October 30, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

            For upon your Earth there has come forth unto thee many of what thy would call as healers, in many forms, each in their own way, a servant of mankind and a servant of God. There are many who would become teachers. There are many who should become students. But let no teacher think that he is not a student first and always, for these words we spoke to you in the beginning, “Ask and thy shall receive.” But bring forth honesty, and honesty shall be given in return. For those who should ask for healing, healing should be given, but only in proportions to their own faith.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading for [10-30-73-001]. He is here tonight, and he asks what is causing his dizziness, headaches, and what can be done about it?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. We find therefore in the seventh and eighth vertebrae, therefore, protrusion of the same, damage. We would suggest that either by osteopathic or chiropractic treatment these first be placed back in their proper proportion.


            We find that which is known unto thee as sinus, or the sinus glandular. We find also within this one that which is known as Valley Fever. We would suggest, therefore, that 3,000 units of vitamin E be taken unto this unit, unto itself, daily. We would also suggest, an irritation due to the dryness is causing, therefore, inflammation within the same. We would suggest that sea water be brought forth, that it be brought unto a slow boil, and that of cloth be placed above and over the head allowing the subject to breathe in this substance. If this is impractical, we would suggest the taking, therefore, and adding to water that known as the Aloe Vera Juice or plant of the same, taking, therefore, of the dehydrated salt that has come from the sea, placing 10 teaspoons full of Aloe Vera to one quart of water and 10 teaspoons of salt into one quart of water. In this manner that which is known as a vaporizer could cleanse this area and cause healing into the same.


            We further find that which you would call as an inner ear infection of the left ear.


            We would suggest that the body in itself has become immune to the antibiotic into which it has taken unto itself. Therefore, we would suggest the use of the Aloe vera in liquid form, six tablespoons per day.

            We further find within this subject – yes – that of hypoglycemia. The subject has that known as low blood sugar. We would suggest, therefore, that the use of orange juice be given in 8-ounce quantities three times daily unto the subject.

            We would further suggest – yes – that more rest for this subject.

            If the following that has been given is followed in its precise manner, the problems that have been set forth shall soon leave.

            We would further suggest that a correction be made in the corrective vision lens that the subject now uses. This would greatly help. We find – yes -- that of light vision problem in the retina of the eye. It would be suggested, therefore, that a slight tinting be placed in these lenses within the same.


            We find, therefore, unto the thyroid of the same an imbalance. We would suggest, therefore,  the use of that known as your safflower oil with the B6 be used in capsule form 30 minutes before eating, six capsules in total in daily use of the same.

            We would further suggest – yes – the taking, therefore, of the sage tea that cleansing of the circulatory system could come about. This should be done by steeping the tea, not boiling it, sweetening, therefore, with local honey of the same.

            We would further suggest that the subject eat less of sugar, but be allowed to eat in proportions of honey as needed into the body.

            Yes -- this is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-30-73-002], who is here tonight, asks for a health reading regarding neck and shoulder tension problem, and he would like to know what is causing it and what can be done for it?”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. First, we should mention unto this subject that the tension and neck problem within the same is due from exactly that which is mentioned, over tension, that of too much, causing fatigue. We would suggest that the subject take, therefore, periodic periods of rest form. This should be done in the exercising form of that known as swimming. This would relieve and allow the spine within itself to go back within its proper proportions.

            We find, therefore, a slight problem of that known as rheumatoid arthritis. We would suggest, therefore, that the mud substance that soul Ray has brought forth be used. We would suggest therefore that the white substance that Ray has brought forth be used, this white substance which should be massaged into the neckular area, and lower shoulder, lower back section or proportions of the spine. We find, therefore, that the subject, due to this slight deformity, therefore, of the left leg is shorter than the right. This could be corrected with orthopedic shoes quite simply, but before this is done we would suggest that the subject go unto either osteopathic or chiropractic doctor for correction of the lower back and spine and pelvic area unto the same.

            We further find – yes, yes – scar tissue, slight damage, both lungs. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would further suggest – yes – the taking of a good natural vitamin-mineral substance be added unto the diet. We would further suggest that this subject eat three, at least three, meals per day. They should not be heavy meals, and if the desire is for more, then eat more often, but this should be done skipping no meals.

            The subject in mind, we find, therefore, in the large tubular area of the stomach in the stomach lining therefore within the same what is known as a nervous stomach, slight lesions or ulcer form starting within the same. Unless the tension is brought down, unless that which is kept within is allowed to come out -- more relaxation.

            This is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [10-30-73-003] asks for a health reading. She asks, ‘What is causing my digestive disturbances, and what can I do for it?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same.


            We find therefore within this subject – yes – of that of lesion attachment unto the intestines. We find that of nervous stress in greater quantities. We find, therefore, within the same stress brought forth from not placing ideals into practice, great frustration from the same, lack of communication.


            We find, therefore, an upper hydroaic lesion unto the diaphragm of the same. At the present time this is quite small and would not take surgery if properly cared for. We would suggest the taking of that substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham, three capsules per day, 30 minutes before eating -- one capsule unit taken 30 minutes before eating, three in the course of one day. We would also suggest the taking, therefore, of the Safflower Oil with the B6. This should be taken two, 30 minutes before eating -- six capsule units per day.

            We would also suggest that a cleansing of the circulatory system be done by the use and taking of the sag tea unto the same.


            We would further suggest that this subject within itself is that of a borderline diabetic. We would suggest the use of the substance known as Jerusalem artichoke, eaten in its raw form.  If the substance cannot be obtained at the present time, take that of the Aloe Vera in four teaspoons per day, one 30 minutes before eating each meal, one before bedtime. We would further suggest the taking, therefore, of that substance known as Dolomite, combination compound of calcium and magnesium. We would suggest that these be taken in one compound, therefore, taking three capsules of the morning, and three before bedtime. If nervous tension should build, you may increase this to nine capsule units per day, but no more.


            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have no other questions.”

            We, therefore, shall answer the question, and we shall answer in this manner. Bring, therefore, your house unto a home. Take, therefore, 30 minutes a day to count your blessings and your home shall become a whole. If this subject -- we see within thy mind of private things thy would discuss. Bring them forth unto soul Ray for consultation, and he shall advise you in a just manner.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth, and famine and pestilence shall be thy enemies. Prepare, therefore, in a just manner.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

No audio tape was available with which to check the accuracy of this transcript.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona