May 22, 1973

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

And we should say unto thee in these words. As thy should go unto the orchard, therefore, to find many types of fruit, thy taste buds may have a liking for one particular fruit. But would you ignore all the others? Or would you tend each tree separately?

Then say unto thyselves, if I do not like the fruit, but yet I do like the tree, then go unto your neighbor who does like the fruit, and give unto your neighbor this fruit, but keep the tree. And so it should be unto the wisdom God should give His children. This is why our Father has many mansions. For as a wise tree tender should know, he must give love unto each tree separately, each in its own way, that the fruit should be bountiful.

And this should be done in the giving of water. Let each have its own share. Those who need more should take more. Those who need less shall take less. But let them only take unto their own needs.

And this should be true with wisdom, for as the mind should grow, the heart should grow, and in that which you have taken, you shall give unto others. But give it in a like manner; you cannot give half of yourself into anything.

But, as the fruit that you like, if you gorged yourself each day upon the same fruit, soon you would tire of this, and the taste buds would tire of this. So give unto the mind, the stomach and the heart a variety of the bounties that your Lord has passed unto you.

But do also in this manner. If you should have more fruit of one kind that thy cannot use, then barter for it unto thy neighbor’s, for he should have another that you can use. But look unto all things with the eyes of your Father, and your cup shall runneth over.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5-22-73-001], she is here tonight….She has asked a number of questions. She says, ‘I have a throat problem, have had a throat problem for approximately a year now. I have seen a doctor and it was diagnosed as an allergy. Can you tell me please what the problem is? Is it truly an allergy? Is there any other health problem that should be brought to my attention?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and first, we should say unto you, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

First, we should speak of your throat problem. We find an underdevelopment of the bronchial glands. This has been caused from birth.

Second, we should speak in this manner, you live in a polluted land. Therefore, we should make the following suggestions. Take first, unto the natural honey of your area, adding one drop per teaspoon of vinegar into the honey -- taking this twice daily, allowing rest afterwards, at least 30 minutes. Do not speak during this 30 minutes. But see in thy mind’s eye thy throat and the problem before you. Think only of the healing of this area, the growing of the bronchial tubes, the growing of the bronchial glandular area, and third, of the increasing of the blood flow unto these areas.

We further find other difficulties within this soul.

Yes, we see this.

Because of a long period of stays in this polluted land, this has caused problems in the circulatory system, the blood flow within itself. First, we would suggest taking of the [saunic] baths. If this could be done once a week, this would greatly stimulate this in itself.

Second, we find within this one into the third, fourth and eighth vertebrae area – yes -- we find that this has damaged -- yes, yes -- quite badly as a small child. We further find that that you would know of as a tailbone was broken at this time. Therefore, we would suggest searching out of a good chiropractic doctor. This should be done in a very gentle manner. At no time should this one force any of these. This can be done with gentle massage upward, then downward, going to the base of the spine.

We would further suggest that in the neckular area, this would help if this area could be massaged daily, going clear to the front of the forehead, slowly gracing this area in a forward position and then in an outward position, working slowly, gradually toward the back of the head. You will find an indentation at the back of your head. Work this indentation downward toward the spinial area gently, at no time forcing any of this. Laying also, it would be preferred around the bronchial glandular area, the using of hot olive oil packs in the evening. Yes. This would help.

We also find this subject has been bothered by headaches quite frequently. After the above has been taken care of, you will no longer have the headaches.

We would also suggest the adding unto your diet first, twice daily two safflower oils before, 30 minutes before each meal -- at the last, reducing this into one tablet. Yes, this would help.

We find that the taking of more of the green vegetation -- it would be suggested that this subject find and locate vegetation to eat that has not been sprayed by your insecticides, only using that of the garlic spray. This would be good.

We would also suggest that an extra meal be added unto the diet. This should be of the green vegetation and sliced hard-boiled eggs.

We find also a problem within this one of varicose veins.

Yes, we see this.

We would suggest that hot olive oil packs be added to this. Now this must be done, not hot, lukewarm; it must be very carefully done. If within your mind you are not sure that you will follow these instructions exactly, do not do this. Unless it is done properly, you could cause great harm unto yourself. Warming the castor oil to where that you can put your hand into the oil -- laying the cloth over the area and gradually seeping the oil into the cloth, keeping your oil warm that this can be continued. Then, after a 30-minute period, wrapping this area, not tightly, very loosely, that it may remain on overnight. You will soon find that this problem will take care of itself.

We find other small problems within this soul. We would suggest if further help is needed, she should have a follow-up health reading.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She would like to know if she should change her major in college from medical records to nursing?

Yes, we see this. Yes, this would be a very wise decision. You must realize that you are now returning back to your profession of before, that of your before life. You must realize that you have done this same profession for four consecutive lives. In the realizing of this, you will find great pleasure in the attending of other souls.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, she asks one other question. She would appreciate anything you feel should be given her as it comes to you regarding her children, herself, or her family.”

We shall answer in this manner. Give unto God that that should belong to God. Give unto yourself that that should belong to yourself. But give unto your fellow man that that should belong unto your fellow man. Give guidance and wisdom.

But we should answer one of your karmic problems in this manner. Because you were silenced once before, you find it necessary now to sometimes talk before you think.

This was not meant as a slight upon your character. This was only given. You have those around you who do not understand that you are a giving person, and they in turn are inclined to misuse your words.

Your wisdom has become great, but yet, it is as a shepherd who should take his flock unto water. For there are many wells. But let the wells flow. And as the Great Bird of the pyramid should take flight, so it should be within thy mind.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5-22-73-002], who is here tonight…. She has asked three questions. One, ‘What will be the outcome of my father’s decisions and her cousin Bill’s hold over him?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. This matter shall finally be settled in the courts.

But as you have said, the Spirit has stood by you. You have been willing to listen to the messengers of God. You would call them your guardian angel. As they have stood by you, and that that they have given you has been good, do not deny them now.

But we shall answer in this manner; you have opened the door that we may enter. And we shall say unto you, we never sleep. Put thy trust in God. But we shall be no farther from you than your eyes and your heart. All you must do, when you need us, is to think of the words of Aka, but first, think of God, for without that we cannot enter.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Will the problems my daughter has be solved?’”

We shall answer in this manner. First we must say, we cannot give out information upon another soul without their permission. But we should answer your question in this manner.

Give trust unto the Lord. The problems of your daughter, some shall blossom into roses; some shall blossom into weeds. But rest assured, all were placed upon the earth by your Father, that this soul could learn from both.

You have other questions, ask.

“I have one other question, Aka. She asks, ‘How can I control my weight without starving?’”

(Chuckle)Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.


But since out time has grown short, we would suggest that this question be asked first in your next reading, for soul Ray now wearies, and to protect his physical health, it is now time for our departure.

And we should say unto you, your seed is now ready for harvest, and the many fields shall come forth upon the land. Prepare yourselves within, that you can prepare for the one purpose of our coming. For we are not great; we are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona