March 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray

            Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee, then thy have asked this question. If a man should come unto thee to defend thee, and if a man should come unto thee to take from thee that which is thine, to coveth all things that belong unto thyself, then we should say unto thee in these words. As this one should enter, as we have said before, if they should ask for thy coat, give them thy trousers also. But do not give of this unless they should give unto thee toil.

            And thy asked unto us, “Which is toil?” Toil should come in many forms, the toil of the heart, the toil of the body, the toil of the soul, and the toil of the spirit.

Now we should say unto thee, the toil of the spirit is always, the toil of the soul is sometimes lazy, and the toil of the body is quite often lazy.

            For there are many who should walk to thy door and say, “Give unto me this. Make unto me a miracle this day, and I shall give praise unto my Father.” Yet, these who should get their praise should soon forget. Our Father knows of these and has looked upon these selfish children in a just manner.

            But be unto man as our Father is, for man should find his God in many forms. But our Father has given unto thee the Ten Commandments; “THY SHALL WORSHIP NO OTHER GOD BEFORE ME.” Our Father did not say in what language thy should worship; or what way thy should worship. But He should give unto His children, each in their own way, a truth that they may follow. And if they follow this truth within their selves, they shall enter the many kingdoms of our Father, for our Father has many mansions, each for its own truth and its own way. And each for its own time.

            We have told you many of the secrets of the universes, of your world. Some, you could understand, others you could not.

But we say unto you, if a man should come unto thee and say, “I am hungry,” would you give him iron to eat? Nay. Neither should we. We give unto thy mind what thy mind can digest at a given time. And as the man grows stronger with more wisdom and can put this wisdom to use, then we should give of you more.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. My first question, [2-4-72-001] is worried about her head. Can you give any information to ease her mind or hasten her healing?”

            We shall hasten the healing that is needed. Soul Ray should go unto this place and give healing in our Father’s name, to give healing, to bring glory unto our Father, and our Father should give glory unto this person you have spoke of. And the healing shall come.

            But let her listen well unto the words we should place unto his mind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Soul M____ asks, ‘Is Rolfing, the manipulation of muscles, good for people physically and mentally?’”

            (Chuckle) There are many forms of exercise that cannot hurt the body; there are some that can. In your case, we would suggest that the body be maintained, but the mind should be fed more often of the wine that is needed into the same.

            We have placed unto your hands mighty tools. Bring forth with these tools that that is needed. Prepare a way unto the coming of the Messiah, for this before all others is your duty, for these things you have promised unto your God.

            Thy have other questions, ask

            Yes, Aka. She also says that she would like an explanation of what the ‘Jesus people’ are trying to do so that she can understand them. She says they have a strange look in their eyes.”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we know of this. We have told you before of the emotion of thought. There is nothing there more than the building of the emotion for a need at a time. But we say unto you into these words. Bring forth not into our Father’s house the hypocrites who should shout upon the street corners and wear fine clothes, but bring forth those who should go unto the private of their closet and speak unto their Father as they would speak unto themselves. And therefore, our Father should listen unto them. For our Father does not measure His children by how loud they may shout, nor does He measure a donkey by the way he brays, only by that of the load that he should carry.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ru__ asks about the meaning of 101 in her dream.”

            Yes, we see they need, and we should answer in this manner. On the right was the planet of Jupiter, on the left was the planet of Saturn, for as the planet, Jupiter, was rising, and as the planet, Saturn, was setting, each changed into that which has brought you unto this time. But as the children of Father, the children of God, came unto the Earth, you should see what was in-between these two planets. Those who lived through this trip was 101, one hundred and one persons, no more and no less. And as they came unto the earth and entered into man, they manifested into the twelve tribes of the Earth, each in his own way. But yet, they looked upon the Earth and saw the five colors of God. Some did enter in a righteous manner; some did not.

            We have told you before that the planetary system is for man’s expansion. And so it is.

But once again, your 101 has come into fulfillment. Take away from your calendar, and then add to. Add, first, 22 days more to your calendar, and then take away 11. You shall have the calendar which existed at the time into which these two planets set before the Earth, and therefore, populated the Earth.

For Jupiter is your rising, and Saturn is your setting signs. Use both of astrology and numerology within the same, for now we have given you the key to answer your own question.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Last week when you gave a life reading on [11-26-70-002] there was confusion on the date, and she asks, ‘Should it be helpful to the work maybe to learn the name, the date, and place of death of the Truckee, California, life mentioned last week?’”

            Yes, we see they need. As we have said before, that the birth or entry of the same did not come forth until the 1900’s. The birth came before this, but no entry. It was not until a soul found a karma to be lived within the body form that it made its own entry.

            We shall tell you in this manner. The name was Elizabeth [Carren]. In your language it should be spelled with a “C.”

            They have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You said that, ‘to think of the 32, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations.’”

            We shall answer this at a different time. This should be asked at the first of a reading, sir, so that full elaboration can be made.

            Soul Ray now grows very weary. And as our time should grow short, we should say once again, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Your earth is trembling.

Now is the time of Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



Editor’s note: After Ray awakened from trance, Bob listened as Ray described a vision he had.

“For goodness sakes; you were looking in the rim of a volcano?”

Uh huh, and it was like this – and there was a great big tubular thing and it was a very hot flame coming out of it, like it was shooting.



 “Where was it, do you know?”

I don’t know.


[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.