May 11, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. As your wheat should grow ready for harvest, that that we have planted in the many lands, now stand ready to place it in your storehouses. As we have said before, the spirits of God shall be as a brook, the spirits of man shall be as a river that the brook should flow into, the souls of man shall be as an ocean that shall reach the many lands, and all shall flow together, and therefore, all shall be in accord. Therefore, stand ready within thyselves to receive thy bounty. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for we are not great; we are but the servants of our Father, God, and we are here but for one purpose. That in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and as has been told before, to bring forth upon your earth your thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father counts.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-11-73-001, of Tucson, Arizona] who is here tonight…has asked for help in regards to his health, specifically diabetes, asthma and eye problems, and has asked for guidance in what he can do about these?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. First, we should say unto this one, behold, for we bring healing from our Father into thy soul, thy body, and thy spirit, and therefore, the immortal body shall come whole again. We shall take from thee thy karma. But we leave in you these words, and remember them always -- for what we have given, give unto others.

            Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we find in this subject that of the dry sinus. This is caused by too dry a climate into which he dwells. It would be first suggested that this subject go into a higher altitude to dwell. The altitude and climate, both, of this land that is polluted -- the air is polluted, the water is polluted of the same.

            If this cannot be done financially within the family means, we would suggest, first, that sea water be brought forth and a humidifier placed within the home; second, the filtering of the air within the home. Third, we would suggest the changing of the diet -- and if the diet is not changed, all that we can do will be undone.

            First, the subject should have much more of green vegetation. Place before the subject of the green olives that the subject should be encouraged to eat them, [as] much as the body should demand. Second, adding to the diet that of the Jerusalem artichoke, this should be eaten whole and raw. We would suggest the eating of two to three whole of this daily for the subject.

We would further suggest, we find within the subject – yes -- great deficiency in the vitamin and mineral substance of the same, of the chemicals. We would suggest much more of the vitamin E. We would suggest at least 1,000 units per day.

Yes, we see this.

We would further suggest more of the vitamin C, adult dosage. We would further suggest that meat, of the beef, be given into the subject at least three times weekly. This should be given as raw as the subject could eat it. Can you understand of which we speak?

            Nay, not fully. This within itself is very important into the diet. Before each meal, the subject should be given in capsule form that of the safflower oil, one to two tablets before each meal. This should be done 30 minutes before the meal is eaten.

            We would also suggest that breathing exercises be used. But this can only be done in clean air. The breathing exercises should go in this manner: first, breathing in, very, very deeply, filling the lungs [to] capacity. Do not hurt or damage the lungs. Let this subject breathe in till he feels within himself that the lungs are full, and then out, increasing this daily. We find a lack of oxygen in the blood, therefore, a lack of oxygen being fed unto the brain itself. This is not good. We would suggest within the diet the eating of more of the green vegetation. This will place within the blood system itself of the oxygen in which the body needs at this time.

            We see the fear within the parents of the child’s health problem. As a result from the same, this has placed fear within the child. This is not good. It would be suggested that this child should be encouraged in his health, told, quite often, of his improvement in his health. This will feed the mind the medicine that is needed, helping the mind to overcome the obstacle of the health problem.

            Of the eye problem, this in itself can be corrected. We should suggest that the child be taught to meditate. If the child shall go unto three days, of 15 minutes of meditation, we shall restore the eyesight. It shall never be restored into what you would call 20-20 vision, but it shall be more than adequate to serve his lifetime.

            We would further suggest that the subject be encouraged in both of the art, of the drawing of obstacles [objects?], subjects, buildings, and such. In a prior lifetime this subject was a renowned architect. His desire now is a carryover from that time. He would excel himself in this area.


            This is all on this subject at this time. Should further information be needed, it would be suggested that a follow-up reading be given on this subject in a three-week period.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-11-73-002, of Tucson, Arizona], and she says she would like a life reading to help her understand God’s purpose for her in this lifetime. What is her purpose in this lifetime, she asks?”

            First, we should answer in this manner. Soul Ray has overtaxed both his body and mind, so our time is short. Therefore, we should answer in this manner, increase your readings to twice a week. We shall be present to answer your questions in this manner. Soul Ray must have more rest. He must be encouraged to rest more.

            Yes, we see one other problem, and we shall answer in this manner, and we say unto thee, soul [5-11-73-003], these words. Of that unto which you seek, God has seen and answered your prayers, and therefore, the flowers that thy wish have been placed at thy feet. Give thanks unto your Father. And be not afraid to speak unto Him, for He loves all of His children.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona