June 22, 1973

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as your Lord, God, has provided many ways for His children, of all creeds and colors, and all religions. Yet God did not place forth a temple upon the earth and place the many doors within it. Man has done so. God does not say unto His children, “You must enter by the back doorway.” Man has done so.

            But go unto the valley of God. And there you shall find a restful brook. You will find all things there in tranquility. Yet, He did not take from you any part of yourselves, for if He did so, He would destroy Himself.

Yet, from His valley lies many doorways unto that which you should enter, each of your own free choice. Yet, do not be a hypocrite and enter the doorway of another, that it should make you great and famous only. You have many doorways within your lives. Some you shall open; some you shall close. Some you shall close forever and walk on, upward. But never close a doorway that another should choose to enter. Let each, through their own free choice, choose their doorway unto their Father and the doorway unto themselves. Force not upon your brother blindness and deafness.

            We have told you before of light and sound, and how this may be used for the improvement of the body functions and the healing of the same. It may also be used for spiritual development. But each soul, each spirit and each immortal body must develop in their own light and that light that they stand before their God.

            There shall be many who come to your doorway for knowledge, close it not. There shall be many who come to your doorway with knowledge, accept it freely as it is given and give of yours.

            We should tell you the parable of the servant.

And the servant that served his master was never allowed to enter through the front doorway. And he served the master long and many years.

            And then, one day within his tasks, he passed unto the other side. And not long after, in the same manner, his master passed upon the other side. Yet the servant woke, awoke from his sleep and went about his tasks upon the other side. Yet the master slept for many thousands of years before he could accept that of awakeness. Yet the first to greet him was his servant.

And the servant took him by the hand and led him into the temple of God. And there were many teachers within this temple. But as they approached the doorway, the master said, “You may not walk with me now, for you cannot enter the front doorway.”

            The servant did not become angry. He stood and watched his master, and as his master walked forward, he could not enter this doorway.

Yet the servant walked past him through the doorway, and then turned unto his master.

And the master said, “I who have been higher than you, why does the Lord lock the doorway unto me?”

            And the servant looked unto this one with sad eyes, and said unto him, “God does not block the doorway. You have done so with your own mind.”

            The maser wandered on, there to learn many lessons.

            And one day, once again he came back unto the same temple. And the servant stood outside of the temple. And the master said, “Would you walk with me unto the temple?” And so they did together.

            Yet the temple was not a building, for the temple of God dwells within you. If you should destroy this temple, then you have destroyed part of God. If you should seek out the doorway within you, within your mind, then the light and sound shall complete. But each shall be done in their own way. Therefore, we say unto you, forgive first of yourselves, and then you shall find forgiveness unto others.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, the son of [5-7-71-003’s] niece, [6-22-73-001], is in the burn unit of Maricopa Hospitable in Phoenix with burns over 90 percent of his body. And [5-7-71-002] has asked for blessings for him and any comment you might have.”

            We should answer in this manner. We may not interfere with his free choice. We shall give unto this one that unto which he desires; we shall take from him the pain. But the final choice must be unto him.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-22-73-002], he’s age 10, has asked for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same.

We should answer in this manner. A changing of the diet -- put more protein into the diet. Take away most of the sweetness of the food he should eat and that of which he should drink. Theses within themselves are poisoning his body.

            Give unto this one of breakfast fruits; of eggs, that of the chicken; of good bread with small amounts of jams or jelly. Put more, place more of the milk substance, that of the dairy product into his food. Give of him pure butter, that that should come from the extraction from cow’s milk.

            Give of him into his luncheon meal good hot food. Place potatoes and other vegetables, placing corn.

            Of the evening meals, placing that of the fish that should come from the sea of one meal in the week, placing beef, or lamb or pork into the evening meals.

            If he should desire sweetness, let him eat of the honey. Give of him of the three meals per day that of the sage tea sweetened with the local honey of the same.

            We would further suggest that for the welfare of his mind that tasks be assigned him that he should perform daily. This should teach his mind of discipline, which would be good for the body. Exercise, more of the same. Teach of the mind strength given in the form of assurance that he can stand as a man. Place forth those of his own age to associate with.

            At the present time, there is a lack of calcium within the body, calcium and magnesium in daily quantities. We find the lack of vitamin E, A, and D. We find the lack of vitamin C and mineral substance of the same.

We find – yes -- if this balance is not reached, this child should soon be that of a borderline diabetic. Take into the body substance that of the Jerusalem artichoke. Take away all candy substances. Place only within the body that of natural fruits. This would be good for the body.

            We find that of a virus, of a slight virus, yes, within the body.

            We would further suggest the changing of the drinking water. We would suggest the buying, not of the distilled water, but of the cleaner, bottled water.

            If the following is done, you shall see a great change, both in his mental attitude and his physical health.

This is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. One moment. [6-22-73-003], the subject is at home, and has asked for help regarding nerve damage ‘to help improve the use of my hand.’”

            Yes, we see before us the body, the soul and the immortal body of the same; therefore, we have the body substance before us.


And we should answer in this manner. We find arthritis within the shoulder, upper part of the body, but we also find, in the backular area, that of the neckular area.


We would suggest the massaging of this area. We would suggest the, the attendance of either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor. This area must be worked in such a manner that the neck should be slowly pulled upward. This must be done very gently. This will take at least two months of treatment before the nerves that are blocking this area shall be relieved and can function properly. This will also relieve the headaches that this soul has suffered.

            We find other problems in the backular area. These also should be attended. We find – yes -- we would suggest that that of the whirlpool baths be used of this subject. Of the location – yes, we see unto this -- if this area is massaged daily, the use of warm olive oil packs upon the area at night.

            We would further suggest that the taking of the cow’s milk from this and replacing it with that of the goat’s milk. We would suggest sweetening the goat’s milk with a little honey; taking also of the sage tea twice daily. We shall assist this in this manner.

            We find, because of an improper tooth extraction, pressure in the nervular area. This should be corrected.

            This is all on this subject at this time. We would suggest that a follow-up reading be done after the following has been submitted to.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Aka, [4-23-73-002] who is here tonight asks, ‘Why have I been unable to get information regarding the settlement of my father’s affairs, and what actions do you suggest I take?’”

            We should answer in this manner, that an attorney should be hired to handle this affair. But we would also suggest that punishment of those involved would serve no good cause, only to push those of you farther apart within your family. Take that which is yours. Do so in a righteous manner.

            We would suggest that as you should come unto soul Ray in an awakening state, he should give further information that would come in a private manner. We could give of you this information, but as it is such a private manner, it should not be for others’ ears.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-11-71-001] asks. ‘Who was Andrea, and what was our association?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. You were friends. This answer should come further in the request, at a later, time for a life reading. It would help unto thee for further understanding of the same.

Can you understand of which we speak?

            “’Yes,” [6-11-71-001 answers.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[2-19-71-001] asks if the fishhook feelings in her skin is because of  vitamin deficiency or nerves, or how to treat it?”

            We shall answer in this manner. Because of the emotional condition of thy mind at this time, that brought forth by the care of thy mother, has caused a nervous disorder. Only time at this time shall cure this, but be patient, for the waiting time shall be but a little while. Release that unto which you are trying to hold, and let it pass, for the separation of the soul has already come about.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. [6-22-73-004], and he is presently in Salt Lake City, has asked a question about his youngest son. ‘What will happen to [6-22-73-005],’ he asks.”

            We cannot see of this.  

Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[5-4-73-001] has three different questions. The first one, ‘What are the chief reasons for my incarnation in this lifetime?’”

            We see this and we shall answer. But soul Ray now grows weary. Bring forth this question first at your next reading.

            And we shall say unto thee these words. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes shall stir quite soon, from that of the California area, from that of the Mexican area. But new tremors shall be felt in the central part of your Untied States and Canada. Soon an earthquake shall be felt in Arizona. We shall give further information upon this in your next reading.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray form his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.