May 25, 1973

Globe, Arizona


Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, all is in accord.

And we should say blessed be the lamb who should come before his Father in such a manner that his Father can look upon him, not in perfection, as you would think of it, but as a Father should look upon a child, who has fell down, but risen again in such a manner that he curses not his Father, nor his neighbor.

For as we have said in the beginning, for as there were firment and our Father found it good, and as those who were to enter did so, and our Father found it good, and there were harmony upon the earth, yet, if this was all our Father wanted, then it would have been as such. But our Father is proudest of His children that walk the many roads, that toil the many lands, that plant seed upon the earth, and plant the seed of themselves upon the earth. Yet, He sees them fall, and as they cry, so our Father cries. As they build, so our Father sees them in eyes of a delight. As they dream and bring their dreams into fulfillment, this is as it should be, for what Father should not be proud of His children. And as they bring their gifts of love before our Father, and as they stop along the way to help even the smallest of creature upon your earth, so it should delight our Father.

As we have said, your fields are now becoming ready for harvest and new planting. Plant upon all the Earth. Plant in the valleys; plant upon the mountains; plant in the rivers and streams; plant upon the ocean. Do so in a gentle manner.

Yet, we have not taken from you the means to protect yourselves. But use this protection in a wise manner, for no Father would hide that from His children of knowledge that He should possess. New knowledge shall now come forth, for in the days of Atlantis, and as the men and women of God stood forth, yet they possessed not the knowledge that you yourselves do today.

We have told you of the famine to come. Do not run around as hysterical children. Do not destroy those things that you have built. We shall guide you. Take each step in a sensible manner. But remember also the feeding of your families, the seeing to their needs, is just as important as the preparation for that time, and it is in part of itself.

For if a man should say unto himself, “The Lord, God, has told me of this time of famine; so eat not, my children, for we must save for this day.” And so he saved. And yet, the day of famine came, and the children had withered and died. So, he looked upon his storehouse, and he ate and slept and traded and bartered during the famine.

Yet, he looked upon a neighbor who had also prepared for the famine, and his neighbor’s children were healthy and happy. And he went unto the neighbor, and he said, “How could this be? How could you provide for the famine, and yet, your children are strong and healthy?”

And the neighbor looked upon this man and said unto him, “Our Father did say on us to prepare; but not to become hermits, not to provide the needs of our children, and not to provide the happiness with their hearts that was needed, and not to deprive ourselves of these things.”

And the man said, “But how could you do both?”

And the man said, “Walk with me unto my storehouse, and we shall see.”

And they walked with him into his storehouse, and there were many provisions. But within each of these were those things that this man could grow again. Within each of these were foods that he could eat from day to day as he stored.

And then the man said unto him, “Let us go unto your storehouse.” And yet this greedy man hesitated for anyone to see his treasure. But yet, because he sorrowed for his children’s death, they went unto his storehouse, and there they found each nook and cranny filled with much grain and much substance. But the neighbor did clear away the surface, and there he found many fat rats who had eaten all of his storage.

Now you say unto us, why should we say these words unto you? We speak in this manner. There shall be many who should come unto you and say, do this, and do that. Store this, and store that. You within your minds shall know of those things to store. But we say unto you, store not that that you could eat today, as well as tomorrow, but store that -- first, in such a place that the rats cannot enter, second, in such a manner that it should last over a long period of time. And worry not that those should laugh at you for doing so, for remember, there were many who laughed at Noah.

And we say first unto soul Ruth -- and we say, hark, for we should place into thy body healing. Continue to take the medication given unto your doctor that your body should build and restore itself. Worry not about the substance of vitamin C at this time. Take into thy body more of the vitamin E, A, and D, and B.

But behold this light that comes from God, the healing light that reaches down His mighty hand upon you! Feel His strength! See His light! For there, and now is healing unto thee!

And we say unto John, who has had such a difficult time seeing the honor that we have placed within you as a teacher, but now that you have seen within the same, now we should say unto you these words. As thy should teach, we have placed unto thy hands a prophet, who we should speak through, and who the Lord, God, shall sometimes forgive his transgressions.

Yet, if you should plant corn today, you would not go out and try to pick it tomorrow. Good corn takes many things. It takes the sun of the sky, the love of the earth, and the bountiful water of the soul to feed it. Yet, as the corn should grow, some that is not fitting should wither and die away, for that that should stay upon the earth must be able to withstand great pressures, high winds. It must anchor its roots firmly. Give this time of growth, yet use it in your time of teaching. Yet, we know you know not of what we speak. But yet, look into your body. Have we not placed within you the miracle of the Lord?

 And we say unto you, soul Paul, the Lord looks upon you in favor and lets the sun shine through you. Soon you shall go unto this other land to teach. Prepare your words carefully, and you shall be received graciously.

We shall also say unto you that soon one should come unto you to purchase the land claims of mineral. Be a good barterer, but be a sensible barterer, and more shall come from the same, for the seed we said to hold shall soon ripen.

And we say, hark, unto you, soul Mary. We see thy need. And you have not walked alone, for we do not sleep. But remember unto these words, soul Mary. You have been chosen. We have placed unto you the name of Mary and not for shallow means. Be patient. Our purpose shall be known unto you when it is the Lord’s will.

We should say unto your group form, the time grows nearer that your book must be published. Yet, the time is also at hand that the new plants we have placed in your hands must be fed. Provide that unto your newsletter. Provide it in such a manner that you should keep their interest, for they are but small children yet.

In the next few months ahead there shall be work for all. We shall instruct you from time to time. We have laid all the tools at your hands, but now is the time to become as one, for one with many hands builds all in the same direction. Your decision in the next few months shall be the most important decision in all of your lives ahead. Be wise.

And we say unto you, [5-7-72-004], we have placed at your decision much responsibility before you. Take up the cup and drink of it, and the reason we kept you in this land you call Globe shall be fully known unto you.

And we say unto you, soul [11-16-70-003], you have come into manhood. But yet, as a boy, you shall long for the merrymaking. Provide of both. But now is the time that shall strengthen you. Give forth your thoughts and your energy, for you have thought of yourself as a least, yet we have looked upon you as as important as ourselves. But remember, we are not great. We are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

And we say unto this one known as D___ [3-23-73-001], we see thy needs. We see thy confusion. There is many willing hands into this land. We shall provide that that is needed, and the wisdom that is needed.

And fear not of ridicule. But we should answer your question in this manner. You have come forth as a person who runs from fountain to fountain, seeking good water. The water that should flow upon this earth, there is much good in all. But go unto the philosophy of this work. Do so in a wise manner, to learn from it. You read, but yet, you do not see. With your heart and your soul. This should be.

And we should say unto all of you, the material that you have compiled for the book should be released to no one at this present time, and should not be copied – only in such a manner that you should store it in more than one place. This would be wise.

We should also suggest, and in each of your newsletters, select philosophy given of that month, some small proportion, adding it as a reminder into your membership.

You have before you a vitally important question of a person in meditation. So that your records can be kept, place forth, therefore, the information at hand, that we may answer the question.   

“Aka, I have a question from[5-25-73-001]…. She has an illness, and she would like information and correction for pain in the leg, tumor or any other problem. ‘Any information I need to know, or to correct the situation,’ she says, ‘that I may be able to overcome this illness. I need to know the cause and what to do about it.’”

We shall answer in this manner. You have a fear of medical doctors. Overcome this fear. If you do not, and seek the assistance now, your condition shall become worse. We are not creators; only our Father may create. We have placed upon your Earth doctors who are healers. If you should have the faith to go unto the medical doctor, we shall provide the healing that is necessary.

Yet, you shall say in these words, “How could this be true? How could these words be true?” And you shall deny us. Yet, we shall answer that you should know that we speak unto you the truth.

First, we should say unto you, there are many paths to our Father’s house. Yet, you worry all the time of serpents at your door. Take from us the philosophy given in the first of this reading. All your storehouses shall do you little good if you are not upon the Earth to eat them, and share them.

For those who should do the work of God in truth, our Father shall provide for their needs, but not their wants. Soul Ray spoke unto you certain words, and he did place unto your body healing. This healing, at his request, was given from us also. Show us the faith you had in the beginning. Walk forth, as David did. Lay your hands upon the sore and speak unto your Father as you would speak unto yourself.

This is all at this present time on this subject.

You have a soul in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Ask this question.

“Aka, [5-18-73-001] --“

This is not of the soul we have spoke of; this soul is in meditation.

“One moment, Aka.[5-22-73-002], one moment. [5-22-73-001] says she has changed her major, as you suggested Tuesday, and has applied for nursing school. She wants to know if she will be accepted? Also, if you have any other suggestions for her, she says she is receptive.”

We see her need, and we should answer in this manner.

First, we should give the healing that is needed. This, in itself, was more important than your question. We shall take from you this virus within you, and we shall place healing into your body.

We shall take care to see your acceptance shall come. Be patient.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And now is the time of the Cherub.

Give prayer for healing unto all this night. Let there be peace and love upon your Earth.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. Beware. Build shelters for your animals, and do so immediately.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona