March 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now, all is in accord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [3-9-73-001] has asked for specific information in connection with a life reading. She says ‘I must know if I am on the right path of our Father in conducting psychic and meditation sessions. At a meditation session on March 1st, I climbed a stone staircase into a tower room. Blue-white light emanated from the room. Once I had entered, I could not look upon the source of the light due to its brilliance. Unseen hands poured warm oil on my body and put a hat of some kind on my head. I knelt in awed silence. A tear rolled from an unseen eye and fell upon my head so that I might see. During this time I have emanated a blue glow to the members present who stated that I had disappeared. Is this what it appeared to be?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us body, soul, spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, the records.

And we should say unto thee in this manner. As we have said before, that as God’s soul and spirits should be as a brook, as man’s soul is that of an ocean, but in between should be the spirits of man. For in this manner you can see quite clearly. There are many more souls than there are spirits. And the spirit should always know of his Lord. But the soul who has become lost, and yet, should repeat and repeat again until he loses himself completely, lays there in that vast wanderless, nothingness.

            Because your destiny was to come forth unto your Lord, you have been protected.

But we should say unto you in this manner, let not those of the lost souls enter.

            Of your blue-white light, as we have said before, this is of the fifth dimension, ninth plane.

            Of your disappearance to those around you, as the spirit should enter, so, all was left to the human eye was the aura of the same.

            Of your vision, for we should answer in this manner. We should place before thee the bread and the wine. And the Earth that shall be coveth by our Lord shall reach into many hearts, there to show them the direction of the way. But our Father has many mansions, and therefore, there shall be many ways, but all leading to the same chamber. The bread shall be the work we have laid before you. The wine shall be the many souls who shall assist you. Bring them forth into the immortal body of man that your Lord, God, may bring blessings unto His children unto the end of the planes of man.

            But your Earth shall not end. It is but a beginning, for we are here but for one purpose, and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are not great. Our Father is mighty. Yet, He is humble himself before His children. And those who should humble themselves before their God shall drink of the wine of life and from the river of forever. Let this House stand. [See The Revelation, chapters 21-22.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [8-6-71-002] asks, is there something in her life reading which would give her guidance now? Is she going to marry happily soon or what?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And first we should answer your question in this manner, for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and yet, the immortal body. And we should answer your question in this manner, that you should full understand. And therefore we should bring before thee the records of time.

And we shall give this proportion of your life reading in this manner for these reasons.

Yes, we find thee. Thy are bound upon a wagon train. Thy are born in your Mormon community that should be established before the Mormon Temple of God. And thy are brought up in the teachings of thy prophet, known as Joseph Smith. Yet, thy had but wild leanings, for your heart looked out into the cities that glimmered, and though one day another wagon train came past you, your city, and there you met and wed, over the objections of your mother and father, this person who was not within your faith. Yet, you cared not, and you cared not for the words of God.

            But at a later time in your northern part of Nevada in a mining camp, your lover was killed, and then, and only then, did you call out for the help from your Lord, for you knew not where to go.

            And the Lord brought forth unto you a good man, a man of your faith. And you wed again, there to return back unto your city. But soon your wandering heart reached forth again to find a new lover. And your husband was killed by this lover.

And you cried forth again unto your Lord, for your own people stood therefore to banish thee. Yet, the Lord sent an angel to speak to your father. And he spoke unto your father into these words, “Cast not thy daughter aside, for she shall become a good woman.”

And your father took you back unto his house. There you were pregnant from your lover, and you bore a child.

            And therefore, you soon married once again, this time to give forth unto your family a proud way, and a righteous way unto your God.

            But now this time again, you have asked for help. And again, you should try to marry those that are not within your faith. But unless this person you plan to marry -- for this you should know, this man is your son of before, and he is much unto the likeness of his father of before. And we should say unto you, you are of the Mormon faith. Do not defile thy body. Go back unto your church, and a way shall be shown to you once again. And life shall be given where it was taken away.

            We shall say no more unto this subject at this time. If there are further questions to be asked, let her come forth and ask them.

But the door is open; all you must do is ask unto your Father, and a way shall be given unto thee.

            Yes, we see they need. And we shall say unto this soul who is present these words, for thy possess within thyself a secret question.

And first, we should answer in this manner. If good came from the field of good, and righteousness came from this same field, would you cast it aside, or would you bring it forth and become a better man yet still? For a marriage to blossom forth, it should take two in the making. But we should answer your question in this manner. Too many hands in the dough should spoil the batter.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [1-21-72-002] asks, ‘Do you have anything to add to the prophecies for 1973 which were given by Ray recently? And which of these prophecies you have given will come to pass in 1973? Is there a way some of the disasters or bed ones might be averted, and if so, how?’”

            We shall answer into you in this manner.

For those who should live in the land unto which we have spoken should give prayer unto their Lord and walk in a righteous manner before your Lord. Then, and only then, can these things be diverted.

            But we should add to these prophecies in this manner. And we should say that what should be a “Black September,” if it should continue and give growth into a world organization -- for this is nothing more than an organization brought forth of professional assassins. But yet, you shall not stop it in this year, for it is much like the barking dog at the heels of the horse. [See The Revelation 6:3-4.]

            There is much more we should answer unto your question at a different time. But soul Ray now grows weary, and that we should not overtax his body, we should leave unto thee with these words. For these who should stand forth in the righteous spirit of God, we shall stand with them. Fear not, for we do not sleep.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and the cleansing hand shall take away from your lands this that man has planted from the air.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


            Note: The Black September organization was a Palestinian militant group of radical religious fundamentalists started in 1970, under leadership of Yasser Arafat who was named the "father of modern-day terrorism" 30 years later. At the time the spiritual messengers of God spoke these words, a classified document in March 1973 by the U.S. State Department seemed to confirm that Arafat’s Fatah was Black September's parent organization. The document was released in 1981.

When Black September militants could not defeat Jordan in 1971 they dispersed to other nations, where they developed into numerous terrorists groups worldwide by different names.

Arafat wrote in his 1974 Palestinian charter for statehood the goal of annihilating Zionism, the belief in Israel’s return to God’s Promised Land. Arafat never removed this clause. Although agreements were made to exchange peace for Israeli land, terrorist attacks continue through the years. And the “war on terror” has become worldwide. 


The Black September group's name came from the conflict known as Black September that began on September 16, 1970, when King Hussein of Jordan declared military rule in response to an attempt by the fedayeen to seize his kingdom, resulting in the deaths or expulsion of thousands of Palestinians from Jordan. The Black September organization began as a small cell of Fatah men determined to take revenge on King Hussein and the Jordanian army. Recruits from the PFLP, as-Sa'iqa, and other groups also joined.

In early June, 1971, Hussein directed Prime Minister Tal to "deal conclusively and without hesitation with the plotters who want to establish a separate Palestinian state and destroy the unity of the Jordanian and Palestinian people." On July 13, the Jordanian army undertook an offensive against fedayeen bases about 50 kilometers northwest of Amman in the Ajlun area--the fedayeen's last stronghold.

            On July 19, 1971, the Jordan government announced that the remainder of the bases in northern Jordan had been destroyed and that 2,300 of the 2,500 fedayeen had been arrested. A few days later, many of the captured Palestinians were released either to leave for other Arab countries or to return to a peaceful life in Jordan.

In November 1971, members of the Black September group avenged the deaths of fellow fedayeen by assassinating Tal in Cairo. In December the group again struck out against Hussein in an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the Jordanian ambassador to Britain. Hussein alleged that Libya's Colonel Muammar al Qadhafi was involved in a plot to overthrow the monarchy.

In March 1973, Jordanian courts convicted seventeen Black September fedayeen charged with plotting to kidnap the prime minister and other cabinet ministers and to hold them hostage in exchange for the release of a few hundred fedayeen captured during the civil war. Hussein subsequently commuted the death sentences to life imprisonment "for humanitarian reasons" and, in response to outside Arab pressures, in September released the prisoners -- including their leader Muhammad Daud Auda (also known as Abu Daud)- -under a general amnesty.

       The Black September organization is notorious for the kidnap and murder of eleven Israeli athletes and officials, and the murder of a German police officer, during the September 1972 attack on the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, which became known as the Munich massacre.

            There is disagreement between historians, journalists and the primary sources regarding the nature of the Black September organization and the extent to which it was controlled by Fatah, the PLO faction controlled at the time by Yasser Arafat.

In his book Stateless, Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad), Arafat's chief of security and a founding member of Fatah, wrote that: "Black September was not a terrorist organization, but was rather an auxiliary unit of the resistance movement, at a time when the latter was unable to fully realize its military and political potential. The members of the organization always denied any ties between their organization and Fatah or the PLO."

Abu Iyad's claim was contradicted by Mohammed Daoud Oudeh, also known as Abu Daoud, a Black September Organization operative and former senior Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) member, who, according to a 1972 article in the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustur, told Jordanian police: "There is no such organization as Black September. Fatah announces its own operations under this name so that Fatah will not appear as the direct executor of the operation." As said above, in March 1973 the U.S. State Department indicated Fatah’s origins of “Black September.”


             How would our world be if someone had heard the prophetic warnings of the spiritual messengers of God? Perhaps it is not too late – and certainly it’s not too late to pray.