September 4, 1973

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto thee these words.

            For we shall tell you the parable of the forest, and as the Seven Spirits of God did place each of their kind into the forest. And there were the mighty oak trees which were strong and tall. And there within the same forest were that of which you would call the scrub oak trees which did not grow tall. And there were maple within the forest, and cherry wood within the forest.

            And yet standing there apart was that of the juniper. It stood in such a place that it gathered the sunlight, and it grew very slowly year by year. And at times parts of it would die, yet new growth would come from within. Yet it was not of beauty, as some would say.

            And the trees spoke among themselves, each unto another, and said, “Oh, why would the Lord, God, place such an ugly thing among us?”

            Yet as the years passed, the oak died, and the oak was cut up by man and hauled away and burnt within his fireplace. And the pines were used for that of man’s that you would build, your lumber, your houses from.

            And each tree looked unto another they said, “See, we are useful unto man. But what good is this of a juniper? It can not be used to build houses. When burnt in the fireplace, it burns very quickly and very hot. What purpose has it served?”

            But the juniper paid no attention to any of them. And as it grew and became a mighty tree, therefore, the life within itself began to fade away. And there stood within the forest the hull of the tree.

            And all the trees looked upon it and said, “Why would God place such an ugly thing before us?”

            And the Seven Spirits spoke forth and said unto these words, “For there is the proof of the resurrection within itself.”

            And the other trees said unto the Spirits, “How could this be so?”

            And the Seven Spirits said unto the trees, “For even though the shell which the spirit of the tree lived in remains, that joy that it gave unto mankind, it gave forth its branches for firewood. It drew from the sunlight that the Lord provided and gave forth life and shade that other small plants including yourselves may grow beneath it. It grew an age.”

            But, they said, “Why then could it not be as the redwood which grows forever?”

            And the Seven Spirits spoke unto them and said in these words, “The redwood was placed to show that death was not needed. The juniper was placed to show that the resurrection and new growth brought forth yet a mightier tree.”

            So therefore, we should say unto you into these words. For all of mankind, even though a branch upon you might die, it is not lost, for all things that have been before are yet within the twilight of your lives, for all species that walked upon your earth yet exist, for they were of our kind. You of man were placed here as their keepers, and even though you have destroyed their earth form, you cannot destroy the spirit that dwelled within them.

            And so it is so with man. For is it not written that not the smallest thing upon your earth shall fall without our Father’s knowledge? Look within yourselves, and you shall find new birth each moment, each day, of your lives. And new beauty shall be seen even into the ugliest things of your earth, for nothing upon the earth was not placed here but for a reason.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-6-73-001] has asked for a life reading.”

            Yes, we see of this. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the records of time. And we should answer in this manner.

            We find this soul in that proportion of the fifth planet – yes – in that proportion of Atlantis. And therefore, we find this soul – yes – this one worked within her father’s leather shop which leather goods were made from. At the age of 35 her long sought for wedding did come. And the wedding did come unto one of the priests of a visiting priest of Ra-Tai.

            And so, therefore, as Ra-Tai and his priests did return back unto the land of Egyptan, so this one went forth. She was taken unto the high courts. Yet she said unto herself, “What have I to offer these people with so much knowledge?” And she continued as a past time her leatherwork.

            And one day the priest, Ra-Tai, came unto her, and he brought soft skins and brought unto her plates of copper and bronze. And he said, “As you have engraved into the leather, engrave into the bronze the knowledge that we shall give unto you.”

            And so she began. And as each was completed another was placed before her. Yet she knew not of what she was doing, nor for what reason.

            And as some of the young priests visited, they said unto her, “What are you doing? These images you are making upon these plates, what do they say?”

            And she said unto them, “I know not what they say.”

            And so they scoffed at her and walked away.

            And the days did pass. And the years did pass. And then Priest Ra-Tai came unto her and said unto her, “My day has come that the people shall cast me from the land. The work you are doing must continue. But we would ask of you of your own free will. Your husband must remain here to continue the work. Will you journey with my party into this land we should go into exile?”

            And so they ventured forth into this land you would call the Dead Sea. And there proportions were set aside and buried that a future people should find them in a different time. These people would be known as the Essenes, or the [Estene] people.

            And she asked unto the priest as they worked together long hours, “You have mentioned, master, many times of this great teacher that shall come upon the earth. Why do we not leave all of our knowledge, the knowledge of the ships that fly through the air, here in this one place?”

            And he said unto her, “We shall leave a key, and the key shall lead to the three points of the earth unto which the records shall be kept. Many years from now, after even these people we leave these first records for, proportions of our records shall be discovered along with theirs. And they will call them of the Dead Sea Scrolls, yet they will not know that we have left them. But it matters not. It only matters that man shall gather upon the earth knowledge, the true knowledge of the God of One. 

You have recorded therein of the things that have happened upon the earth, the pollution that man has lain forth upon the earth that has caused his downfall, that has caused him to walk away from his knowledge. Many will agree and many will disagree with the knowledge we shall leave forth. But we shall cast a seed into the ocean, for we are not preparing but for one time for his coming, we are preparing for the second coming. And so it shall be. For some shall deny his first coming, but all shall acknowledge his second coming.”

            And so he gave unto her plates of gold. And they ventured forth, when she was through, and these were placed in the Americans.

            And she said, “Why do we leave these here?”

            And he said unto her, “We leave these that mankind shall find them and they shall know of the coming. And the people shall call them of the Mormon, or as ‘the Later Days.’ Yet we shall venture forth and place the records once again.”

            And so they did. And they laid them in this land you call of the Yuma. We have told you of these records. But these shall never come forth, for now we shall tell unto you the truth and the true meaning of their search. For as we sent those forth into the desert to search, those who would seek out the records must first find their soul and their spirit. And the ground they stood upon was the ground beneath their own feet. And all of these things were written at this time.

            And so it was that then Priest Ra-Tai was called out of exile, and therefore, into that thy would call of the Great Pyramid and the chamber beneath. These records were placed within, yet they were stepping stones.

            And this one, as the days grew near, her husband and herself asked unto Ra-Tai to go unto the chamber when it was closed.

            And Ra-Tai say, “Nay, for all of your years you have labored. Now bring forth the fruit of your labor. Take of the last of the ships and go unto the land of the Mayans.”

            And so you [brought], and did so. And you begot unto a son. And they begot unto a son, and the son that would go forth, for the son through the generations of time was that of the husband of this time. And therefore, the two lives linked together and went into servitude once again unto the Lord, for you found within your own genesis therefore the entries that the two would make. And therefore, you brought forth unto this time the knowledge of the flight of the Eagle.

            As we have said before, upon the earth you shall lay your seed, and you shall see forth to enter unto your seed once again, for that that has not been born shall be born, and you shall enter into that, your husband and yourself. For we say unto you, the promise that was made of God, the promise that was made by the priest, Ra-Tai, the promise that was made by the one known as Jesus Christ, were all of the same. And for that of which you did you have been rewarded.

            But reward comes from within, the riches of the soul, much as the juniper tree. For we have brought you forth unto this time, unto this place.

            Take forth the knowledge within this reading. Study it well. Place the reading of your husband and the reading of yourself together, and great knowledge shall come forth.

            There have been days upon the earth when your faith has grown weak. Yet your faith to see the flowers at your feet has never grown weak, not in reality. Give forth that of the beautiful things within yourself that you have given before. For the greatest gift upon the earth was that within the juniper tree, for you see, the juniper did not wish to be of a redwood, or an oak, or a willow tree. The juniper was satisfied to be that which God had given unto itself to be. It gave forth no criticism unto others; it served upon the earth both man and God. And this is the lesson that you shall learn from within.

            And we say unto you, oh Lord of Isaiah, Lord of Moses, Lord of all, for our Lord is that of the God of the living, not of the dead. And so this within itself was the proof of the resurrection, that that that was brought forth upon your earth, as man was planted upon the earth and given free choice, and upon many planets in many places, so, as your God is the God of the living, man is the man of the living, for he shall not perish, he shall only change his form. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The earthquakes shall appear; the hurricane and tornado-type storms shall hit the earth. Many things shall happen upon the earth. But take aside the parable of the juniper tree, and you shall find within it a truth of many things.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


            [Editor’s note: When Ray awoke from trance he described what he saw in a vision. The tape recorder was turned back on as he said, “...are the circuits that are producing electricity.”

            “Like a farm windmill?” a woman asks.

            “Like a farm windmill. And some of them were not over six-foot tall. And some of them were taller, but they weren’t – oh boy, hmm – I saw them mounted on top of houses! And I saw -- hmm  -- I saw them mounted and there was like a huge condenser, and not a like a huge one, it was just a condenser, but when the juice flow broke at a certain point it would cut in like electricity. But you were using this until it – in other words, you were using, you had electricity sitting out there, but yet these things produced electricity until the current, until it – “

            “Built up?”a man asks.

            “Built up.  But it had battery form, storing juice. And – hmm – something like the transformer or something. I don’t know. There was so much there so fast that I – hmm.”

            “Do you think everyone was using these for power?” a man asks.

            “I don’t know. But they were using them. And they were mounted on top of the houses and rooftops. 

            And first, and then I saw -- oh, boy, too much at one time. And I saw a crystal thing, looking things, that were gathering some type of – and I knew they were producing power. And I saw -- there were about five or six different things; I was seeing one right after the other. They all were circuits and -- diodes and – they were entrapping....

            “They were very cheaply constructed; it was a very cheap thing.”

            “Like the ones they use in Australia, two-bladed?”

            “Not that many blades on it.”

            “Like a water windmill that they use, with a lot of blades?”

            “Uh huh. But the blades were balanced to where if there was the slightest breeze, just a whisper of a breeze, it would start it to turn. It had weights, offset weights on it, once a breeze started it it would continue, almost perpetual motion.”

            “Do you mean a flywheel action, to keep it coasting between rests?”

            “[Wheel weights]. I don’t know, I’ll have to sift it out. I’ll have to do it later. There’s just too much at one time; I couldn’t grasp it all. There’s just too many things. If I saw it once I’ll see it again.” 


Numbers have been substituted for names, birth dates and locations to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright 1973 © by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona