June 15, 1973

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better.

            Wee see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

As a man should travel across the desert, and as the sun should grow warm upon his head, and as his throat should become parched from thirst, and yet he should place a pebble within his mouth for moisture. The moisture he is seeking is that which has been in his body all along. Yet we say unto you in this way, in theses words. The knowledge each of you are seeking has laid dormant within your minds. Yet as the man in the desert, seek out the shade of a tree; seek out a brook, an oasis within the desert. Do these things within your mind. But do not do them to escape mankind, yet for the betterment of mankind.

            Yet as the man whose thirst’s for water, upon sighting the water, he sees not the grass or the flowers, nor the sky. All he can see is that which he seeks, that which he himself needs. And so it be true within mankind as they seek out their spiritual development.

            Each man should say, “I am this or I am that.”

            Yet should another man say unto him, “Explain that which you are, that I too may understand,” the man should become angry. And his anger is only fear of himself, that he does not understand that which he claims to be.

            If a man should seek his spiritual development and give not unto others, he has gained nothing unto himself. If a man should go unto the well at the spring, his arms could not carry all the water. Would he cover the well that no one else could share from this?

            But we say unto you, as God placed man upon the earth in five places, that all of man through karmic lesson could learn that within the same of living together, of understanding and giving of knowledge unto each other, reach not for the mountaintop until you have understood the valley; reach not for the valley until you have understood the mountaintop.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-7-71-001] said that she would like to know if the vitamin E that she brought at Revco for her is safe for her to take?

            We shall answer in this manner. You must first understand that this soul is highly allergic to artificial substances. We would suggest that taken of a natural form would be much better. There are many natural vitamins that could be found in capsule form. But we say unto this one, as we have said before, take of the vitamin E, but take of the herb substance which lies within this one as Lydia E. Pinkham. Your body is changing.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-77-17-002] had a fire, bad fire, at her ranch, and she has asked if there is something that can be done to protect her land from more fire.”

            Yes, we say unto you in these words, first remove that which has caused the fire. We shall answer in this manner. Quite often your alcoholic beverages and nature do not mix well at all. But we see thy need, of domestic problems in the removal of this person from your property. But fear not. We shall give the protection that is needed. And we shall give the rainfall that is needed to replenish the land.

            You have thought unto thy mind, “How can this thing happen unto me? Why should such a thing fall upon me?” But as we have said before, both the rain and the sunshine should cometh from our Father unto all mankind. Yet, you have given forth prayer, and that which you have asked for shall be given.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-15-73-001] who is here tonight has asked, ‘Would it be advisable for me to move at this time?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer into thee, nay, it would not be advisable, not at this time. In a short while all signs shall be right and then ask again.

            But we see of other problems. And we shall answer, as this problem is a secret problem within thy mind, we shall give in a like manner your answer. There is beauty in many places, yet weeds grow in the best of gardens.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-18-73-001] who is here tonight asks, ‘Is it proper for me to continue the revision of my short story called, “Going Home?” Would my agent in New York be able to sell it? Thank you.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. Yes, but we would answer in this manner, bring forth this question unto soul Ray with your manuscript, that he may give unto you counseling of the same in his awakening state.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-15-73-002] who is here tonight…has asked a number of questions. He asks, ‘What is my mission in this lifetime, and what type of person was I in past lives?’ Also, ‘What do I do to make or improve my health condition where I have an incurable lung condition?’”

            First, we should answer unto thee the most important. Come forth from the polluted land in which you dwell. Second, we should answer in this manner. Change thy diet form. Add first of 4,000 units of vitamin E daily. Add second 1,000 units of vitamin C daily. Breathing exercises should be done four times daily -- not over-laboring of the lung, but slowly breathing in, counting unto yourself, “one, two, three,” breathing out in the same manner -- doing this first for five-minute intervals.

            Second, we would further suggest that more of the green substance be given into this one, that more of the protein and the broth of protein of the meat substance, of the beef. You must realize -- you have thought within your mind that you detest this of the carnivorous-type animal of man, and we shall answer in this manner -- as the sons of God did enter into the daughters of man, so the need for both, that the body should be strong. Each chemical within the body is a separate part of a whole; yet each part reacts as though it has its own mind. Yet, your mind controls all proportions of the same. The most important tonic that you can take at this time is positive thought, that of the thought that thy shall become well.

            But yet, we shall give unto you a last ingredients -- open the door that we may enter. Show unto us and our Father of your belief and we shall give healing, for we cannot give healing where there is no faith, for we would be violating your own body, and this we are not allowed to do.

            Of your other questions, our time has grown short. It would be advised that this be asked at a different time.

            But first, we should say unto thee in this manner. We are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of a Messiah. Prepare that way within yourself, and then go forth and give it unto others in the manner unto which we have given unto you. Yet, we give of you this year, of 1999. Yet we say unto you, prepare not this way and you, and all those others who have thought of peace upon the earth, yet done nothing to establish it, shall see your 3,000 year of darkness upon the earth. Yet we have said unto you, as Adam was born in five places upon the earth and of the five beautiful colors of our Father, as a flower should blossom, yet live again, so should your life be spared unto you.

            We shall say unto you, go unto this one known as Al.  Speak first unto soul Paul, that he may direct you. And you shall find, therefore, that unto which you have sought. And then come back unto us.

            You say unto us, “You have spoken as into riddles.” But study of what we have said, and you shall find we have not.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-22-73-001] who is here tonight asks, do you have message for her?”

            We shall answer in this manner. Of your thoughts, prepare this way of this meeting place. And then we should say unto you, prepare this time when you should come unto our house and do labor.

            For the ones who should ask, we should prepare the way and give fulfillment that thy have waited for.

            Yet we should answer still farther, that you should understand. This one you have thought so long upon, first, you must understand of a [loma]-type disease, that which slowly destroys [limba-bodier] part of the brain, causing decay, causing this one to give extravagant thought unto all things. It was not his experiences upon this earth plane that put these thoughts within his mind, but in his weakened condition, therefore, came forth possession.

            As we have said before, his soul, for those who should lose the sight of our Father and the soul should depart and leave, and the spirit should depart and return unto his Father. Yet, you have the entity of a lost soul who should wander in nothingness; his only thought was to re-enter into this one. His mind had become an empty shell; therefore, the man of before, his soul, his body, had long, long before departed back unto his Father, yet left the body, an empty shell of a deteriorating mind, which a lost soul did enter. Therefore, he became possessed. His actions were not of his own. Yet the lost soul saw the desperation and could not within it withstand the pain of the disease, so the lost soul sought to destroy one other, that it may enter into you. And so it left correspondence. And this is the path unto which it had taken.

            Now we say unto you, and we say unto you from our Lord, our God: WE REACH UPON THEE; WE LIE THY HANDS UPON THEE, AND THEREFORE, DRIVE FORTH THIS DEMON FOREVER. Hallowed be the name of the Lord. [Allah, kaynee shayneenallah, gehvoah, gehvoah.]

            Now is the time of Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.