June 8, 1973

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

And first, we should say into these words. Give that unto your Lord that is praise. Give that unto your Lord that is your sorrow. Give that unto your Lord that is happiness. Open your doorway and let the Lord share all things, and thy shall never walk alone, for in your hour of desperation you shall reach within that quiet place that the [internal, eternal] candle shall burn, and therefore, find the Lord within. Yet, we see that within each soul’s daily tasks is all part of God, our Father.

            Yet we should say once again, if thy should give a gift unto thy brother, give it in such a manner that you should expect nothing in return. Only then can thy give the true blessings that are within man to give to one another.

            And now we should answer this question you have had within your minds of the shroud. First, we should answer in this manner, as the body of the one known as Jesus was taken, therefore, from the cross, that those who bare him and the bearers who carried him brought for the body, and there, both of the first wrappings were taken place, but the ointments were first applied to the body. This was done very soon after the death itself, as the oils and the ointments of the chemicals within the same were used to cleanse the body, and then the body was wrapped much, as you would know, in a mummified state. After this was done, cloth that was soaked in the same ointment was used in such a manner as you would cover a body with a blanket.

            Now, as we have said before, as those who would come upon the morn, therefore they found within the tomb both shrouds, as you would know it. The true shroud would be that into which the body was wrapped of cloth. Yet, the second was also true, and this is which you have spoke about.

            The wrappings themselves were never recovered from the tomb.

            They were passed from living disciple to living disciple, yet there to stay with John in exile.

But the impression, or the picture form, which should show upon this shroud was a distorted, at best. Yet, if you should mix the same chemicals, secreting that which come from the body as the soul should leave the body and make ready for the resurrection, you shall find that it should give you picture form, much of the manner unto which you have.

            But you must understand, from boyhood to manhood, this one known as Jesus was touched by God, and therefore, as the scars of life should show upon each man and woman, so should the scars of goodliness, that which should become the blessed one, the Lamb of God.

            We shall answer into your words once again. Make your questions in a direct form. You must realize, for us to use unto this one known as soul Ray, and then the passing of the information that is needed, and the sources unto which your questions are gathered from are many, therefore we have looked into the question of this one. We saw those unto which he had mentioned. Yet we are not great. We bring forth the knowledge that is placed before us. We are here but for one purpose; that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            Therefore we say unto you all, bear not false witness unto any man. Take of each other’s knowledge and share it equally, as we have shared knowledge with you.

            Make you questions in a direct manner, for our time is short, for the use of Ray’s body, and overuse could burn it, as you would know; the internal organs, of both body, mind, overuse could destroy it.

            Now we should say unto you who has seeked our knowledge and who should seek direction, have conference into soul Ray. Come forth in a just manner, and the knowledge you seek shall be given.

            But as the man that should go and buy the ass, he does not look at the ass once before he purchases, he sees the ass over a prolonged period of time. He sees the yoke the ass should bear, and whether the ass should carry the yoke in love or from greed for the hay, the reward he should get. Each part should come in truth.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-11-73-002] who is here tonight…and she has asked for a life reading as it relates to --she’d like to know, what is her purpose in this lifetime?”

            Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, the records of all time that lie before you. One moment. Yes, that is better.

            Yet, we see this one who seeks in truth, and we should give in the same manner this truth.

            You have little to learn from past lives, for you have brought that forward with you; therefore, we should tell you of you in-between life.

And we should answer in this manner -- as you did toil long and hard in the location of your Arizonans, which you now call part of your Superstition Mountains. You shall find a range of mountains that is called the Back Gila country, that unto which your Gila River should flow through. This in itself is the land unto which the land was known as the Lost Tribe of Israel dwelled, and therefore, became mighty. Yet they made much of their material from copper, silver and gold; therefore, their riches were great, yet to barter with these with the outside tribal people, those who should be known as Hohokam. You taught them much of irrigation, providing food. You helped them in you excavation of these type things. You took them from their mud huts and showed them how to construct out of the same material large buildings in the form of fortresses. And, you were the keeper of the people. Yet your duty was tradesman, that of good will among other men. You have chosen once again in the same.

            But yet, the day came when you should venture farther into the land that is now known as Yucatan to therefore visit with some of your kinsmen that dwelled among the tribes and had given knowledge, yet all the time preparing for the coming of the Messiah of that time. And yet, your prayers were that you should live long enough to see this one. Yet as you knelt in prayer, those who had assumed power feared you, and therefore, slayed you.

            You left the earth plane somewhat confused, for you had done no harm to no man. You had brought good will and good teachings. Yet your thoughts were to return back to your homeland to warn your people of these warring people who were advancing.

            Yet, when you arrived back into this land, you could not make those who were there understand. And yet, there dwelled among you those of the Bird Clan of the Hopi, who had taken your ways, who had taken their knowledge and gave it unto you. And you had given unto them. And as the Bird Clan had prepared therefore of summer, for the coming of the other clans, to provide water in greater amounts, as the ceremony had reached its peak, one known as Tokokan saw you standing and looked upon you and said, “Oh brother, why do you linger so close?”

            And you spoke unto him and said unto this one, “We know of your problem. We know of your peaceful intent. But we say unto you, from what I have known, flee now, for the one who should commeth, I cannot see.”

            And yet, he said unto you, “Why do you think we are gathering all the clans, for the one who has commeth has already arrived in the land that you have just left.”

            Yet you could believe him not. And so therefore, you fled again unto the Snake land. And therefore, you found one again that you could speak unto. And as this land was the land known as the valley below the sea, and yet, in a different form of this day, and as the one, the ointed [Anointed] one, had reached this land, you looked upon him. Yet you were not sure. And you said unto myself [thyself], “If this one should be the one I have waited for, then surely he should know of all the tribes of Israel.” And so you spoke unto this one and he heard your words. Yet, when you spoke, the earth opened and a light from within, yet the skies opened and a light from without, came forth unto you, and said unto you, “Do you know not that unto which we have sent?”

            And you knelt in reverence and said, “Master, forgive unto me.”

            And he walked to you and bade you stand.

            Yet, you were taller than he, so you slumped your head. And he said unto you, “Why do you slump your head?”

And you said unto him, “For you are king.”

And he looked upon you and said unto you these words, “For I am a teacher sent from God, and as a teacher should never be greater than his pupil in the eyes of the Lord, give forth that which God has given unto you. Stand erect and see my Father’s light.”

And therefore, you did of the same.

            And he bid you journey with him.

And, as your journey went forward up into the Eagle’s nest, and there you should see the wedding of the Eagle, and you knew the full meaning of God’s words.

            And you went unto the Master and said, “Master, what should I do now?”

And the Master looked unto you and said, “You have learned much. But journey now into the between plane. Learn from those. And you shall return upon the earth again at another time, and therefore, you shall prepare once again for my coming. But remember, I have come for this time, but the time I should come again should be for that time. Do not dwell backward, but forward. Learn from those we have placed before you.”

            And you looked at the Master and said unto him, “Why not can I go where the Eagle flies?”

            And as you looked into those eyes of beauty, of God’s, he said unto you these words, “For you shall know the Eagle when you return. And the blessings of that day, you shall see again my eyes through his.”

            This one has asked within her mind of other questions. And we shall answer in this manner. Each person must find within themselves that to serve unto themselves, and that to serve unto fellow man, and that to serve unto God. All of these are important.

            Your karma that you brought forth was only the karma of seeing the flowers that lay before your feet, which you could not see before, for you looked at the stars in the heaven to see God, when the temple of God has been with you, for it is in all man.

            We have sent teachers. Yet we come now to prepare the way. Prepare that way within yourself, and give it unto others in the same manner that the Master would give it unto us, and you -- with love, compassion. Learn that it is not the knowledge that should come from written words, but words that are put into written writing that are wisdom. As a teacher should teach always in a simple manner, our God said not words unto His children they could not understand. Say not words unto the children you shall serve.

            This is all on this subject at this time. You have other questions, ask.

            Aka, I don’t have a question on this, but [10-29-71-002], [2-19-71-001]’s mother…has had a hemorrhage in her eye, and she has asked for healing.”

            We shall stop the pain. But we are not allowed to interfere. The choice has been made within this soul. The time is near. Give comfort and love, and understanding, even in this one who has given now out spiteful things. You must understand that the passing is that of choice. Yet, even in the passing there is lessons to be learned. But there is nothing to fear. The confusion within this one shall be but for a short time. Our Father sheds tears. Yet, even our Father can not interfere with your free choice. And we shed tear with our Father.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-18-73-001] who is here tonight…has asked for a follow-up on his health reading. Specifically he would like to know, ‘Are the zone therapy treatments now being given to my feet of any benefit in relieving the poor circulation in the left leg and the stiffness and awkwardness in my right arm and hand? Should they be continued? Thank you.’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, but as we have said before, go unto the sauna baths. Use of these.

            Thy have found within thyself an improvement within your health. You have also found an improvement in your mental condition.

            We would suggest at this time the taking of more of the vitamin E, but not internally. Taking this and rubbing it into the joint areas and into the feet area. If this could be done, this would greatly improve this.

            We would further suggest that take one day a week, using this one day and drink milk, one glass at each mealtime -- placing forth three bananas at each mealtime, doing this three times in the day -- this would give the body cleansing time. As we have also suggested, drinking the sage tea before and after each meal, continuing with the other suggestions we have placed before you -- your healing shall come. Your faith is good. Your intent is good. Blessed be the name of the Lord. And we shall add one other ingredients, love of your fellow man, and the healing thy ask for shall be given with love.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-8-73-001] who is here tonight…and he’s asked some questions in regards to, it says, ‘For future safety in planning for me and all others listening.’ His question, his question is simply, ‘What are the dates and exact changes associated as in my mind with the following word symbols, “jet stream,” he’s interested in the date; “storm paths,” description; “martial law,” date; “Michelle Marian,” date and description; and “climatic changes,” description.’”

            We shall answer all of these in this manner. We have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Famine shall come. Storms shall come. Man shall survive. A cleansing shall come of the earth.

            In the land you dwell, you shall have unusual storm periods during the summer months. These shall reach tornado proportion. Prepare for this within yourselves, but do not run away. Do not hide. Become part of that which is preparing for the same. But prepare within yourself. For if you doubt us not, you have seen from which we came. You have seen the signs we placed upon the earth and in the heavens for all to see.

            But we say, hark, unto you, that the blind should see and the deaf could hear. For those who walk in a righteous manner, no harm shall come unto them. But do not go into the desert without your provisions and blame it upon God.

            If you came upon a well that gave good water and you looked up into the heavens into God and said, “Oh, Lord, I’m afraid of this water; I’m afraid to drink of it, for I know not whether it is poison or it is rich, sweet water.”

            And the Lord should look down upon you and give you a sign. And so He has.

            The final date, we shall give from time to time those things that shall happen. It should give you ample warning. Take heed from the readings. There is much knowledge stored here.

            All of these things you have asked, at first, you shall think we have not answered them, for you shall not understand of which we speak. But study them and you shall see your answer is here before you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-22-73-002] who is here tonight…would like to know, ‘What does the future hold?’”

            (Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. If you should plant a tree and fertile it and give it ferment and the tree should grow strong, and as the winds should come, the tree shall bend with the winds. But if you have given the tree the proper care, it shall not break. If shall only lose a few leaves and a few branches, but give it time, and it shall grow new leaves and new branches.

            Each person’s destiny and path, as that of a tree with many leaves and many branches -- rather than ask unto us, “What does the future hold?” ask unto us this question. “Which is my path? The one I have selected? Or is there another path that should take me from this storm?”

            We shall leave unto you these words. There is a storm before you, and there are those who say, do this and do that. And we should say unto you, do nothing for now. Go about your daily toil. Listen not unto these who speak false words. But bring wisdom by listening unto God and listening unto yourself.

            We have placed at your disposal the one called soul Ray. In his awakening state, we have placed much knowledge. Come unto this one in counsel, and he should answer your questions.

            But yet again, we should say, hark, unto all, for the time has come for further development of soul Ray. From this time forward, he shall be allowed to observe your readings; therefore, he shall have memory to some degree of the reading after it has been given. This should help in the easing of his mind, but yet, it should help all of you in another way, for now he is ready for further development.

            Now is the time of Cherub, and the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

            But hark unto these words. Prepare that way within yourselves. Lay aside your doubts, your jealousies, and come forth unto one another in a truthful manner. Start that day now of those thousand years of peace within yourselves. And we shall not sleep, but dwell within you both night and day.

            We have placed that within soul Ray’s mind which should give you more knowledge.

            Awaken soul Ray form his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.