caused the accident I was involved in May 1966?’”

            First we should answer of the last. And the last, as thy know within thy own mind, was carelessness.

            Of the headaches within themselves, you must realize that you [are] within thyself a form of epilepsy. The form within itself could readily be corrected with the use of biofeedback machinery. This within itself would relieve the hypertension within the body, also relieve that of the high blood pressure. This also could bring forth your full personality if it were used in a correct manner. At the present time, the machinery in the form and in the use that we have proposed only lies within Ray’s mind. The treatment within itself could bring forth your full personality. This you yourself are in great need of.

            We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee into these words. We have before us the records of time. This soul within itself is not of the old soul. This soul did not choose entry until the time of Egyptan, and in its later periods. Thy had ventured forth and become, come one within the same of the White Brotherhood, therefore, to give teaching into those students who should come before you.

            One came before you who should be called Jude. And you looked upon this one and said unto Jude, “And so you shall be the teacher of the Master yet to come.”

            And Jude was small at that time, yet but a child. And she could not understand in full meaning that unto which you had seen. But yet, as she grew into young womanhood she would make her first journey into the land of Israel. And as the Israelites knew not fully of the intent of the Essenes, therefore, you hid your identity and dwelt forth in the town of Yoshon. This in itself lay within that of the Lost Sea.

            And soon word came unto you that two had been born, first, of John the Baptist, second, of the one known as Jesus, and both were to flee into the Egyptan. Therefore, yourself and soul Jude did journey back unto this land, and therefore, gave knowledge and teachings unto the same. You journeyed far into the land which is now known as India, Persia, into the lower continents of Africa. You journeyed across into the Americans, and then back again into proportions that thy would know as Russia, and then back into this proportion known as China, the youth always learning. And soon you knew that your student was now your master.

            As you journeyed homeward unto this land of Israel to go forth into Nazareth, on the wayside, your time had come near. And the youth rushed forward to lay hands upon you. And you spoke your last words unto this one, and said, “Nay, not, master, for it is but a short sleep and there is much I should learn from our Father.”     

            And therefore, as the entry of the Lord had come forth within this one, you knew of what you had said, and [s]he promised unto you that this brethren of John the Baptist, even though his destiny had been laid beforth and his death unto Herod, that he would have at least a decent burial.

            And then the Lord looked up upon you and the skies opened and you were lifted forward, yet youth came forth back into your body. And as you stood with the other masters, tears fell from your face.

            And yet they said, “How could this be? Why should you shed tears?”

            And you said unto this one, “Because of his pain.”

            And yet, the Lord spoke again unto you and said unto you, “For man to know the true meaning of the resurrection they must first know that my son is of their blood, that he may bleed and weep the same as them. But fear not, for though he shall weaken in the last moments, all shall be as it has been written.

            And as you heard those last words echoing through the earth you said unto the Lord, “Lord, I know it is not my time for returning to earth, but could I travel with spirit unto this one?”

            And the Lord bid you, “YES.”

            And as this one appeared on the American continent to start his treacherous, long journey from village to village, from town site to town site, and as all made him welcome as he had never been welcome in his homeland, you saw that that the Lord was wise, for even though the Lord had shed his blood upon the Skull [Hill of the Skull], the Lord had favored him in the eyes of those who should never forget him and should await his day of coming. And therefore, in the eagle’s nest, and you saw the Eagle score [soar], you bid him farewell and walked back into the planes. You walked long, for you had learned that the mightiest of all that if he should truly love his God and mankind, his choice must be to return to God’s beloved earth.

            And so thy look upon the earth and knew that this was the time of re-entry. But the land had become covered with blood. The Spaniards had begun to slaughter the people who had waited. And so you thought unto yourself, “I must stop this. I must spare this. For I shall come forth unto the Indian nations that they shall not lose faith, that they shall surely know that the Messiah shall come.”

            And so you came upon the earth, yet a babe, yet old and wise. And as you grew you gave counsel unto many and told of the coming and of the day of the coming. Yet many misinterpreted your words and tried to bring you forth yourself as a messiah that had been promised unto them.

            And so thy did flow unto Black Mesa. And in your flight you walked before the clans and the clans knew of you. And you said unto them, “I am here only to prepare a way within my people, that they should not lose faith.”

            And so it was that each clan sent forth their runners. And so it was that the spirit dance was brought forth in truth, the dance of promise, the dance of hope, the songs of peace. And from you came the visions unto many chiefs and many medicine men. You dwelt unto this land until your departure once again.

            And so you looked upon the earth once again. And this time you saw once again, in the land of the Spaniards had conquered those of the French would conquer again. Your heart was heavy for your people, and so you did enter again. And as a child you walked forth, for in your heart was left a promise, the promise of the Lady of Guadalupe. But even though the promise was fulfilled, and even though the Spaniards were gone, and the French were gone, there came unto your land those of the Americans who raided of the borders and killed and hunted of the Apache, those of the Pelicano tribes. All these things you had seen, and yet, to die in the far away land once again.

            Yet death was not death, but stepping of a step beyond, for the paintings you had painted within your mind, within your heart, and so as you had painted upon rocks and canvas, you brought them forth unto this time.                  

            But we should say unto you unto these words, that as man should ride upon the river, and he should run the same river over and over down in his boat through the rapids, past the falls, into the clear water, and yet into the sea itself -- and if he should do so day by day, then one day he becomes careless and he forgets from where he came, and where he has been, and that that he has to do. And so his craft crashes against the rapids, and his body is thrown over the waterfalls, and piece by piece his many parts should flow into the ocean. But just in the same moment he could have been careless and lost his soul, and his spirit, and his immortal body. For there shall be many who shall say unto you, do of this and do of that; there shall be mothers and daughters, there shall be those who should hold you to the earth and bind you in such a manner that your soul can no longer fly free and give birth unto that unto which the Lord has placed within your hands.

            There is beauty in sorrow, as you have seen. And there is sorrow in beauty, as you have seen. But all parts are part of God, and all parts are part of man down his wandering, watery path to the sea. And if he should reach the continents of the land, he should take all of these with him and the memory of all.

            But we say unto you, you are of all parts of what you have been before. This has brought you forth to this time, to this place. Give praise unto your Lord.

            But we shall say unto you into these words. We cannot interfere with you free choice. God has given this in the beginning, and God shall not take it away.

            But we are here but for one purpose. That purpose within itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Each reading that we have used soul Ray’s body has been for that purpose. We chose of this body because deep within it lay the wisdom, and the memory of where it had been, within the soul and spirit form and the immortal body. But yet, we knew it had much to learn, much to remember. We placed within his hands and his mind that to teach, and that to heal, and that to teach unto others.

            We lay before you your free choice. You have seen unto where you have been. You may go unto many others, and many others will tell you other tales. But we say unto you, a prophet shall be known by his deeds, not by how loud or coarse he can talk, or by how much profanity he can throw upon others, for a true prophet should only have time for that that lies before him. 

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Is my family situation primarily my fault, and if so, how can I change it without giving up my sense of values?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. God gave unto you free choice. And your sense of values, if you should give them up, you shall destroy that unto which God has given you. Your family situation shall be -- within time, all shall mend and float into its proper place. But there is a time of a parting of the ways. This must be for growth. If you choose otherwise, you shall stifle your own growth. Stand firm. Believe in the values that you have set before you. Walk away from that which should harness you except with love. If you cannot carry the yoke with love, carry it not, for you give nothing and receive nothing. Toil with love is true toil. Toil with despair and no direction is like a lost storm who does not even know where to place its raindrops.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Where did the gift of painting come from?’”

            We have answered of that.

            “She has asked, ‘Where did the gift of poetry come from?’”

            We have answered of that.

            “She has asked, ‘What will be the outcome of my trip to the Midwest?’”

            It shall go well, if thy do not throw aside thy principles.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “She has one final question, Aka. She asks, ‘Will I visit the holy land?’”

            Thy have already visited the holy land, for do you not know of where you have been, that that land that thy stand on is as holy in God’s eyes as any land? Yet you seek out to walk in the footsteps of the one known as Jesus. Walk upon this earth, upon this mountain, and here you shall find a treasure that thy shall find no other place.

            But seek out that that thy heart guides and directs thee. And she shall say unto thee unto these words, “Blessed be the name of the Lord,” for the Lord shall give His thanks unto man, and man shall give his thanks unto the Lord.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

No tape recording was made available with which to check the accuracy of this transcript.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.