March 30, 1973

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, prepare for the day of the famine, but do not do so in a reckless manner. Lay aside ten percent of your income each month. Put this into a group fund for buying. But buy these things in a sensible manner. It is not necessary that you should build a pyramid for storing. Build yourselves a vault, placing it in a dry place. Store theses things in quantity.

            The first of the famine shall come in the form -- because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression. Plant food things that thy can rely on to grow in your locale. You know of these. We have placed forth upon your earth an abundance of water for the cleansing of the land. We shall continue this for a short period of time.

            But we say unto you, if your budget shall not allow of ten percent, then place five percent, but do so in a sensible manner, and do so in a manner that each should pay their own share. Rotate your stock.

            And we shall tell you into these words, of the time of [Egyman], when famine did hit the earth for seven years. And part of the people came together and stored their food, and placed it away. And the day that the rain stopped and the earth became bare they were joyful, for they thought they had plenty to eat. And their animals were joyful, for they had plenty to eat. But robbers came into their storehouse and took away most of their foodstuff.

And they prayed unto God, “Oh, woe, woe, for Lord, we have done unto Your bidding, and robbers have taken from us our food.”

And the Lord spoke unto them and said into these words, “GO FORTH AND BAKE YOUR BREAD.”

And they did so. Yet, no matter how much they took from their storehouse, there was always some left, for they had faith in the Lord. Without this faith, their grain would have soon run out.

            And this is true unto yourselves. For those who have faith unto the Lord, they shall survive. For those who have no faith, they shall have none. For the measure of your wealth shall be the measure of your faith.

But do not be as the farmer who had many tasks to perform and ran from place to place and wrung his hands in despair and did nothing. Take upon yourselves one task at a time and do it well. And your Father shall provide, and your storehouse shall not become empty.

Put forth the effort that is needed, both in the building of your spiritual selves and the building within your group. Bring strength forth and unity. Plan together, but be joyful unto one another. Your garden has been weeded. Now is the time to grow from the good soil. Lift up your hearts.

But for those who should stand and only find fault and do nothing, nothing shall be provided.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have one question about the depression. When will this come, and how long will it last?”

            We shall tell of thee things. But first, pick up your hoe, and show us the faith.

You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. I would like to ask blessings for [12-4-70-001] who is in St. Joseph’s hospital in Phoenix. Also, [2-19-71-001] has been upset and is unable to keep on her diet, and she asks help with this and with finding a suitable place to live for her mother.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall provide within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [5-7-71-002] asks if she should plan a trip to Canada?”

            We shall answer in this manner. Give unto the Lord that that belongs unto the Lord. Give unto yourself that that belongs unto you. Give unto your fellow man that that belongs to your fellow man. But do not forget the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [3-30-73-001] who is here tonight…Do you have anything that you can say to him on his health? Can we have blessings for him?”

            We see thy need, and we find, therefore, the body, soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we find the immortal body of the same. And we find, therefore, within this, great confusion, because of the injury you have suffered.

Yes, we see this.

But we should answer in this manner. We shall place the wine before you. Take it up and drink it. And the yeast shall come foreword, and therefore, provide the bread.

We should answer in this manner, your injury is but a fleeting thing. New tissue shall be provided within the damaged area.

            But you ask of your spiritual growth and of your confusion within the same. And we say unto thee in these words. Give glory unto your Father. Give thought and meditation unto the righteous path and it shall be provided before you. Cast aside your doubts, and the needs of yourself shall come forth. But we say unto you, see to the needs of others also.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, some time back I dreamed of a serpent that I killed that was trying to grow many new heads. And I also dreamed another time of one that struck me on the forehead. Could you tell me the meaning of this?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. The serpent was of the many duties that thy should have to perform. And each grew a new head and you ran from one to the other and tried to cut them away, but yet, they multiplied. Yet, the one serpent of wisdom that kissed you on the forehead, you were but frightened of it.

            Then we say unto you, look into yourself, and you shall see the answer. You have first one duty, that is into your family and the providing of the same. Second, you have the duty of your oath unto God. You have become a minister before God, and therefore, have sworn to do the work.

Yet, you go unto many houses seeking ministers. They are no greater than yourself.

We have given unto you the Book with wings, a new testament before God. Prepare a place within yourself that you may give it to others.  

You have taken the oath of Paul. You have studied of Paul.

And we say unto you, you have seen the miracles that have been performed, both unto yourself and unto others. We say unto you, work with Soul J___. Work with Soul R___. The three of you together should carefully bring forth these miracles and cast them into the winds, for this is a glory of your Father. Do so in this manner, and the serpent that kissed you once shall blossom forth, and your cup shall runneth over.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Soul J___ asks if you have any suggestions to help in the preparing the way for the Book with wings? Would it be fruitful to write magazine articles during this period after statements made by the returned prisoners of war to tell people of the prophecies of the time to come, or would another way? Are there certain avenues or persons that would be open to this preparation and more fruitful you could suggest? She asks, ‘How may I prepare people’s hearts for those times to come?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. We have just answered your question. The healing that has been given, write of this. Write of the healing that is given of the body. Write of the healing that is given of the mind.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “J___ asks, ‘Did the Pharaohs, upon the death of their bodies, use the crystal within the pyramid and cosmic light and their pineal gland, and somehow project their astral body or soul or spirit towards Polaris, the North Star? Why? Was this bypassing several evolutionary steps within this solar system and progressing onward toward out Father? How is Polaris a pathway out of this solar system?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. The passageway into your Father’s house lies within yourself. No crystal can do this for you. You shall write your own records, and you shall be your own judges. When you can stand before yourself and say unto yourself, “I have prepared the way within myself, and I have prepared the way within my brothers, and I shall assist my brothers up the ladder before me,” then your Father shall see unto you, and you shall walk unto your Father’s house.

But we say unto thee in this manner, the temple of God is within man. Go forth, therefore, and build our Father a temple. Build it mighty. Bring forth those, one by one and two by two. Build this House within the dimensions we shall give, and the Earth shall be coveth and blessed forever.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Is there anything that we can do to help [3-3-72-001] in Gila General Hospital?”

            We shall answer in this manner. For the passing shall come, and there shall be no pain. But give prayers unto this one that he may forgive himself. If he should do unto this, first forgiving unto others, then he should open the door once again, and within his vision of the passageway of the one known as Jesus Christ, then he shall be the messenger that should go up into our Father’s kingdom.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, are the archives of another time that are in the valley below the sea of any importance to us now?” [Editor’s note: the Yuma, Arizona, or Imperial Valley area.]

            We see thy need, and our Father should say only that sadness lies there now. Walk away.

At another time the knowledge that lies in the valley below the sea shall come forth again.

We shall give further information on the subject at a different time, but do not ask, for we cannot answer until our Father should allow us.

            Soul Ray now grows weary, and our time should grow short.

And the Fifth Angel should walk upon your Earth. And we say unto you, give prayer unto those who should pass without our Father’s blessing.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.