November 11, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words.

            As the Seven Spirits of God were sent forth to create your earth and your heaven, so they placed upon the earth the four seasons, two which would be longer than the others. Your winter season is a time that the land should sleep, yet it still bears fruit unto mankind in its slumber. Yet then cometh the spring, and the spring is a time for planting and planning. And then your summer cometh forth, and the growth begins upon the earth, that to replenish all of its kind.

            And so it has been.

            Yet then comes forth the autumn, and the autumn is the time for storing, to store that unto which you have harvested and planted and planned. And yet, winter comes again.

            And so be the works of the Lord to replenish each within its own kind.

            Yet we say these words unto you. Why should you believe us who should speak of heaven, when you cannot believe the words we speak of earth?

            Upon our coming, we spoke unto you these words, “Ask and thy shall receive.” For our Lord is the God of the living, not of the dead. He planteth seed upon your earth, the seed of man, and the seed of animal, the seed of plant, the seed of soil to plant within. And ferment came unto the earth.

            But we say unto you, man has chosen his own karmic action. And for those who should fail to overcome these karmas upon this earth plane, your own laws of karmic action shall be the prevailing wind that shall carry you into another lifetime.

            Yet life is precious. And each thing upon the earth placed therefore by the Lord is precious. And the temple of God should dwell within man.

            You call these things nature. We see them as the hands of God delicately molding beauty before you all and harmony within all.

            Yet before famine, good years are provided that storing may come from the harvest.

            This should be true within your own lives. Store each moment as though it would be your last forever. Store it in such a way, and be prepared at every moment, that should the Master of the land return and reclaim what is rightly His, you should be willing to give it up. Yet you should know of Him....


            [Editor’s note: The published reading ends here. No audio recording was made available with which to check accuracy or complete this transcript. The remainder was probably a private reading, one in which questions were answered for one individual, rather than a reading held publicly. That may be why only this portion was published in the newsletter, because it was of general interest.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona