June 29, 1973

Globe Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say in these words, as we have said before, at the time of our coming that that was known as soul Ammie died, and gave you forth soul Ray.

As we have said before, now is the time that new knowledge shall come forth unto soul Ray, for as soul Ammie has died, therefore, we shall bring them back unto one, but in this manner. Soul Ammie shall now be able to give unto you part of your readings. We are doing this in such a manner that by our entry, we are consuming too much of soul Ray’s energy. In this manner, it shall prolong soul Ray’s life span. It shall also give of you readings more often, as you shall need them in the future.

            Soul Ammie has now reached a state unto which, upon his return, he may read of the Akashic records. We shall say in these words, at first soul Ammie shall only give unto you of life readings. Later he shall be able to give unto you the health readings. We are also presenting this in this manner, for soul Ammie may, therefore, reach out unto other spiritual form that shall be needed from time to time. But at all times soul Ray shall be I, and I shall be soul Ray. The voice value shall be much of the same you have heard, spoken much in the same manner.

            At you last reading we asked that you present the request for a life reading first. You shall do so at this time.

            “I have a request for a life reading for [5-4-73-001]. She asks, ‘How can I best work for God and my fellow man?’ And, ‘What are the chief reasons for my incarnation in this lifetime? How shall I overcome what barriers hold me back in this life? What last life relationships did I have to my daughter, [6-29-73-001], and to my son-in-law, [6-29-73-002], and why does he seem antagonistic, covertly antagonistic, to me at times?’”

            Soul Ammie is here. Yes, we have before us the records; therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, that the question should be asked and answered in complete, we shall refer back to your 17th century. Time, August 4; date, 1778; place, Cornwell, New York; continent, North American continent; sex, female; stature in life, that, we would say, of upper class; husband’s occupation, banker; children, four -- two boys, two girls -- oldest daughter, daughter of this lifetime.

Great interest in the psychic; have made many trips into greater Massachusetts for study of those who have brought forth the knowledge; feel kinship to those people; have lied to your husband, stating that you have a half sister in this location whom you should visit.

            Son-in-law of this time works for husband, is suitor of oldest daughter; [man, non-] psychic. Daughter has felt love emotions for this one, but both you and your daughter have taken the words and the vows within your clan, and therefore, may not marry out unto others. Young man greatly distressed, feels that you are keeping them apart because of your stature in life. Accuses you.

Your daughter has stood forth to say this is not so. But one day, the young man, blind with jealousy and in rage, attacks you with a knife, and therefore, does slay you. Young man in question was caught. And therefore, thought of to be of the devil, drowned as a witch, and body was burned and consumed.

            Daughter grieves for both. Yet, later in life marries one of her own kind.

            You awaken quite readily, and have observed the events that have taken forth upon the young man’s slaying, and therefore, you wait for his awakening. Yet the rage dwells within him, and he will not awaken. Time has passed, yet with [new] knowledge, the time has come for rebirth upon the earth.

            Therefore, you are born again in the land of Virginia. There [you build], bring forth and place into practice an organization which would make forth for the coming of the Messiah. This time is 1802. Long life.  Have achieved much, and in the preparation for the one known as Edgar Cayce. Therefore, you have prepared his way, that he should prepare another’s, and yet another to come.

            Therefore, you have sought out this life, this time, a prophet once again.

            Yet, the karmic situation between yourself and your brother-in, son-in-law is much the same. Yet it is not your karma, but his. We would suggest that you neither try too hard to make friends with this one, for this is a karma he must overcome in his own way. Be social, be understanding. But you must realize that you have a greater responsibility upon this lifetime than all others, for your time has grown short. And we say to you, prepare the way.

            Now I, as soul Ammie shall depart and soul -- and Aka’s shall return and finish this reading in this manner. You must forgive my language and my lack of knowledge.

            Aka is here. Yes, wee see thy need. You must understand that as you have brought forth a choice this time to develop, not of yourself, but that of others, therefore we should say unto you, bring forth the love that soul Ray has seen in your eyes. Place it within this work, and let the Lord, our God, enter, and let the spirits of Aka enter. If you should open your door, we shall therefore place forth [new] knowledge and purpose of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Will it be safe, and would it be advisable for Ray to give trance readings at the Fountainhead Bookstore in Tucson July 12th and August 30th?”

            One moment, permission must be given.

Yes, but only for one at the present time; therefore, it would be suggested that the July 12th date. It must also be understood that soul Ammie shall be giving parts of the readings.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks for blessings for [10-8-71-003],who is in the University Medical Center, Tucson.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall take of the pain and give blessings unto the same. But the blessings shall come from our Lord, God. But this one must open the door that we may enter.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [6-15-73-001] who is here tonight asks for healing, or health reading, if necessary, for the back of her neck and spine.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say in this manner, we should bring forth healing from our Father, God. Look upward, for the healing light has entered unto thy body and shall continue for three days and three nights. You shall hear voices, but fear them not. And so our Lord, God, commands. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            One moment.


It has been suggested that after the reading soul Ray administer further healing, and the healing shall be complete.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [6-29-73-003], and he has asked for health information -- I have a note here -- prayer for finger of left hand. And also, he asks specifically ‘to find my directions in life and to learn if knowledge of previous lives and developed abilities can reinforce my life in terms of service and help to others.’”

            First, we should give the healing unto the hand. And so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Soul Ray now grows tired, and it would be suggested that the balance of this question be asked at a different time.

            He shall at first have problem adjusting to the presence of Ammie within himself, but as he has adjusted to all things, for now there shall be Ammie, there shall be Ray, and there shall be the spirits of Aka which dwell within him, each a separate part, yet all a whole.

            Now is the time of Cherub, and the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.