September 10, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the master and his lost lamb.

            And the shepherd did have before him hundreds within his flock, and yet he knew that one lamb had become lost. He left of his dog to guard the herd and went in search for his lamb. He found the lamb had fell into a crevasse and lay there hurt and bleeding and crying alone. And so the shepherd did descend unto the bottom of the crevasse and there he picked up the lamb so gentle in his arms.

            And as he climbed to the top he started back unto the herds, and a merchant who was passing by said, “Shepherd, tell me of why you have done this thing. You have hundreds within your flock. Why should you waste your time on one lost lamb?”

            And the shepherd stood and looked upon the merchant. And he spoke unto the merchant unto these words, “For if I should look, overlook, this lamb and leave his body torn and bleeding there alone, my Father could hear his cries. And my Father should shed tears.”

            The merchant thought upon this, and he said unto the shepherd, “Who is your Father?”

            And the shepherd looked unto the merchant and said, “The same as yours.”

            The merchant looked upon him and said, “But I am Oriental, and you are not. How can we, therefore, have the same father?”

            And therefore, the shepherd did answer in this manner, “For we were all created by God in five places. Therefore, we have but one Father. And as our Father should see the smallest thing upon the earth that should fall, then it is my duty that my Father should not weep.”

            The shepherd went on with his lamb to doctor and give healing unto the lamb.

            The merchant went on and traveled far. And he came upon the one that was known of the Easter [Eastern] Star.

            And he said unto this one, “You are wise of all things. I’ve heard these words from a shepherd, and he spoke of such. That our Father did place men, all of us, in five places at one time. How could we be of different races and colors and yet all come from but one Father?”

            And that of the Eastern Star did say unto him, “For the shepherd is wise, for he speaks of the truth.”

            And he went forth unto the merchant’s caravan, and he touched each of the camel and donkey and mule of the same. Then he said, “And of all this merchandise, who owns this?”

            And the merchant said proudly, “I do.”

            And hava he say -- one moment, this must be put in English. And he said unto the, unto the merchant, “And who should be the owner of the camel, the donkey and the mule?”

            And he said, “They are all of mine.” He said, “They are not of the same kind, but yet they came, came from your house, is that not true?”

            And the merchant said, “Yes.”

            “Then it is within the same truth that all should come from our Father. And all should go back unto our Father.”

            The merchant thought again.

            And in his travels, he came upon this one known as Buddha. And he said unto him, “Oh great one, I have heard of your wisdom and that you have talked with the great God. But how could He be the God of all of us when our words are different and our manners are different?”

            And Buddha did say unto him, “You have five sons. Are they all the same?”

            The merchant answered back unto this one, “Nay, each is different in his own way.”

            And then Buddha said unto this one, “If I asked for one to be sacrificed, which one would you give?”

            And the merchant said, “I would not want to give any.”

            And Buddha said unto these words, “Neither does God want of the lamb’s blood from where the shepherd who gave healing unto the lamb.”

            And so it was you, [10-09-73-001], who was this merchant. And you stayed, and you talked long unto this one. And he did tell unto you of the many days and years of your many lives. He told you of the stories of Atlantis. He told you the stories of Egyptan.

            Yet, he said unto you, “The time shall be but the flickering of God’s eye when I shall be gone, and he who has God’s mighty plan laid forth for man shall come upon the earth. And he shall not be of our kind, yet he shall be. For he shall be born into the Hebrew nation, yet they shall reject him and crucify him.”

            And you as a merchant said, “I have great wealth, I shall ransom this one.”

            And Buddha said unto you, “Nay, you cannot pay the price, either in gold nor silver, for God shall place upon the Earth this one, and he shall place before man living proof of the resurrection, that man may live again, that man may continue to climb up the ladder as long as he desires, that there are no limitation for man, for they were created as our Father, Himself, for within each man shall dwell a part of God.

“FOR THEY, HE AND SHE, WERE BROUGHT FORTH IN OUR LIKENESS, OF OUR KIND”, so sayeth the Lord. And the Lord did find it good. And so He said unto the five nations, unto the five places. [See Genesis 1:26-27.]

            You dwelt back into this land that you had journeyed from, and you thought upon the mighty words you had heard.

            Then you thought unto yourself, “I have riches I may leave for my family. I have great wealth and position. But now I have knowledge which yet I do not fully understand. I must go back unto those that should call themselves of the White Brotherhood, and they shall tell me that unto which I wish to know, that I may bring more knowledge back unto my people.

            And so you began your journey. You went forth dressed in finery, that you thought that you might please those of the White Brotherhood. You brought great gifts of gold and ur [myrrh]. And when you reached of this land and bade admittance unto the same, you found that these men and women had little use for your riches.

            And so you said unto them, “What should I do with them, cast them away? Give them to the poor? Shall I renounce all of my worldly things, that I may learn?”

            And they looked unto you and said, “Nay, our Father did place upon the earth the many things which you now own. He did so that man should prosper, that man, as he should develop both mentally and physically, should place upon the earth monetary value. But merchant, we say unto you these words, it is not the coin that should bring of the sin, or karma, but in the manner unto which you should obtain the same. If you give forth, therefore, in a truthful manner and barter wisely, never to lie about your merchandise, then you, as a merchant, are serving a great need unto many. Therefore, you are doing God’s work. We shall say unto you, go back unto your people. Be a good merchant, and you will have done God’s work.”

            And so you did of such. And you grew old. And you passed on. You passed beyond with much love.

            Yet, as you walked from one side unto the other, you thought unto yourself that, “There is no changing. Where is this glorious place unto which that I have been promised?” And you looked around about you, and therefore, saw the shepherd tending his sheep.

            Then you walked forth unto the shepherd and said unto the shepherd, “Where is this glorious place? I have passed beyond, I am now ready to enter into this heaven?”

            And the shepherd looked unto you with wise, intelligent eyes. His words spoke softly. He said unto you, “For you were a good merchant in your lifetime, and I was a good shepherd. I still have my flocks, for this is my desire, but now I attend the Lord’s herds, as I did upon the earth. And you as a merchant must find your own way.”

            As time passed, word had come, even into the lowest levels, of birth to happen upon the earth. And you said unto yourself, “Could this be this one who Buddha spoke of and who the one this Star of the East would speak of?”

            And you heard of this one who should go forth before the one and prepare the way. Therefore, you went before the masters, and you said unto them, “Masters, I am a merchant, I am a good merchant. Selling and bartering has always been my business. Therefore, let me go before the two, that I may prepare people that will be ready to accept them.”

            And the masters said, “Look upon the earth. Can you see those small people there? They are known as the Essene, or the Essene people. They, within the White Brotherhood, and from the people of the Sumerian, have been preparing the way for thousands of years. But go forth, as you wish.”

            And so you did choose birth within the city of Jerusalem. And you did journey unto the Lost Sea, and therefore, study with the people as you became of age. And you did become a merchant, as you had been before. But you had also become a doctor of sorts and a healer within your own rights. And so you went before the ones that John to Baptist would speak to and told them of his coming. Many laughed at you. Some accepted you. Most accepted your healing, and most bartered with you and traded with you.

            And then upon the earth, the day came. For an angel came to you in the night and said unto you, “Upon this day upon the earth shall be born a new Messiah upon the earth, which shall come forth in that proportion of Bethlehem. Go therefore, and see now, for your life, as it is now, shall be taken from you. Therefore, that that you must see, hear, for we have other work for you yet in another place.”

            And so you did journey forward, and therefore, see the one known as Jesus. And, as you left the yards, you were put upon by Roman soldiers and killed, and therefore, left it once again, the body form.

            When you arrived upon the other side, you said unto those with knowledge, “The angel appeared and said that there was work for me. I am ready for it.”

            And they said, “Nay, not until the Eagle flies; then shall be the time.”

            And so you watched the earth. And you saw the Messiah as he entered upon the American continent, as he walked across the water unto the land, as he went from village to village, from city to city, leaving, therefore, a drop of blood upon all.

            Yet you waited, yet you became impatient.

            And then came unto the day when it was your time for birth. And therefore, you were born into the Montezuma family. You were born into the house as a girl child, yet you were held in high esteem.

            But as the Spaniards came upon the land, and the people accepted them. They took you into captivity, and they cast you into a dungeon within that of the old temples. They fed you; they dared not slay you lest the people rebel. But they held you.

            And then there was of your father who they brought into the same dungeon. You heard that they had made plans that you should be ransomed for much gold, the weight of each of you in gold.

            And so the people did make ransom.

            Yet you were both slain anyway, for there was no mercy within these people who said they were of Jesus, yet came bearing false gifts and false arms.

            At this passing you became bewildered, and you asked, “Why should I have been sent there? What was I to learn? What was I to do?”

            And the masters said, “Come, we shall show unto your next entry. And that entry shall come forth upon the earth. You will have forgotten all that has been placed before you. We will prepare a time when that is to be revealed to you, and then you will know your own place and those things unto which you shall do.”

            And you looked upon the earth, and yet the earth had changed. Mankind had obtained more weapons. The killing was greater in number.

            And you said, “Why should I be set forth upon this earth?”

            And the wise one said unto you, “For once again preparations are being made upon the earth for the coming of the Messiah. And when you can see those that may be counted as Thirteen, you shall know that they are all parts of those who have reached within the Christ state. Yet they shall come not as masters upon the earth, for we shall speak in a small place, and we shall be of a humble man. But you should know of our name.”

            And so we spoke unto you then, and as we speak unto you now, for the name is Aka.

            Of you fears, of your direction, there has been much that you should learn. We shall provide the bread and the wine unto you; you should provide the yeast.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘What course will my life take after my military obligation?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. As we have said, we have placed the bread and wine before you. Therefore, you now must choose your own way, as you chose before. We did not interfere. Through the grace of God, you have been prepared in knowledge. After you have listened unto the words we have spoken, and you still do not know the direction, then ask unto us again, and we shall show unto you the path. For we have laid a path before you, one that should be fulfilling, both of a monetary and of a spiritual nature.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, she asks about her stepfather, [10-9-73-002]. She would like to know, ‘Concerning his alcoholic problem and Parkinson’s disease, how will it turn out? He is at a point of decision.’”

            We shall answer unto you unto this manner. He within himself has his own karma. He will be given, for he has retained his soul and spirit, he will be given another chance upon your earth. But his time of departure shall be soon. We do not give of this to frighten you. We give of this that you within yourself may prepare your own way.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘Why do I have claustrophobia?’”

            We have already answered of that.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “She asks, ‘Is my life going like it is supposed to?’”

            As you have cast your bread upon the water, so should the evolution of the same evolve. Think back unto the story of the shepherd who tended his flock.

            You have but one more question.

            “I have no questions written down for her, Aka.”

            Then we should answer of the same. We shall answer in this manner, that loneliness and the path of loneliness is sometimes within itself a preparation for that of the development of a whole. Give forth unto thyself the strength and the time of waiting. Take this time to place forth within yourself great knowledge. Open thy door, that we may enter.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, New eruptions shall come forth, earthquakes, storms. Fear these not; for those who should walk in the light of the Lord, no harm can come unto them.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

No transcript was made available with which to check this reading for better accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona