November 23, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For those who have ears, let them listen; for those who are deaf, let them listen. For those who are blind, let them listen. Yet for those who have sight, let them see.

            For upon your land, as we have said before, marches onward unto the Fifth Angel.

            We have told unto thee of the coming of the famine, and yet your nation, your world did nothing. We also told you that this need not be.

            Yet we should tell unto you the parable of the tree, the woodsman and the young boy.

            For as the woodsman and the young boy went into the forest and cut, therefore, a huge tree, and the woodsman was busy cutting away the branches and leaves of the tree, the young boy called unto him and said unto him these words, “Sir, what does all the circles in the trunk of the tree mean?”

            And the woodsman answered back, and he said unto them, “If the circles are thin, those are dry and hard years for the tree in its growth. If they are fat, then those were plentiful years for the tree. Yet each circle should constitute a lifetime of the tree within the same, for all should come from the heart of the tree.”

            The lad looked long at the circles. He said, “Yes, but sir, there are circles that lead back into one part of another circle.”

            The woodsman stopped his work and ventured forward, and therefore, looked unto the trunk of the tree as the lad would. And he shook his head and could not understand this. And he told unto the lad, “I do not understand this, but maybe God would. Let us give prayer unto God that He should answer our question.”

            And as they bent their head in prayer a stranger approached, and as both the boy and the woodsman looked up they were surprised. The stranger walked forward and laid his hand unto the tree trunk and he said, “Look, therefore, unto the heart of the tree. In the beginning, it was pure and clean. Yet you see, therefore, of the days of famine for the tree; yet it grew and grew in knowledge. Yet there were days when it received plenty of nourishment, and those are the wider circles. Yet you see, even the wider circle comes back unto one of the thinner circles.

            “And I say unto you into these words, for the tree had its own karma and learned not from it. A stone was cast there by a thoughtless person, and the tree, knowing not how to rid itself of it, the circles led back into the same place. But yet, you see beyond this, and the circles once again become even and whole, for the tree, like man, took many lifetimes to learn to cast out its karma, its problem.”

            And we say unto you that even though the back of the tree has been blemished, if that which is inside of the tree in the beginning stands forth unto all stones that are cast upon it, the bark shall return and the tree shall grow forth. And this is much as the same as a man, for the body of man is the temple of God. Man may cast stones and harm the bark, but it cannot destroy that which is truthfully inside. That is the soul and the spirit which is enhoused within the body, the temple of God.

            Yet we say unto you, destroy this temple, and if that which came from the inside was pure, it shall restore itself in three days.

            Before you stands that which you would say is the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ.

            He said unto you unto these words, “I come of this time, not to bring peace upon the earth, but to show you the fulfillment of the prophecies yet to come.”And so he did. And he showed unto you the resurrection of the body in three day, yet you knew him not.

            And yet we come but for one purpose, to prepare the way for his coming, the coming of the Messiah. And yet his name should not be Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha; for the name shall come from our Father, and the spirit shall come from our Father.

            Yet before you lies this land of Israel. And our Father promised that they should return unto their land. And our Father promised that the Lamb that you had slain should come forth.

            But He has also said unto you, beware of the anti-Christ which come upon your earth, for it shall be a beast, and even though its head shall be cut away, a new head shall come forth from it, for she is a foul thing, this nation of Babylon. We have told unto you that that of your Book of Revelations should now have its second fulfillment, for you shall be as those of the modern Romans.           Yet we have told unto you that the children of God may be changed as though the picking up of a stone. But this must come from within. Yet all parts, as the tree has done, must repair itself, and prepare itself in a like manner. We have said unto thee, if thy eye offend thee, cast it aside. The tree did not kill itself by casting aside the stone. It repaired that within itself and went on with life. Do so within yourselves.

            You have that of, in your mind, of your marriage ceremony, and we shall answer into these words. The answer unto this should be left to the discretion of the one known as soul Ray, as we have given forth that unto you for spiritual guidance.

            But we say unto you unto these words, that should that of a minister be apart and no communications be allowed, then the minister must act upon his heart and soul and that unto which he knows is right before God. Yet unity must prevail. This is why we have placed soul Ray before you who have been placed as ministers. And as long as your organization shall exist, one such as he shall reign in this position. Should he be wrong in his decision, our Father shall let it be known unto him in a just manner. Should you be wrong in your decision, He should let you know in a just manner.

            Of that of the burial ceremony, in extreme conditions, the whole ceremony also may be done at one time. And of that of the burial, and baptism, and marriage may all be done at one time, for you shall find those who should ask for, at their last moments of life, for baptism. Ask not their faith; give forth that that has been placed before you to give.

            We should answer unto another who is present unto these words. Because of the long fatigue of soul Ray’s body we shall not go unto lengthy description of the abdominal parts of your body. Instead we shall implant the knowledge that is needed into soul Ray’s mind. Come forth, therefore, into consultation, that he may examine you and answer your questions. We shall be there to assist.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. Our time has come for departure.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona