October 2, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Give that unto yourself that belongs unto yourself. Give that unto your fellow man that belongs unto your fellow man. Give that unto God that belongs to God. But as the sun should come forth upon your earth, and for the rays of the sun, so shall be the souls of man.

            Thy have thought in thy mind, “How should I climb the ladder unto my Lord?” And we should answer in this manner, our Father has many mansions. But think of man and the souls of man as the rays of the sun that should filter forth upon your earth unto all proportions. Think of night, and think of day. Yet the sun shall shine where darkness lies, and darkness shall lie where the sun should shine. For think of that hidden place within your mind. Go unto that hidden place and find the knowledge therein, for we have placed upon the Earth teachers for all the mansions.

            We have come not to change the laws of Moses. We have come not to change the laws and gifts of the one known as Jesus Christ. We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your Earth. And so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have questions, ask.

            “[10-2-73-001] asks for a life reading and has one other question.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

            [Editor’s note: Aka’s words are interrupted by people at the front door.] We should wait.

            Aka is here. And therefore, we should say unto thee into these words. We have the words and the wisdom, and therefore, we have the records of time. We look up these records and find many incarnations. We shall give in part those most pertinent to the soul.

            For we find of this one in the fifth island of Atlantis – yes. We find this one at [a] time before Atlantis was even given of its name, for upon this island came forth the sons of God.

            Some came forth unto that one known as Arcan. Some came forth unto the one known as Aka, for Aka brought forth all of the people from the other planet, from the home planet. Because of their own stupidity and their own mistrust in their leaders and in God, they brought chaos upon their earth; they brought destruction of the same. And the one known as Aka gave prayer unto the Lord, and peace was made upon the planet. But peace was too late in its coming.

            There was a pact of trust, and therefore, you all came forth under the guidance of this one.

            And this is why we have said unto you, think of the records that are kept forever and ever; think of God, our Father; and think of the word, karma -- and therefore, you shall have the name of Aka. For karma, as we have said before, brings forth vows, and therefore, brings forth teachers upon the Earth.

            You chose, after your entityupon the Earth, to fall back upon the one known as Arcan, and therefore, new war was created upon this Earth.

            And yet, you saw unto the heavens the light unto the east, and as it grew brighter by the day, you knew unto yourself that your choice had been wrong, and therefore, you knelt before God and said unto these words, “Oh, Lord, I have lost my way, for from one side, it tells us we must conquer these people and utilize them and utilize their bodies. We must speed up their incarnations. Yet, Lord, when I look upon them I see but beasts. Yet this one known as Aka tells us they are all of God’s children, and the interference by us, other than by Godly teachings, are wrong. Which is the road I shall follow?”

            Yet, no answer came, only the star became brighter. And as all of the ships unto which you had passed through to gain entity on Earth were in the hands of the one known as Aka, you heard rumors that many of the people were preparing to go unto the other planetary systems. And you thought unto yourself, “If I could remain with this one, I might learn.”

            And yet, as you threw down your arms and walked forward, this one stood upon a hill, and the rays of the sun encircled and enflamed. And you bowed your head into prayer, as many of the people of the Earth had. And the others thrust their weapons forward, yet he stood. And as the rays of the sun became unto fierce fire and encircling, all of their weapons turned back unto them that had cast them, and when you rose and looked around you, there was nothing but ashes upon ashes, as though that proportion of the land had turned unto volcanic ash.

            You came forward, and he said unto you, “For you shall be as Cain. Go unto the wilderness and build unto the people of the Earth. Go unto [that] which will be called Ur, and you shall become that known as the Sumerian.”

            And so, you did so.

            But he warned you, “There shall come a time upon the Earth when great floods shall destroy it, for our Father shall wipe clean upon the earth all things, that the Earth shall come forward.”

            And so you went unto the lands. And you found there beauty, as though in Eden. Yet the Earth began to shift and turn and twirl, and you thought unto yourself, “All mankind, nothing can live through this.”

            But of the temple you were told to build, light of the sun rays came forward from temple to temple, and those temples emerged.

            [Note: There is another interruption at the door.]

            And so, unto the Earth came the words that the dimensions of time that were given unto each of those sent forth upon the Earth were built.

            And in the land of Egyptan, the great one was built, and Earth’s ice and snow melted back away and receded, yet all was changed.

            And yet, you heard Arka [Aka’s] voice once again as he spoke and said unto you, “You shall hear me many time, for now I must go forward. There shall be a time when the rays you have seen shall become as one, for I shall enter unto the ray, and soul Ray shall be I, and I shall be soul Ray.”

            And so it was written, and so it was done.

            You lived and taught, and departed. Yet you went unto the masters in the afterlife, and you asked unto them, “Where we have built these temples, we were taught that the Earth should turn again and the Earth should be destroyed by water. Shall the temples be destroyed?”

            And masters said unto thee, “Nay, for they shall be fed from the other planetary system, for it is part of God’s work, part of God’s knowledge that He has given unto man. For now you are of man. Your entity shall be of this Earth there before you, not of the others.”

            And so you watched, and you saw the one known as Arcan and the one known as Aka change form. Arcan through each incarnation began his own growth; yet you have never seen death unto the one known as Aka.

            And word came forth unto you of a great priest, a disciple of Aka, who would be born in the far north, yet would travel into the land of Egyptan. The chief priest’s name was that of Ra-Tai.

            Then you said unto the masters, “I would like to enter upon this time.”

            And the masters said unto you, “Then make your choice by karma, that you should learn the most from your voyage.”

            And so, you came forth, but yet a small lad, a babe in swaddling clothes, for Atlantis was gone and only Ra-Tai remained. And Ra-Tai built many temples, and yet he chose of the large temple of old that new structures should be built beneath. Rumors from the Atlanteans were that Ra-Tai would take from them and put beneath the earth the knowledge of the Atlanteans. Yet even though they revolted and sent him into exile, he came back upon the land of Egyptan.

            By now, you were a young lad, a young man. Upon his landing in the great city, there were those of the Atlanteans who would destroy him. Yet you had asked and been given permission to be of bodyguard unto this one. Yet, as the spear of light was cast, you grew fearful and dropped to the ground; yet the light did not harm Ra-Tai.

            For your fear, you lay humbly upon the earth, and Ra-Tai walked forth and laid his hand upon you, and he said unto you, “This is twice your fear has overcome you. Overcome your fear that you may learn. Go, therefore, and become a worker within the great temple, that the new chambers should be built.”

            And as the days went into months and years, you had wed and bore children, and therefore, you could not become unto the priesthood of that time, for you would not be of the chosen lot that should be entombed with the knowledge.

            And the day came forth that each of the giant granite slabs were released and slid into position. You looked upon the great temple, and the light shone from the heavens and blanketed the earth, and darkness came forth.

            And you said unto our Lord, God, “Oh, Lord, why must I always be a pupil and not a teacher?”

            Yet this time the Lord said unto you, “BE PATIENT, FOR WE HAVE MANY THINGS TO SHOW YOU.”

            You watched the people as the knowledge was gone, day by day, year by year, losing that of the true knowledge, diverting back. You saw the pharaohs come forth and set themselves forth as gods. Yet your mind became confused, and you cast yourself unto the River Nile and departed.

            You slept long this time, for many econs [eons?].

            Upon your awakening, you had seen your folly, for upon the Earth was a new teacher, one known as Jesus. And the words upon the Earth were that this was the son of God, yet the son of man. You watched from the heavens, from birth to crucifixion, yet you saw the resurrection and the truth within the same.

            And you saw him walk forth upon the American continent, and so you chose your entry. There were many there, as he chose his twelve for teaching, who thought of him as an evil spirit. Yet day by day, as he taught of kindness and not of warfare, they began to love him and cherish him.

            And the years passed, and you ventured into the city of Toltan [Tolteca?]. And as these days passed, you saw him depart yet from the Bay of [Carlan] and promise, therefore, to return.

            And years passed, and soon you saw him walking forth upon the water. But the people had become back unto the worships of wickedness and sacrifice. And they told of the people that the one that should come forth was an evil one. And so they plotted and sent their armies forward before the people.

            And yet he saw this, and he walked upon a hill and raised his arms and knelt, and loud across the valley were his words, “Oh, Father, if this is the end of my teachings, I shall accept it in this manner.”

            But suddenly, as you had seen before, the sun rays struck upon this one and swirled and became into fire, and as the spears were thrust, they went back into those who would thrust them. Yet those who remained tried to retreat, and there was fire behind them, and they were consumed.             And you saw the Prophet, the pale one with golden hair and golden beard, walk back, back unto which he had come across the water. And the people followed, and they waited by the shoreline, but he was gone.

            And therefore, you started back unto your city, but the fire had brought lava form, and all water was gone upon the earth, for where water had flown, no water lay, no more upon that proportion of the Earth. And yet, you traveled for many days, and many died of thirst. And your children shrunk. Yet memory had been stirred within you of a fire you had seen so many years ago, and you knelt in prayer, this time, not that you be spared, but water be given unto the children.

            And suddenly before you appeared that of a prophet. His body shined, as though by light, yet it was darkness. And he took his shaft and struck the earth, and from the earth came forth water all about you. And the people rejoiced. Yet when they turned to thank him, they looked forth yet to see the star, nothing more.

            You lived out your life span and chose, because of the Prophet’s teachings of the coming of the Black Robes, the Spaniards, you went into that proportion now known as Mexico City. And the Spaniards went forth upon the temple the Prophet had built and they found a statue therefore of a prophet, and in his hands was that of a lamb. And they hacked both it down, yet they could not destroy the temple. The people came forth, therefore, for healing, so they ordered the people to bring forth great mounds of mud and bury unto this, the temple; and so it was.

            And you thought unto yourself, “Here I have been cast forth once again, yet I was not able to save the Prophet, nor was I able to save my people from the coming of these, the Black Robes.”

            But yet there were some among the Black Robes who were kind and different from others, but you trusted them not. They bore the sign, unlike the one, for it was a cross with the crucifixion. For within your mind you had remembered the story the Prophet had told you of the faraway land unto which he had come, of the faraway land and the people who were jealous of his powers to heal, who were jealous of his gentle and kindness, and became fearful of him, and therefore, did crucify him. But the sign he bore were the sign of ankh.

            Yet you knelt upon the mound of mud and said in despair, “Oh, Lord, where are Thou? How may I teach my people?”

            And the Lord cane forth unto you and said unto these words, “GO FORTH THEN [UNTO] YOUR OWN KIND. TEACH THESE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN GIVEN FORTH UNTO YOU TO TEACH.”

            And so it was.

            Now we find you upon this plane, this Earth plane, this time. And we shall say unto you these words of wisdom. We have brought forth the wine and the bread. Provide, therefore, the yeast. But be a student, and then a teacher. We have placed thou upon the Earth. But look forth upon the one who still washes the feet of his disciples, and you shall find the way, for we are here but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            Take forth the wisdom and the knowledge we have given unto you, and life shall bear life, and kind shall bear kind, for thy halftimes have ended.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Soul Ray now grows tired. It is our time of departure.

            But beware. The Fifth Angel walks upon the Earth. In the land of the Californians and Mexico, in the Mediterranean and in your Eastern seaboard, new earthquakes shall arise.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript could not be compared to the audio recording because one was not available.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona