October 16, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?"

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For blessed is the day of the Lord. Yet the day of the Lord is not as you count, but as thy Lord counts, and each day shall be as a thousand years. Take upon thyselves these days within thyself, that thy soul rejoice within them. What has been hidden let it come to light. What has been covered let it uncover. And so is the words of God, our Father.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading tonight for [10-16-73-000].”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should answer in these words. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records.

But first we should say unto this one, the karmic date of birth is that of choice, as the karmic date of conceivement [conception] is that of choice. But even though the choice of conceivement, yet there is but more, and that is the date of birth. Therefore, take unto thyself three days from your birth date, and there shall be your entry. You have long thought of astrology; therefore, you have within yourself now the knowledge to see from which you have come.

We find not of this soul until the time of Atlantis and the entry of the same. And therefore, we find that as a young child, a girl child, she showed great signs of that that would become a dancer of the courts. Her dancing, therefore, did bring forth the attention of the highest members of the priesthood. And as Priest Ra-Tai came forth upon his journeys, he did ask her to bring enlightenment into the land of Egyptan.

Yet, her heart had grown fond of one of the young priests. And so she bade unto the Priest Ra-Tai that the priest might venture forth into this land with her. And, as Arcan and Ra-Tai, therefore, did concur, you both were allowed to go therefore unto this land.

But you ventured forth first into that land known as Ur, and therefore, sought forth counseling into the land of the Sumerian. You saw the wonders of their work, that that they had handed unto mankind. You saw the gentleness of their ways. You saw therefore that not one child went hungry, that not one child hungered for knowledge, for they were all fed from schools of knowledge. Yet within this land, which you therefore wanted to call your home, you took much knowledge.

And you went therefore unto the kind priest, Ra-Tai, and said unto this one, “This is where we should live; this is where we should raise our family.”

And Ra-Tai looked long unto you, and he said unto you, “Nay, my child, for a day shall come when this land shall be no more. Come forth, for your knowledge we shall place forth in the Temple of Beauty, that many, many others shall learn from you.” Aboard the craft that you traveled in, Ra-Tai did bring forth marriage unto you and the young priest. And, he allowed that both of you taught within the priesthood.

There were many of the people who were visiting from that planet of Atlantis. But you noticed none of the people of Ur, therefore, visited unto this land. And one day you went back unto the priest, Ra-Tai, and said, “Oh. Master, why do none of those from Ur come forth unto this land?”

And he studied you long, and he said unto you, “For I shall let you look deep from within myself, and therefore, I shall give you a vision of that to come. For this land shall lay barren, for all of the temples we have built shall wither and become the wonders of man. And the great Temple of Knowledge, that the Great Bird of the Pyramid should take flight from, they should scale it and take its outer facing. Many shall try to copy it, and they shall fail. The true wisdom that should lie within this, of this great temple, shall come forth unto mankind. All the knowledge of Atlantis shall rise again. But before this time should happen, one should come upon the Earth, and he shall walk upon many lands and give teaching and blessing. Therefore, we say unto you, fear not of this lifetime, but bide your time. And as the Great Bird of the Pyramid shall take flight, and therefore, go unto the Eagle’s nest, then the fulfillment of all things we have worked for shall come forth.”

And as your days passed, you gave forth much knowledge and wisdom.

But the priest, young priest, became vengeful because of your closeness unto the great priest, Ra-Tai. And he said unto you, “You are but a woman. I should be the one who should go unto counsel unto Ra-Tai, not of you. You have bore me no children; therefore, you should be cast aside, and I should be allowed to choose another.  And by the laws, so it was.

But Ra-Tai did not cast you aside. He brought forth therefore you into his inner sanctuary. And when Ra-Tai was sent into exile, you went forth and became unto his second wife, and therefore, did bear a son. And from the descendants of this son, Ra-tai opened once again the doorway to the future, that you may see. For after the birth, even though the medicine was great, your time had come, therefore, to wither and to go unto dust. But he gave of you a vision. And in the vision you saw of this tall, golden-haired prophet that walked the Earth in his white robe. And then, you went into the aftertime, therefore, to learn from many great masters.

And therefore, you came forth upon the Earth. You were born into the land as a peasant, daughter. And you go forth into womanhood. You had great use of your psychic, but you had within you the weakness, and the urges of God’s own temptation. And therefore, you became that of a prostitute. You lived within the village of Jerusalem, and therefore, you were drug out to be cast with stones upon you. They had whipped you. And you were to be stoned to death. And suddenly you looked out and there came the gold-headed one. Yet, the eyes were soft and great in wisdom.

And they said unto this one, “Oh, Rabbi, the Laws say unto this, that should a woman sin and commit adultery, she should be stoned. These are the Laws of Moses.”

And he looked long at you. And he looked long at them.

And he said, “Yes, those are the Laws of Moses. But now I give you the Law of God. For those who have not sinned, in any form, let them be the one to cast the first stone. And he who casts a stone and has sinned, the stone shall come forth and kill him first.”

All of these had heard of the great powers of this prophet. And so they all feared to cast that stone, for each knew in his own heart that none of these were perfect, that some of these men had lain with you. They all ran to their homes to hide their faces. Yet the Prophet did not hide his face. But he reached down with gentle hands and healed your wounds. And you became whole again. He gave unto you God’s blessings, and turned and walked away.

You followed this one unto the day of his resurrection. You lived out your lifespan and did marry and bear children. And then, once again you passed unto dust.

But in those last hours, you prayed unto God, “Oh, Lord, if I cannot be with this one, at least let my spirit score [soar] with his.”

And so, it was true. For there, upon the mountain in the nest of the Eagle, stood the Prophet. And as the Eagle took flight, he turned unto the people and promised that when they should see the Eagle once again, this should be the sign of his coming.

And so, we find not of this soul and entity -- into the land known, therefore, within, as Salem, Massachusetts. Once again, you have come forth in the girl form. Your psychic abilities are great. Yet, your mother at times looks at you in wonderment. For your mother has two smaller children, and you are of age to be married.  And so the arrangements are made that marriage should come forth.

And so it was that marriage came forth. Unto that unto which you have married, we shall tell you of this at this time, was your father of this time. But you were barren and could not bear children. Yet, you yearned for them.

You had, therefore, a meeting place of the people of your own belief. And upon the day of the Sabbath you went, therefore, to praise your glory unto God, your husband and yourself. There was much food, and feasting and merrymaking, and all was happy. Yet nights before you had had dreams of fire that would consume you. And you had woken your husband to tell him of these. He knew of this, and it feared into him.

But he said unto you, “Should we turn our backs on our own beliefs and our worship unto the God of One? Should we run and hide, even though we should walk forth into our surely doom?”

And you looked at him and said, “Nay.” And you said unto him, “This is our curse, that I could not bear children unto you.”

And he looked unto you and said, “Nay, this is no curse. For within God’s realm there is purpose for all things. It is not necessary that some flowers should blossom upon the earth, and not spread seed, for the seed has been cast long ago, in another lifetime, which shall bring forth entry one day.”

You looked unto your husband and thought unto yourself, “Such wisdom has he, to bring such gifts of growth and fulfillment and happiness into my every day. Such love he has given unto me; it has been bountiful.”

            And so, you entered into this place with all of its joy. And therefore, those people of the townspeople came forth, their ministers, their clergymen, and therefore, did slay and burn until nothing was left, not one of you left, for they burnt of their own sin, they thought, into hiding.

But we say unto you, they have laid away nothing; only the karmic action that they have done unto those now has been done unto them. For the weak, a part shall die away and go unto nothing. For the strong and the faithful, there shall be forever in our Father’s house.

And so, you have come forth unto this plane, of this time. And therefore, we should say unto you, all things you have been before you shall be again. And there­fore, we give unto you this name of Mary Magdalene. And so it shall be, for you shall become a teacher. And so you shall know the truth, that that the Lord taketh, He should giveth in fulfillment. And so you should see your life come forth into fulfillment, therefore, unto a different way of all before, for you are of all things you have been before. But most important, above them all, you are yourself. For as God created each separate part and nothing upon the Earth the same, you are one of a kind.

Think long upon our words, for we have brought forth knowledge and wisdom into your house. We have also brought you into the Eagle’s nest. And as the Great Bird of the Pyramid should take flight, remember unto these words, “Our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.” And let so flow through your heart -- let the brook flow, and the rivers flow, and the ocean that should touch your many lands. For those things that have been taken from you shall be given back in fulfillment. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Remember unto yourself, all of the temptations of before lie within you. All of the strength of before lies within you. But God has placed the most important ingredient of all, and that is your free choice.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, address and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona