November 16, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words.

            For as the Lord, our God had placed upon the Earth all things, that they should begot within themselves, and bring forth new life upon the Earth -- and as the Seven Spirits of God stood forth upon the Earth, each thought long and hard of a message that they might send unto the Earth, that man could see of hope. Each thought of the great mountains and the ocean and the heavens. Yet still, all of these were of the works of God. Yet they wanted to place upon the Earth a reminder of His presence.

            And so, one by one, they ventured forth unto the Lord.


            And so it has been.

            For love, this word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, we say to you, look within that hidden place within your mind where the light glows brightly. Yet there is a quiet place there, as though standing by a hidden brook of knowledge. Look deep within, and there within yourself you shall find the ending of the rainbow, for there within yourself shall be the temple of God.

            Forget not these words. Cast your eyes into the heavens from which we have come, for we are of many galaxies, of many universes; yet, our God is the same. And His love is the same.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Is the carbon tetrachloride, called Weevil Kill, safe for our grain storage when used as directed?”

            Yes, this is safe for grain storage. But we should say unto these words. Use that within what is known as a cold pack. This is simpler than most methods and safer.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Do you mean the dry ice, Aka?”

            Nay. Take that form of the goods, heating the containers of the same in hot water. When they are thoroughly hot this would force the air form and bacteria form from the inside. Therefore, by placing the cap upon the same, it should cause of a vacuum. This is a simple form which cannot do damage unto that which you should package.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading, Aka, for [11-16-73-001]. She asks, she says she is worried about her 65-percent hearing loss, since her husband has not worked for more than one and one-half years and probably will not again; her hearing loss is becoming a real problem. She also has arthritis in both feet and ankles which is very painful. She also asks about her husband.”

            First, we should answer first unto these questions -- in this manner. We may only give information unto those who should ask, for they are the ones who should receive.

            For the arthritic condition, first we should answer in this manner. Take, therefore, of the white and black clay forms that soul Ray has brought forth, applying them in the prescribed manner. Take, therefore, of the Aloe Vera Juice, taking therefore eight tablespoons per cay. Take therefore of the Night-Blooming Cereus. This can be preserved in this form by taking that of hydraulic pressed juice forms and dejuicing the substance of the same, and cold packing as prescribed before, then therefore of taking three tablespoons of the juice form per day. We would also suggest the taking therefore of the calcium-magnesium in the form, therefore, of Dolomite. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the chaparral in the form of eight tablets per day.


            We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the Lipoflavinoid vitamin substance. We suggest this because of hardening of the arteries leading therefore from the heart into the brainal area. We would further suggest that the use of the drug known as Ardelin [Arliden] and Antivert be used. This must be acquired from that of a physician.

            Yes, we see this.

            This should be used therefore – yes – of the Ardelin [Arliden] 10-milligram units per day, of the Antivert, units in one 10-milligram unit per day, of the Ardelin [Arliden], twice daily.

            Yes, we see this.

            We further find – yes – in the pituitary gland imbalance. Yes -- you must realize that through this gland you have that that should secrete into the pineal gland, therefore, which should regulate the chemical form or forms of the body, causing cell growth or delayed growth, or growth therefore out of proportion, and affecting each cell as a separate and total individual substance of the same.

            We would suggest, therefore, the seeking out, if possible, of that of either bio-feedback therapy or that of hypnotic therapy to be used upon this subject in above prescribed manner -- that the subject in manner be regressed therefore back into such an age as before that that she has had, the present condition. In this manner, the body and the antibodies therefore to attack unto the virus of the rheumatoid substance would come about much quicker, and recovery of the same.

            Yes, we see this.

            We find therefore infection, therefore, of the liver area, and kidney, bladder, and therefore, secretion from that of the vagina of the self and the uterus. We would suggest therefore unto this subject the using, first, of the large quantities of that of the cranberry juice, drinking as often as thy can; the drinking therefore of clean drinking water; placing in the diet that of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day.              


            We would further suggest the cleansing of thy air form within thy home. This would greatly help into this area. We would further suggest that you use that in vagina area for the cleaning of the same, using proportions of one quart of your measure to one pint of your measure of vinegar, apple vinegar, into that of the same, adding therefore 10 tablespoons of Aloe vera into the same.  This should be used as a washing form regularly.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [7-6-73-002] asks for a health reading....And she asks,‘Will I have children, if so how many? Will I graduate from school into my chosen profession this year?’ She has not been specific on her request for a health reading.”

            Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. You asked, will you go unto your chosen profession, and we shall answer into this manner. You will receive that of the doctrine [doctorate] necessary to enter the profession, yet marriage shall interfere in this manner. You shall have three children, two of which shall be girls and one of which shall be a boy.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she had asked also for anything in regards to her past lives.”

            We would suggest that this question be brought forth at a different time.

            “I have a request for a health reading for [11-16-72-03-002]. He asks, ‘What do you recommend for my heart condition, and what do you recommend for phlebitis and poor circulation?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment, please.

            Yes, we see this. Yes.

            Of the heart condition, first we should answer into this manner. Of the [severe (sinus, sinistra, semilunar?)] valve, we find blockage within the same. This is caused from long overweight. This has caused of the building up of fatty tissue, therefore malfunction of the valve within the same.

            Of the circulatory system and improvement of the same, we would suggest in this manner -- first, of the taking that of the safflower oil in four capsule units before eating, 30 minutes before eating; this should be added with the B6 compound which should lie in the capsule unit within the same. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E, added therefore with 1,000 units of vitamin C. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, within the same of mineral oil, the drinking of one ounce per day before eating.

            We would further suggest that that of the sauna baths be sought out and used, first in a graduating manner, no more than five minutes a day in the beginning, and building up into a 30- minute unit. This within itself would answer all three of the questions within the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [11-16-73-003] asks for a health reading, specifically, can anything be done for her spinal condition?”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we see thy need -- one moment.


            Therefore, we have before us the body.

            Yes, we see of this.

            We would suggest, therefore, that either the seeking out of an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, that if adjustments of, in an upward proportion of the eight and ninth vertebrae are made, in the correct manner, the opening therefore of the pelvic area, allowing therefore the spine therefore room to go back in its proper proportion, this would greatly relieve the curvature of the spine.

            There is permanent damage there unto the nerve center, that into known as brainstem area. This within itself will cause problems and difficulties at different periods of this one’s life span. Corrective surgery could be done. If – yes, we see this -- if the surgery was done in the above subscribed manner, and that is what is called the searing of the [ceverian] nerve, if this was done in the lower proportion of the left leg area of the spinal unit, this would [alleviate] this problem. But you must realize that as this is done, your warning signals unto this proportion of the body shall no longer be fed back into the brain, and damage could be done to you in other manners. We would suggest, therefore, that you might venture forth for therefore unto soul Ray and let him give forth healing unto the same.

            Soul Ray now grows tired, and our time is short, so we should leave with you unto these words.

            As we have said before, a sign shall appear in the heavens for all to see. The sign has not entered; the time is yet but now. It shall grow stronger. Look, therefore, into your month, of the 16th day of December, and then look therefore unto the 25th day of your month of December.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. New earthquakes shall erupt in the Mexico area. The land should prepare within itself for tornado and hurricane-type storms unto your eastern seaboard and that of the western, of your Pacific. It should bring storms therefore upward into your land. New storms shall develop into your northern Pacific bringing storms, therefore, unto this land. Prepare, therefore, within the same.

            There are those here tonight who have asked for healing for loved ones. We have seen of their need, and therefore, healing shall be given in the manner unto which it was asked. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editors note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins