June 1, 1973

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

As a fountain should push forth as knowledge the waters of the earth, as the tree should reach upward unto the heavens, so should your truth be. For thy shall not give false witness unto any man, for truth shall be thy saber in the days ahead. For as a river should flow, and yet, as you stand in one place you shall never see the same river twice, for new water shall flow past you every moment, and so it should be with knowledge. But truth should come in many forms. And because one should speak differently, yet meaning the same, thy should not walk away from knowledge that is truth. Should a man come before thee, and yet, within thy mind, say, “Look upon the earth, for it is not there,” do not call this man a liar, but store his knowledge for another day, and let the time pass, and through time the truth shall be known unto thee. And so it should be true with prophets upon the earth this day. Choose your words wisely, yet come forth in truth. But yet, and we say unto you, your God is the God of the living, not of the dead. And we have come forth but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5-18-73-001] has asked for a problem, a health reading or assistance concerning a lack of blood circulation in his left foot and leg. His question, he says, ‘My left leg and foot at some times seem quite cold and has a very disturbing tingling sensation as if blood circulation is being impaired. During cold weather it feels uncomfortably cold. The arch is weak, almost flat. Should medical attention be sought, and can Aka offer any remedial suggestions? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this problem within the same. Medical attention should be sought immediately. Do not, at any time, treat this with either hot or cold packs. Do not take any warm baths, only lukewarm baths. Massaging this area that you shall find directly above the groin area, you will find therefore, within the same damage unto the artery. You shall further find that the rubbing of cold, skin -- not very cold -- skin temperature, of the castor oil above this area. We should further suggest the taking of the vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid. This can be bought at any of your drugstores without prescription form.

We would further suggest that this one seek out, first, of a medical doctor; that of a regular M.D. could see to the problem within itself.

But we would suggest further because of the need of adjustment unto the backular area, into the eighth vertebrae, you shall find damage there causing nerve damage into the legular area. Adjustments should be made. This in itself should greatly improve this area. But you must realize that these treatments within the same must be done over a prolonged area. You must also realize that if this is done too suddenly, the adjustment within itself, it could cause further damage. Therefore. the seeking out of an osteopathic doctor would be wise.

We further find within this subject arthritic condition, which has not at this time become a problem, yet if the use of the body-temperature castor oil upon the joint areas at this time [were to] improve this. Because of the condition, we would not suggest that any type of strong antibiotic be used onto this subject because of the chemical make-up of the body substance would react quite strongly against this.

We should further suggest that follow-up readings be given at the subject’s request.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-1-73-001], who is here tonight, says, ‘I am doing a story for my newspaper on Ray Elkins and am personally interested in his work.’ He has a series of questions I would like to ask. The first one, ‘I have been having headaches recently. What is the cause, and is there something I can do to prevent them?’”

Yes, we see they need. First, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. We would say unto this one, the headaches are not of a recent thing. The headaches are from overtaxing the body, not enough rest. But we would also say that the use of vitamin E within the diet would greatly relieve this. The growth of the headache substance within itself is more from nervous exhaustion, nervous tendencies not released. Therefore, we would suggest thy should either dwell into the desert or into the mountains. Say unto the desert or unto the mountains that which is within thy heart. Release these tensions. The headaches shall go away.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“He asks, ‘Do you have any other advice about my health?’”

Yes, we see thy need. First, we would suggest the changing of the footwear, more of the orthopedic type. Because of thy height, thy are causing a problem within the spinular area. If these shoes were made in such a manner that should throw the weight to the front of the foot more than to the heel, this should cause this person to walk in a more upright manner.

We would further suggest changing of the diet, adding to thy diet more of green substance. We would further suggest adding to, before thy meals, approximately 30 minutes before, taking of the tonic substance known as S.S.S. This can be found in any of your local drugstores. Because of a deficiency of certain minerals within the body, if this substance is found foul to thy taste, we would suggest, therefore, the taking of Lydia E. Pinkham in the capsule form, adding to this more of the vitamin B, A, and E.

Thy have had in thy mind a fear of other illnesses. We cannot see of this. Add more pleasure to your diet, and you shall find reward within the same.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘What course will my future take?’”

Your future shall go forth in this manner. Thy shall find great achievement within thy work field. Thy shall achieve that, because of your work, rewarding substance, that of the Nobel prize and various other honors.

Thy have thought in thy mind that thy shall not have a long life, but thy shall have a long and honored life. Seek out this field thy have chosen. Yet within you it is but a spark. Yet it shall grow.

There are other parts of your future, that that lies within what you would know as romance. And we shall answer for your ears only in this manner, for as a bride shall come forth and serve unto you in a manner which shall be of becoming to you.

Yet, yet we should say unto you, you shall soon experience a short time of despair. This time shall pass away. Fear it not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he asks, ‘I have been practicing transcendental meditation recently. Am I doing it properly? Will it help me?’”

Yes, but we should answer in this manner. Go into your meditation. Do nothing more than open your mind. Say unto yourself, “Oh, Lord, I come unto you to listen this day. Place forth unto me Your many wonders.” Open thy mind, which is the doorway to the soul, and those who await you shall, therefore, speak unto you. Yet at first, it shall be as whispers, as symbols.

We would suggest, go unto group form for further study in this field. Yet find unto yourself your own path, that that should fit unto you -- unto your soul, and your body, and your spirit, and all shall be in accord of the same.

But we say unto you in this manner, waste not your time in idle words, to speak as others have spoken when you speak unto your Father. Speak unto your Father as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, your Father shall listen.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, he says, ‘I purchased a gun recently after considering doing so for a long, long time, for a long time. Do you have anything to say about that?’”

We see thy purpose. A gun, as you would say, a weapon, a weapon can come in many forms. It is the use of the same that could bring destruction unto yourself. We should say unto you, protect thyself, but give unto God that which belongs to God, give unto your fellow man that which belongs unto your fellow man. and give unto yourself that which belongs unto you. But do not become confused which belongs to who. As words are weapons, use them well. We should say no more on this subject at this time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. [5-7-71-002] wonders if she should have any special guidance?

Yes, we see thy need. And yet, we should answer in this manner. Thy have done thy duty unto thy family. Thy have filled thy vow unto God. And now thy shall do thy duty unto thyself, which shall also be thy duty unto God. And we say yet into thee in these words, as thy should become a teacher, present thyself, that this honor may be bestowed upon you. But do so with a whole heart, and therefore, be ready to dedicate the time, the energy, the effort, the love that must go forward with the acceptance of the same.

We shall give healing unto this child thy have thought of.

Now, we should say unto you, soul Ray now grows weary, and yet our time has come once again to depart.

Yet we say, the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth, and we warn once again that tornado-type storms shall come forth through Californians, through your Arizonians. Other stormular areas shall reach across the land. Prepare for these. But do so in a sensible manner. For if thy build of sticks and mud they shall wash away, if thy shall build of stone and timber they shall remain, but yet add steel unto thy stone.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona