May 4, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            [“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”]

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better. All is in accord.

And now we should speak unto the one who has fear within her heart. And we should say unto you these words. We come as the peacemakers. Fear not that thy should feel our presence. Open thy heart that we may enter, and thy days of anguish shall be over, for we shall filleth thy cup, and therefore, a rose shall grow without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns symbolizes the birth or the coming of the Messiah.]

            Thy wonder within thy mind to whom we speak. Yet we should say unto you these words. The one we should speak unto should hear our words within their soul and should know of the same.

            And we say unto you, lo, lo into the Lord, for these are the righteous days. For the Lord should pave His way with water. And if you should walk the path, you should find the bread along the way, and the multitudes shall be fed.

            You have brought forth upon this day that that we have suggested. And tomorrow you shall celebrate your day of grace before the Lord. Do so with glad tidings. As we have said before, we have weeded your garden; therefore, we have planted flowers at your feet. But none of these things that we have done could we do alone, or could we have done them without the permission of the One, the High One, that that you would call of God.

            And we shall say unto you, of that of the honoring of the teachers, we see of this and we are pleased. And we say unto the teachers, stand forth and receive that honor that is bestowed upon you. But upon that moment, we shall touch you and make our presence known to all.

[Editor’s note: The spiritual messengers of God were speaking of the naming of teachers, the first to be at the second Annual Meeting of the Association.]

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-4-73-001] asks three or four questions. She asks for both health and life. She said, ‘How can I best work for God and my fellow man? How can I cure the red spots on my arms, legs, and feet? And also, should my daughter sell their house in Tucson or rent it? If sell, how soon?’”

            First, we shall take the last, and we shall answer within this manner. The house should be sold. Do so immediately. A fair price shall be given for the same.

            Of the healing, we shall answer in this manner. Go unto three days of meditation, and the healing shall be given. All you must do within thy mind is see that the red spots would disappear from thy body. If you shall provide the faith, we shall provide the wine and the yeast, and the healing within the body shall be complete.

            Of the life reading, we would suggest this be asked at a different time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [4-20-73-001] who is here tonight, asks…”

            One moment.

Yes. Yes.

Yes, one moment, please.

Yes, Father.

We should add unto this that we have given. Let soul Paul administer healing unto this one.

            Now, ask your other question.

            “Aka, [4-20-73-001] who is here tonight has asked for a health reading. She has glandular imbalance and a skin and back problem, and she has asked for recommendations to improve her health.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

Yes, we see this.

We find a great imbalance within the diet of the same. First, we would suggest a diet. We should suggest that this one does not drink of the safflower oil, but this one should take of the safflower tablets, two before each meal. We would suggest that this one should eat as much of the natural green vegetation as possible. We should also suggest that this one should use -- yes, we see this -- a salt substitute. We would also suggest that this one eat a very minimum of sugar within the diet.

We would further suggest that this one go unto the sauna baths. This should be done in a gradual manner, no more in the beginning than five minutes at a time, increasing this up to 30 minutes in a day. We would further suggest the third and fourth vertebrae be adjusted within the backular area.

We find – yes -- lacking of the vitamin E and A.

We would also suggest – yes -- one moment, please.

Yes, we see this -- problem in the vagina area – yes -- infection. We would suggest more often washing of this area, preferably with the, not an acid-type wash, very mild wash. That that is being used is very dangerous. It is causing irritation, could cause cancerous-type growth if continued.

We would suggest increasing – yes -- of the vitamin B; great lacking in this. We should add, within thy diet this should be supplemented. We would suggest eating four meals per day for a short period of time, building content. We would also suggest that this subject is a borderline diabetic; we would suggest eating of the Jerusalem artichoke. This should be done immediately, eating as much as you desire. Do not, in any way -- we would also suggest that the charring of wood, preferably oak wood, charring and eating of the char itself. Do not eat a great amount of this, very small amounts.

Yes, we see this.

We should also add magnesium to the diet. We would suggest being very careful in the amount of calcium; we see an over amount of calcium in the diet at this time.

We would also suggest the rinsing the skin in a light vinegar and honey together, rinsing the skin, sponging the skin, taking away the moisture in this manner. This should be done for at least one week because of the high acid discharge that shall come from the body during this treatment.

If further information is needed, we would suggest a follow-up reading on this subject in a two-week period.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Aka, [5-4-73-002 of Tucson] asks, ‘What can I do to get rid of this fungus on my feet?’”

            We should answer in this manner. This one should take of the chaparral. This could be bought locally at your health food stores. We would also suggest that at least four capsules be dissolved in one quart of water and the feet be soaked in them. We would further suggest that the taking of baking soda, the chaparral, vitamin E, and the white of an egg, mixed together, making a poultice for the feet at night, if this is done, within one week this problem shall be no more.

            We also find on this subject [a] problem that is common within your teenagers, too much sweets, causing blemishes within the complexion area. We would suggest that this same compound be used on the facial area. This should clear this up.

            We would further suggest that more of the vitamin E be given unto this person. We also find an imbalance of iron. We would further suggest that more of the vitamin A and D be given, and Pantothenic Acid.

Yes, we see this.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Soul Ruth asks if there is something in particular she is supposed to remember about the poem?”

            We should answer in this manner. That that has been put forth [for] memory has been remembered. From time to time, we shall place these things in your minds; share them with all. The poem was placed into your mind that in your talk of tomorrow it should be made part of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other specific question, Aka, other than requests for life readings.”

             We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Star of Scorpio [01-21-72-002], we see thy need. First star that is seen at night, fear not that we have placed before you. Become that into which we have placed our trust. Lay aside your prejudiced. You have that within you to become the teacher that we have meant for you to become.

Be patient, for the work that we have before you and the work that you have seen behind you is but a beginning. As a tree should ripen, and the fruit should become whole, and sweet and tender to thy taste, we shall tell you when to eat, and we shall show you that that is fit for you to eat. And as thy should eat, thy should give abundance to all. Thy know not of which we speak at this time, but we should make ourselves more clearly known unto you, very soon.

            Your earth is now awake, [and] abundance shall come from the earth. But beware. For the children of God, there is nothing to fear. But in the cleansing of the earth, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. And nothing that is hidden shall not be brought forth unto light.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: After Aka departed and Ray returned back into his body, he described a vision he just saw

as Aka spoke of the Fifth Angel before Ray was awakened?. Was it a preview of the Mt. St. Helens eruption years later

or another? The tape recorder was turned back on as Ray was saying:

“The whole mountain was falling off – the mountain was just falling. I started to go in and when I did

that mountain started falling, and boy, I started coming back out, like 60 [m.p.h.] – it scared me.]


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona