October 12, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the wind.

            For the wind said unto the rain, “I rule over thee, for I may cast the clouds anywhere that I choose, so therefore, I am the strongest of all.”

            Yet, the ocean spoke forth, and said unto the wind, “Nay, for without me, where would you get your water? And where would the clouds form from?”

            And the wind said unto the ocean, “Nay, I am the strongest, for I may take my water from where I please.”

            Yet, the brook sat silent and said nothing, and went about its chore, day by day, providing the water that went forth unto the rivers and unto the oceans.

            The wind could rule the ocean, and the lakes and the land. Yet the brook, much as the Seven Spirits of God, flowed onward through eternity.

            We should say unto you, this is much as the same as that quiet place within your minds. The quiet place does not have to brag of that into which it can do, for it knows of that that it can do; so therefore, it goes about its day-to-day tasks. It stays hidden from others. Only on rare occasions, when you are alone, does it reach forth, not only giving you comfort, but comfort unto those of your loved ones. This in itself is the way of God, for in His quiet way He moves about the earth, touching man, always seeing and caring for his needs, always loving.

            We say unto you, be as the brook. Go forth and give unto the people sweet water. Give forth that in truth, though sometimes truth is not given back. Give forth that in kindness, even though kindness is sometimes not given back. Give forth that in love, even though love is not given back. But when you give these things forth, all shall come back, for the seed you should cast upon the earth, or the ocean, or a brook, whether it be good or bad, shall all come back to its center. So therefore, give unto good thought unto your fellow man, and good thought shall return unto thee.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Regarding a health reading for [8-31-73-004]. He had a health reading on his hyperkinesis recently in which you said growths were the cause. And they state that the doctor’s x-rays failed to show any growths. His father... says, 'How do we go about finding them and treating them?' He also has a rash on his legs.”

            We shall say unto thee unto these words. With the proper use of the bio­feedback, this growth could be reduced. Or it could be removed with surgery. Bring this child unto soul Ray, that he should administer healing into the same.

            If that of the lower [limbordier] [limbic?] area was x-rayed, from front to rear, from the pituitary to the pineal glands, therefore, beneath the same you should find, therefore, of the growth. The growth in itself is nonmalignant. Yet, it should give, and therefore, react upon the nervous system of the same, for therefore, giving improper balance of the signals therefore sent from the mind to the brainstem, and therefore, throughout the body. That is all on that subject.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [10-12-73-001]. She says that she has pain in her feet which the doctors think is caused by diabetes. She feels they will have to be removed. She also has difficulty with her arteries. She asks for help with her feet, diabetes, arteries, including the big artery that goes to her heart. Any suggestions of vitamins or food to her would also be appreciated.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. One moment.


            Now we have the body before us. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day; the taking, therefore, of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham in that of capsule form 30 minutes before eating; taking, therefore, in capsule form of the safflower oil, two tablets 30 minutes before eating, three times daily. We would suggest the use of the Jerusalem artichoke be used, eaten raw; add, therefore, unto the green olives, as many as you should desire of the same.

            We would further suggest the use of the clay form unto which we have mentioned before. This should be applied to the both, of the lower limbs, feet area, and up unto the upper thigh.

            We would further suggest that the taking of the sage tea and that of the hops be mixed together in equal proportions, therefore, making of tea form. This should not be boiled, but seeped, sweetened slightly with natural honey, but very slightly.

            We would further suggest taking of the substance known as dolomite. Six capsule units should be taken per day -- two three times a day, one in the morning, one at the evening -- two in the morning, two at the evening meal, and two before bedtime of the same. We would not suggest the amputation of these limbs or surgery of any kind on this subject at the present time. This should only have cause for further infection.

            We find, therefore, into the urinary tract, of the vagina, a problem of infection of the same. We would suggest, therefore, the use, first, of nothing more than vinegar and clear water be used as a cleaning substance.

            We would further suggest on this subject that that of the 6th and 7th vertebrae be worked on or adjusted, therefore, by either an osteopathic or chiropractic doctor; that of the upper brainstem area, therefore, be moved in a upward position, deviating, therefore, the structure of the spinal column to go in that proportion that is needed, therefore, in an upward position. Therefore, we would further suggest that the spleen within itself be opened, and allowing the spine, therefore, to go back into its proper place. This would greatly alleviate the problem of the nervous system within itself, and therefore, allow better flow of blood into this area.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-12-73-002], this must be Phoenix., I don’t see the city -- one moment -- asks for a health  reading. Do you see this person, Aka?”

            We do not see of this. You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes. [3-24-73-005] asks for a health reading.”

            We should answer in this manner. Therefore, be more specific in your questions, that time may be saved. Ask this question at a different time after consulting with the person. A broad health reading on this subject would serve no purpose at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [10-12-73-003] asks for a health reading. She has headaches affecting the back of her head and neck, bridge of nose, and back of eyes, constant aching throughout limbs, arms and legs, lower abdominal stress.”

            Yes, we have before us, therefore, the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. One moment.

            Yes, yes.

            Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find, therefore, that of rheumatoid arthritis. We find, therefore, within the heart area, that which would be known unto the third valve of the same, malfunction.


            We would suggest, therefore, one moment -- yes, we see this now -- that of the sauna type baths be used.

            We would further suggest that this subject should seek out, therefore, of a good oral surgeon. Therefore, we find this subject with that that is known as lead poisoning. This was brought about in early childhood. The substance of the same, the poisoning, has settled, therefore, into the gumular area. If this problem was removed, this subject would respond immediately. This is caused by what is known as a low form of constant infection feeding into the body form. We would suggest that the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin C per day. We would suggest the taking of A and D in normal adult dosage, no more. We would further suggest -- yes, yes -- taking, therefore, of the ginger leaf, taking, therefore, of the mistletoe leaf, taking, therefore, of the sage leaf, taking, therefore, of the hops. These should be placed together in equal proportions and tea brewed from the same, not boiled, but seeped, sweetening, therefore, with the natural honey. This in itself should cleanse the circulatory system within the same, and therefore, bring forth a cleansing, therefore, in the blood within the same. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of the safflower oil in capsule form three, three times daily, 30 minutes before each meal, therefore, removing that of the cholesterol of the bloodstream. We would suggest taking, therefore, of the Jerusalem artichoke be placed in raw form daily.

            We would further suggest -- yes -- yes, we would suggest that a visit to either a good osteopathic or chiropractic doctor, that the whole backular area should be adjusted, therefore, within the same. This will have to be done not once, but repeated times because of permanent damage into the vertebras and a softening of the same. These adjustments should be done at least once a month.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [10-12-73-004] says, ‘I have tinnitus, nerve damage, osteosclerosis in both ears, arthritis, especially in my hands, lower back trouble and pains in my left foot. How can I regain my health?’ Also he asks if you can tell him the hour and minute of his birth since there is no record?”

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angels walks upon your earth, beware.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona