November 9, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For within thy minds, thy have asked thyself of the preparation within thyself for the time of a passing. And we shall say unto thee into these words. When a man does not know where he has been, he cannot know where he is going, for if he has forgotten unto which he came from, he can carry none of these things unto the other side with him. Therefore, in the preparation within yourselves, each, within their own way, shall find their time of passing.

            For those who know where they have been, it is but a stepping stone, and those are ready for more learning. And therefore, their climb up the ladder is an easy one.

            But for those who do not know where they have been, they become earthbound. Their constant search to communicate on your plane is their strongest need. Yet, you must realize that should a person not know where they have been, this soul has no more knowledge than when he departed. If he was a liar and bragger upon the Earth, then he should be a liar and a bragger on the Earth plane, for all he can see is not the light of our Father; therefore, all that lays before him is the thought of re-entry. But yet, if he is not prepared with that knowledge, he cannot even seek out that, for he knows not how. He will relive that last moment of his life over and over again.

            He is much like the farmer who had a bad crop; his dreams stop.

            But the farmer who has had a bad crop and prepares, therefore, within himself for a new crop, he knows where he has been and the mistakes that he has made, and he has learned from them, and therefore, he should work and toil toward a better crop.

            This should be true in all things upon your Earth. The parable that we have told you shall apply to the smallest thing upon your Earth. Within all mankind and all animal and plant life, the psychic, as you would know it, exists -- intelligence into all belongs of all kinds, whether plant or animal.

            But man is sometimes like the deer who is being hunted. He becomes too busy to take heed of his warnings, and therefore, the deer becomes food for man. This is true in all things, for many man has become the food for another man, for he did not learn from his own experience. Yet, should a man fail with his crop and learn from that unto which he failed -- should a man build a dike in front of his farm and not maintain this dike, when the rains come, the land shall be swept clean, and yet, you call these things an act of God.

            We say unto you, God has placed within you a part of himself, a mind to think with and free choice. He gave you all the tools of His kind to prepare for any catastrophe. But as we have said before, if a man goes into the desert without food or water and perishes, therefore, in the desert, would you blame God or blame a foolish man? Yet even then, your Father has looked down upon such souls and spared them, for their mission was yet to be completed. And yet, even though that that was given to them, they soon forgot and did the same thing. Within each of you God has laid many gifts. God has interceded, giving back to you that you would call life. He put upon your Earth those of the healers in many kinds. He placed upon the Earth those who could prophesy and see the future. He placed, within each of these, those with greater knowledge that they themselves possessed. And for those who are wise and shall listen, they shall hear. And for those who wish to see may see even though they are blinded, for the light is placed before all.

            We have placed, as we promised, unto the heavens that that each of you shall share, each in your own way, yet each of you shall know of our presence. And we shall reach upon the Earth, a third of the Earth at a time, yet all of the Earth shall know of our presence. But yet, there will be some who cannot see, and they shall not look. There will be some who will say, “This is a natural phenomena.” And we say unto you, not one speck of dust upon your Earth could not be moved without our Father’s permission, for He who created all things, both upon Heaven and Earth, has placed, therefore, a promise, and He has not failed to give you, each of you, a sign in your own way.

            Continue to look into the heavens, but also look upon the Earth in your day-to-day toil at the many miracles, as you would call them, that God performs for you every day. Place, therefore, within yourself once a day that small time of thanksgiving. Take out that moment within your day to give thanks unto the Lord for your many blessings. Count them before you start your day, and your faith shall grow and multiply.

            But be not as the greedy one did so during the famine, who stored just to be storing. Store not from greed, but from need.

            We have told you before to store as a group, in group form. We told you to give unto that of ten percent for the storing of the food, for those who could. For those who could not, let them give five. For those who cannot, let them give that unto which they can. If they can give labor, let them give labor. Let each give in his own way. But store in a manner that you may feed all. And fear not, for we shall replenish your storehouses, for the loaves of bread shall not run out.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [11-9-73-001] asked for our prayers for him. We would like to ask blessings for him.”

            We see thy need, and we shall give unto this one and unto his family the blessings that our Lord has allowed us to give unto him. But we shall give it in his own way that should fit his need, unto each of his family’s needs. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            But we say unto thee, do thy not see thy Lord weeping? For He loves His children so. For your anguish is His anguish. Therefore, have faith; have the faith of a mustard seed. We shall provide that which is needed, but yet we are nothing. We are but the messengers of God. We are but the instruments of God. But remember, the Lord takes nothing that He does not replace, for those who should have faith.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [11-9-73-002], and she asks, ‘Could you please give healing and cure for my father of multiple sclerosis? In the name of our Lord, Jesus, I pray.’”

            We shall answer you in this manner. We are not allowed to interfere with the free choice of another soul. For is it not written, “Ask and thy shall receive?” And for he who should ask in his own words, that that he should ask for shall be given.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have a request for a health reading from [11-9-73-003]. She asks for a reading to try to find why  her back pains constantly between thoracic vertebrae four and five.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment. 

            Yes, now, yes – now we find this soul, and therefore, we have the body before us.

            First we should answer your question in this manner. This comes from a virus, arthritic condition. This type of arthritis eats away at the bone tissue in itself, allowing the chemical balance to deteriorate. We would suggest that this soul come forth unto soul Ray that help might be given unto the same.

            We would suggest that as soon as possible that soul Ray obtain that of the negative ion to be used in such cases as these.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [11-9-73-004] asks a number of questions. The first one, ‘We do plan to move from this locality if [C____] can find suitable employment in another city. Can you tell us if that would be possible as well as profitable, also, when?’ She says, ‘By profitable, I don’t mean materially, except for being a livable salary. I mean whether the same location would be good for us spiritually and job satisfaction?’”

            Yes, we see thy need; we shall answer in this manner. Satisfaction must come from inside. That which you seek, you shall find, but only in this manner. If you should seek those who are reaching for spiritual enlightenment, you shall find it where you are. But within itself, that same spiritual enlightenment must come from within the person. By the changing, and going from town to town shall solve nothing, for you shall take yourselves with you. It is that within yourselves that the satisfaction must be found.

            You asked, shall you move? Yes, we see this. This shall come shortly after the first of the year, your calendar year. But that which you seek lies at your feet, for they are flowers. All you must do is see them and place dreams within them, and place wings upon the dreams and let them fly into reality. But even the best of ships can flounder if a captain is not at the helm.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She asks this; she says, ‘Please, don’t think I intend any disrespect, but it is important to me to know whether Mr, Elkins, as well as Aka, believes Jesus is the son of God’”.

            We shall answer your question in this manner, that soul Ray’s beliefs are that of God, and that that of the man known Jesus was therefore of Adam, and therefore, His first-begotten son.

            But we shall say unto you into this manner. There have been many who have reached the Christ state, for there have been many sent to all of mankind from our Father. For did not the sons of God find the daughters if men fair, and therefore, enter?

            But we say unto you, prepare therefore for his second coming -- and much as his own apostles did so, for upon his resurrection, they knew him not -- for Thomas he had to produce wounds that he should believe. Shall you be the same? Or shall you be ready for his coming? For there has been a thousand years of peace promised upon your Earth, a new Heaven and a new Earth. Prepare [so], therefore, within the same. Start that preparation within yourself.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, she asks for help regarding her sinus condition which has been worse since moving to Fayetteville, North Carolina. She says, ‘Can you tell me whether the move to a drier climate would be helpful? Is there any medication I can use?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment.

            Yes, yes. Yes.

            The soul has been located.

            First, we should answer in this manner, yes, the moving into a drier climate would be very helpful, but that of pollution, into a polluted land, should not improve the situation. Therefore, we should say unto you unto these words. Obtain, therefore, for the present time that of the negative-ion machine. Obtain, therefore, that of filtering of your air. Obtain, therefore, that of clean, pure drinking water. Taking therefore of the sage leaf, preparing a tea from the same by seeping this; sweeten lightly with natural honey. Taking therefore of salt that has been dehydrated from the ocean, placing 10 teaspoons to one quart of water, therefore creating a vaporizer by bringing this water to a boil and placing a towel above thy head, doing this three times daily, that these area shall not only be drained, but healing shall come from the salt of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, she asks,‘Why do I not have the necessary will power to lose my excess weight?’”

            That comes from the same question you asked in the beginning, the lack of faith within yourself, and therefore, you should question the faith of another. Learn, therefore, to respect yourself in the body that God has given you, for remember, the body is the temple of God. Pollute it not.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She asks, ‘Is my narcolepsy a karmic condition, If so, please explain. Is there any effective treatment or medication available other than Ritalin?’”

            (Sigh.) You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Would you like me to move to a different person or continue with this one?”


            “This last year has proved to be a great step forward for my family and me. We feel after having read some of the Edgar Cayce material that it has also left us somewhat confused as to what is really Jesus’ church on Earth; that is, is there one church as we have been taught? What forms of public, also private, worship are pleasing to God?”

            God placed no rules for the worship. He only asked unto you to love unto Him one-tenth of the love that He has given unto His children. He asks that you love unto mankind one-tenth of the love you would like to receive unto yourself.

            There have been many prophets placed upon the earth, each to serve man in a different way. As there are many paths unto our Father’s kingdom, so should there be many ways to worship. Learn to respect that of another. Take that form of worship that you can believe.

            But we say unto you, should your Father listen unto you, speak unto God as you would speak unto yourself. Take no rituals that have been made up by another man, for they fit his needs, not yours. But respect his right to believe as he will. You will have taken one step closer to God in that manner, for our Father has many mansions.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘What can I personally do to best serve Him?’”

            We have just answered that question.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, she asks for health information on her 18-year-old son, [11-9-73-005].She is concerned, among other things – one moment, here. She says, ‘He has always been and still is when at home a bed wetter. What, if anything, can be done to correct this?’”

            First, we should answer this question in this manner. As we have said before, we cannot violate this one’s free will. If he himself should desire an answer, let him ask, and he shall receive the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [11-9-73-006]. She says, ‘Please help me find a way to improve use of my hands, arms, walk better and talk better.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore -- one moment.


            Yes, we see we have overtaxed soul Ray’s body, and therefore, this question should be brought forth in your next reading form.

            We should say unto thee unto these words. God loveth His children in many ways. For He should leadeth His children, if they should listen, each down their own separate paths.

            Now is not the time for separate paths. Come unto one in your food storage. Be as one. Pool your knowledge. Pool your resources. Bring them together. Do unto these things and we shall see of thy needs.

            Each of you have seen that unto which God has allowed within us to do. Each of you we have given healing. Each of you we have given life and purpose. Bring these together, for in truth be as brother and sister. Give knowledge unto one another.

            We have placed into your keeping this one we call a prophet, who prefers to be called an instrument. We have placed knowledge for your use. Open your eyes and your ears. Your separate paths will only bring you chaos. Bring this house into one house, not divided in any way, and the blessings of God shall not be denied.

            Each of you have duties to perform. Allow us to perform our duty, our function.

            We can force you to do nothing. We can only ask. Study our words well. You shall find we have come not for our needs, but for yours.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy. ]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona