March 16, 1973

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now, we should tell thee once again, for those who should seek our Father’s house, and we should tell thee in this manner. Go unto a quiet place. And there, open thy heart and mind. And in the silence of thy mind, thy shall find a quiet pool. And as thy enter, there you shall find the throne of our Father. But you must enter this place with love. And if you do so, you shall find all the candles lit around you. And there shall burn a glorious light. Cast all things from thy mind, and let that part of you inter self listen unto your Father.

Go deeply, quietly, for it is not a mansion that you seek but your own soul. And if the soul should cleanse itself, in the quiet of the mind you shall find the kingdom of our Father.

            But do not go from church to church, and seeking every door, for you shall find not what you seek, for it dwells within you evermore.

            And we should tell you the parable of the Prince to come.

And he had bare to all riches beyond their wildest imagination. But he did not give just to one; he gave to all. And yet, there were some who wanted more than the others, and they stoned this Prince. And yet, he forgave them.

The Prince that shall come once again, as we have said before, shall be the Messiah. Yet, he awaits you now within the quiet place within you minds.

            And we shall tell thee of the small girl who ventured far to the healing wells. And yet, she waited long for all the others to bathe.

But because her faith was great, our Father came unto her. And He spoke these words unto her. He said, “MY DAUGHTER, WHY DO YOU WAIT FOR ALL THE OTHERS TO GO BEFORE YOU FOR THE HEALING?”

And she looked upon the Father in her mind that spoke to her and said, “Father, that that shall heal me shall be the faith within myself of you. This cannot be used up by the others.”

And God looked down upon His child with love. And from His tender eyes have fell a teardrop on this one. And the faith that the child had held before grew like mountains and winds, and land.

Can you understand of which we speak?

            “I’m not sure that I can, Aka. I would ask you one question.”

            We know thy question, and we should answer in this manner. This must come from within. For we have watched your path.

            And to you other question, we shall answer in this manner. That that has been was of another time. This day is new. This earth is new. Let your thousand years of peace start now. Prepare that way within yourself by giving unto others this peace you find within the quiet of your mind.

            Now, we should tell unto thee what dwells so heavy in thy minds -- of the time of the Fifth Angel and the preparations you should make. And now we say unto thee, start gathering your food, but do so in a sensible manner. Bring together a common pool for all your foods, that all may eat, that all many drink, that all may share the knowledge you have to offer.

Of you vegetables and your fruits, grow that that you do now. Bring forth all kinds of fruits of the same. But plant that that should grow in a cooler climate than what you have now.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a number of other questions that are quite important. I wanted to ask one question that is important to me since I’m not quite clear on it. Would you have me continue or leave the church that I am presently attending?”

            This must come from within yourself.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka --”

            We should answer in this manner. As the Lord giveth unto His children, He also gave them free choice. Neither our Father nor ourselves shall interfere with this free choice. But a wise man casts not away his bread into the house of strangers.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. In a previous reading, you said to ‘think of the 32, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this at another time, and [1-21-72-002] asks if you would, could do this at this time?

            Yes, we shall answer your question. But we shall answer it in this manner. We have given unto you the seed. You have the tools before you to answer this question. By doing so, this would be your step closer to God. And this does not just man for soul John; it means for all.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Aka, soul John asks, ‘Do you have anything to add to the prophecies for 1973 which we were given by Ray recently?’”

            Now is not the time for prophecies. Soul Ray has given you that which was needed, that when the time is new again and new information shall be needed, we shall speak unto him again.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. Soul John asks also about, ‘Which country is the Red Horse, the Brown Horse, the Dragon, the Red Dragon, and the Lion, the Eagle and the Bear and the Leopard?’”

            Now you ask as a child, for you know the answers to these. Go within your books of Revelations; lay them before you, and look at the symbols of you countries. And you shall know the meaning of the same.

            Now soul Ray grows weary. And our time should grow short. And we shall leave you with this message.

Take each of you, separately unto yourselves, and find the meaning of the words we have spoken to you in the beginning of the reading. Without this meaning, you are traveling a backward road.

Now is the time of Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

When you were a child, you ate as a child. Now that you are adults, eat as adults.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.