October 5, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall answer through the parable of the two brothers; you have called them Cain and Abel.

            And Cain labored in the fields, and he did his labor that he might bring forth unto God the bounty of his fruit of his labor.      And Abel labored in the fields, yet Abel was a dreamer. And those things that came easy for Abel came very hard for Cain. And so, therefore, there was conflict between the two.

            And Cain slayed Abel and went before the Lord in the lie.

            Yet the Lord did not slay Cain; He sent him forth, that he may teach unto others of his own folly.

            But we should say unto thee unto these words. Unto each of you there is that of Cain, there is that of Abel, for the Lord in His wisdom knew that it took both parts to make a whole man. Too often each of you seek out to destroy a part of you that you think in your mind is not fitting or un-godlike. And too often you judge unto others that part of them that you do not like in yourselves.

            Before you cast judgment upon another, look unto yourself and say unto these words, “Do I myself possess these same qualities?” In this manner, you may learn from the folly of others, but you may also learn from the folly of yourselves.

            Though another should strike you with a stone, and you should fall dead upon the ground, if in truth your heart is in that of God, there is no death, for there is everlasting life. But in truth, if your heart is not in God, there is still life, but therefore, within the same, this one would become a lost soul.

So look within yourselves and see. First give judgment into yourselves. For as your Father has given unto you free will, give wisdom unto yourself. Seek out those hidden places within you. Take your toil in a loving manner. For remember, nothing is hidden, for what has been hidden, light shall light be shown upon, what is covered shall be uncovered, for now is the time of the Cherub.

            Many of you have thought unto your minds, “This is the later days.” And we say unto you, this can be you later days, or this can be your new beginning.

            But remember unto these words. Your earth was here long before man, and it shall be here long after man has perished.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [3-9-73-001].”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have the records before us. And we see thy need unto this soul.


            We find this soul, entry of the same, in that proportion and the entry in the land you now call Persia. At this time, this land within itself was but an isle. You must realize that the people or this isle made their living from that of the fishing trade.

            Yes, we see this.

            And you have chosen, as a [follower], that of a fisherman. Yet you are a dreamer. You continually fumble and foul the nets of your father until he becomes angry with you and sends you into shame to assist the women of the village.

            Yet your dreams become stronger. But the shame your father has cast upon you, your mind reaches out to the fisherman’s nets each night, and each day the fish are driven away.

            The men of the village say that you are responsible for the same, and therefore, you are placed within a craft, given provisions for three days, and sent adrift.

            The storms rush upon you, and you fear within yourself for your life. Yet, your thoughts go back to that unto which you had done unto these people, and that that they had done unto you. You had been taught since childhood of the God of One, and your entity brought forth was very close unto the Godhead itself. And you said unto yourself, “If this is what they have cast me into for death, then let me have death.”

            But the ocean rose and great waves picked upon the earth of the ocean and drove the small craft across the mighty sea. Day by day you traveled until thirst had driven you into madness. You could see land, yet the wave would not let you touch land. And yet, death would not come.

            This brought you forth unto the American continent in that proportion now known as Yucatan. The land in itself at this time was basically uninhabited; the people, very backward, not developed. Yet, they nursed you back to health. And soon you learned of their language. And you learned of the red land unto which the flying vessels came forward and made captives of these people.

            And so you banded the men together, that you may capture one of their vessels. And you made plans. And so you took the best specimens from the village and used them for bait, much as you had seen your father do when he cast his net.

            But you knew in your mind that you must separate the other vessels, and have one single vessel land, that you may attack it. A huge pit was dug near the village. You implanted false trees, that the craft itself had but one clearing to land in, in that in the area where you had placed the pit. You labored long.

            Then the word went out unto the other villages that they too could lure the other crafts away by placing themselves as bait.

            And the day came forth. And as the craft landed, the pit gave way, and the timbers you had placed falsely were flung upon it. And then you began to wait, and abandoned the village and covered that of the great pit. You watched as the other vessels circled over the area until you knew that the occupants, inside, themselves had died, and soon the search for the lost craft was given up.

            And then you expanded the pit, took away the debris, and entered.

            From the diagrams within you learned that of navigation, for parts of the same you had been taught by your father. Soon you mastered the ship and its weaponry. And soon you had captured other vessels by luring them away one by one. And soon you were making attacks on the continent of Atlantis.

            Yet all these things you had done for vengeance, that you might return unto your homeland as a conqueror.

            And so it came, the day that you did go unto the homeland, and your thoughts were to destroy the people. But then your thoughts were, “How can they see me as a great person if I destroy them? So I shall bring my crafts forth and bear them gifts.”

            Yet, when you landed, the people were frightened and they ran. Among them was your mother and father. In your anger, you did destroy them.

            But while your ships were ground-bound, the mighty wave again slashed forth and destroyed your ships. And yet, there was one small parcel of land that you alone were spared upon. You looked upon the earth as the wave receded, and the land was barren. Yet, in the storehouses food was preserved.

            You built again a small craft and set asail, and the wave again brought you forth. Yet you had prayed for death.

            At this time, the waves and the destruction had come forth upon all the earth, and the storms lasted unto 40 days and 40 nights. You saw the crafts pass above you, those known as the arks. Yet they paid no attention to you. And again you were crazed by thirst and hunger, but yet death would not come unto you.

            And you came forth [only] to land of Egyptan. And yet, you were young of body, but yet you had lived, in your years, of 2,000. And your thoughts were in yourself. “I shall destroy unto myself.” Yet no man, no matter where you went, would bear arm against you.

            Until one day, half out of your mind, you entered into the Temple of Beauty, and shouted, therefore, unto the priest.

            Yet, the priest, Ra-Tai, came forth and said, “You seek of death. Yet you bear the mark of Cain, and therefore, death cannot come unto you.”

            Your wits came back about you, for you knew the man spoke the truth. And you said unto this one, “If I should bear the mark of Cain, then how may I take this from me?”

            And the wise one said unto you these words, “Remember where you have been. Remember unto those acts you have done unto others into which you have used your God-given ability to harm unto others. You used of the people of that far-away land, unto which many now dwell of the Atlanteans, to destroy your own people, your own kind. You have forgotten that giving was more important than receiving.

            But you said unto him, “But when I landed our craft, my thoughts were to give unto my people, but yet, they were afraid.”

            And he placed his hand upon you and said, “Look up into the heavens and see of that unto which the Lord, God, has given. Do you fear Him, for He is mightier than you? And He has seen fit that you live. If you want death, as you would know it, you must first know of life. If you want heaven, you must first know of life.”

            You left the land of Egyptan and traveled northward, always seeking out death. Yet death would not come unto you.

            But word and messages you heard of the people known as the Essenes, and you thought unto yourself, “If I cannot have death, then I shall have of life, but I have wasted all of my life. Now I shall learn what this life is about.” And so there you went forth to study.

            And they sent you from there back into the land of Egyptan, and unto the land of Tibetan, and you studied.

            Yet, you had learned of the coming of the one known as Jesus Christ and the one known as John the Baptist, and the preparation made across the land for their coming. Yet, your appearance was that of a young man; yet you still aged.

            And you looked forth unto their coming that you may learn from them. First you went unto John the Baptist and said, “Why must I live? Why can I not know of death as other men? How can I remove the mark of Cain from me?”

            And John the Baptist reached forth and said, “Bear your yoke with love, and not with hate, and the Prince of Peace shall soon come upon the earth. Go unto him and speak that that you had denied when you spoke to him before.”

            And you said unto them, “But I have not seen this one before.”

            And John the Baptist said unto you, “You have seen him in many forms, for he is the Prince of Salem, the Prince of Peace. He is the one that Abraham gave tribute unto, for he had no beginning and no ending. He shall be born as I was born. And so it has happened, for in truth we are cousins. But in truth, he has stepped beyond, for he has stepped in the footsteps of Buddha, he has stepped in the footsteps of the one known as the Eastern Star. Go unto this one, for he shall soon return back. Go unto the city of Jerusalem, and you shall find, there in the olive groves, he who shall be giving of healing, and ask the healing for of yourself.”

            And so you ventured forth. Yet, though you saw that this one, John the Baptist, was soon to die, you spoke not of this with him.

            And so you ventured forth unto the land of Jerusalem. And there you met the one called the Teacher, or Rabbi. Yet when you saw him you knew of him of many times. And you went forth and you kneeled before him. And you said unto him, “Oh Lord, remove this, this yoke, this mark upon me. Forgive me for that that I have done unto others, for I bear sorrow within my heart in truth.”

            And he looked upon you and said, “Then come forth, and I shall put ointment upon your forehead.” And as his fingers touched your forehead you began to age, and death came unto you.

            But as you were aging and your death was coming forth he spoke unto you these words. “Go unto the land of Salem, go unto the land of the American. Go unto the land you have been to, that of Yucatan. Go unto the land of the Black Mesa. Choose each of these entries. You shall see the Eagle fly. When you see the Eagle fly the second time you shall have a vision. You shall be surrounded by blue light, and I shall appear unto you. This shall be a sign unto you that the Eagle is here to prepare the way.”

            At times, you now on this earth plane of this time, you, more than all others, should know that the mark of the Beast that can be placed upon man; therefore, do not use the abilities given unto you in folly, or once again the mark of Cain, the mark of the Beast, shall be placed upon you. Bring forth this that you have seen, for we are here but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your abilities of the mind have been restored, but remember unto these words, that that the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. For the half-times are over.

            We have placed the bread and the wine at your feet. We have shown you where you have been, that you should know where you are going. Cast aside these follies. Think back upon this time we have told you as a lad, as a fisherman’s son.

            We shall say unto you these words, waste not your time in this land, that shall soon to die. [Note: Aka was speaking of a ghetto of St. Louis, Missouri, in which this person worked.]

            Bring forth your gifts and your abilities. Bring forth the wine the Lord has given unto you to give. Open the door and we shall enter, and the cup shall runneth over.

            Soul Ray now wearies.

            The healing that you have asked for shall be given.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, beware. Your earth shall tremble, fear not. The days are now numbered. Your next quake shall be larger than the last. It shall be in the proportion of the Californians.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona