September 11, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should tell unto the parable. For as the Seven Spirits so, upon the Lord’s instructions, did create the Earth and all within it, the Third Spirit looked upon the small ponds and meadows, and within it he delicately placed that which you would call the waterlily.

            The other spirits stood beside him, and said unto him, “Why should you place such a thing in this place? It cannot last.”

            And the Seventh [Third] Spirit said unto this one, “For it shall be a reminder unto mankind.”

            And the Seventh Spirit said, “How should this be so? How could it be a reminder unto mankind?”

            And the Third Spirit said that, “Man in his evolution through time is always in such a hurry to reach where he is going that he soon forgets where he has been. But the waterlily grows from the bottom of the pond, and floats to the surface, and therefore, to place a beautiful blossom for man to see. And so it shall be unto man, that he may see that though man should travel through the darkness of time, his reward should be that of surfacing and giving beauty unto mankind and unto himself and unto God.”

            All of these thought for a while.

            And the First Spirit said unto them, “Come, I shall show you what the Third should show you upon the Earth. But we must go forward in time. First we shall stop here where man is created. And you see the entries taking place, one by one, and two by two, and three by three. And now look forward. And now you see this one who should come forth that should be called of the Prophet. And he should come upon the Earth, and therefore, be called by our Father unto His first born, for he came as Adam, and he came forth as the one known as Jesus Christ. But look between the times.”

            And the Fourth Spirit said, “Yes, we can see of this. But come and let me show you what I can see.”

            And so they went forward in time yet again a short period, and looked upon the Earth of that called the Americans. And there, once again stood the Prophet. They were not amazed, for they knew of their Father’s wishes. But the Prophet stood before the dawn upon a small hill. And beside him stood a great chief, not only in wisdom, but in size. Yet the Prophet was small compared to this great chief. But as the dawn cameth forward, a shroud of light from our Father surrounded this one of the Prophet. And the great chief knelt before this one to grasp his garment. Yet the Prophet gently raised him up to his full height, and he said unto the chief, “It shall not be the size of man that should make the man, but it should be the size of his wisdom and that unto which he shall use it.”

            And the Fifth Spirit stood forth and said, “Then let’s go forward in time still yet again, and I shall show you what I see that the Third Spirit’s meaning is.”

            And they looked upon the Earth. And they looked upon the heavens. And from the heavens they heard unto these words spoken, “FOR THE HALFTIMES SHALL COME TO AN END AND BE NO MORE.”

            And out upon the vast lands death came forward upon the Earth. And one by one, and two by two, and three by three, those who had evolved and evolved again without meaning ceased to be, and there were no more of these, for they were cast unto the bottomless pit. And the lost souls were cast unto the bottomless pit. And all became an eternal fire within the same.

            And the Second Spirit looked upon the Earth, and said, “Then I shall show you what I see that the Third Spirit had meant.” And a breeze blew forth upon the Earth, and the fires were quieted, and from the earth sprung new life. Some of these souls were very old who should enter; some were very young who should enter. But all that entered came with a common cause, to reach and build their thousand years upon the Earth. And they looked upon the Earth, and among them stood the one we shall say unto thee is the Messiah yet to come. And from heavens and the universes came those of their kind, for they in truth had also learned from the Earth’s karma that they must be shepherds also, for they are brothers, all in one, and sisters, all in one, all before mankind.

            And so we have told unto thee the parable of the halftimes and their ending.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-4-73-002]...and she would like a life reading.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body within the same, and therefore, we have before us the records.

            Therefore, we find this one – yes – born in the year of the deer. This one came forth in original form upon the planet [Plutarius, Butarius]. Yet, much as the entry upon the other planets, and the souls did enter, this one was fearful of the entry. And she long looked upon the stars. And one glittered within her mind more than all the others.

            And she said unto them around her, “For that shall be my home. That is my land, not this.”

            And those of the wise said, “But you have been selected for this planet. You have free choice, and in this choice you have been, chosen this planet for entry.”

            She said unto them, “Then who should I see, who should I talk to that I may take my choice elsewhere into the land unto which my soul says is home?”

            And the wise one said unto her, “Take it into the Lord.”

            And so she dwelt through long journey, across the rocky paths unto the mighty mountains, and through the lava beds, and through the meadows and the fields. She had become hungry, for now, these things that man called food were important to her.

            Yet she lay in despair and said, “Oh, Lord, oh, Lord, where art Thy?”

            And the Lord spoke back unto her, and He said, “I AM HERE, WITHIN THEE.”

            And she said unto this One, “Then why should I have journeyed so far to have found You?”


            And the words were familiar unto her. And she said unto the Lord, “But where should I go?”


            And the Lord placed before her food and drink, and it strengthened her body, and she went back unto the village unto which she was born.

            And day by day, within her was a waiting time of a promise yet to be fulfilled. And yet, she married, and bore children, and loved the land unto which she dwelt. And as she became old, her time of departure did come, and she passed beyond the other side.

            And she met there many who were of her kind, but they spoke of different things.

            And she said unto them, “Where have you come from?”

            And they said unto her, “We are those of the Earth.”

            And then she knew her promise had been fulfilled. But yet she looked back upon her planet and her loved ones.

            She lingered long between the planes, not knowing of which direction to take. Yet, upon the Earth she watched as man evolved. And she saw the blessed one born upon her own planet, and she saw the blessed one born on the plant of Earth.

            And she went into the masters and she said, “But Earth is much as my own planet was. Why do I linger for it so?”

            And the masters said unto her, “Go forth and seek out that which you need to satisfy thy soul.”

            And so she found entry upon this thy call the American continent. And she stood upon the shoreline as the one who walked upon the water did come forth. And she rushed forward to grasp his hands, and he gently laid them forward, and there, in each hand, were those strange marks.

            And she said unto him, “But yet, I have seen you die upon that faraway land.” And she said unto him, “Why have you come here?”

            And he looked at her, and to say these words, “For I am here to take care of my Father’s business, as a good son should.”

            And she said unto him, “May I travel with you?”

            And he said unto her, “Yes, you may travel, but only until the Eagle flies. And then you must make your own decisions upon this Earth.”

            And so she traveled far, and attained great knowledge.

            But in the day that the Eagle flew, she looked upon this one they called the Morning Star, the Master, and said, “Master, now I shall follow the Eagle, for it has been my choice.”

            And he said, “Then go unto the Eagle. But the next time you see his flight in full you shall know of the announcement of our coming, for there will be those who were sent to prepare the way.”

            And now, you have evolved upon this time.

            And we say unto you, as we have come with a mighty comet upon your Earth, we have brought forth gifts and greetings.

            For once again a comet shall fly through your air, through the Earth’s atmosphere.

            First, there was a comet of our arrival. Now this comet shall claim the changing of a time. And the Earth shall now begin its mighty change to clothe itself in other forms.

            Yet we say unto you, for the wise to hear, let them hear; for the wise to see, let them, yea [see]. For upon the heavens look forth. Count 11 days from the first sighting of the comet, and we shall once again be seen within your heavens, to give proof unto mankind of our presence.

            [Editor’s note: A newly discovered comet, Kohoutek, became visible to the eye about a month later, in late November 1973. Although it was predicted to be the comet of the century, it was less bright than expected. The most spectacular comet of the century was the new comet, Bennett, with which Aka came in late March-early April 1970, when the light from the heavens shone its brightest.]

            Your life, you have brought forth both of the greed, the need to serve unto yourself more than unto others. This, by leaving your home planet, you did not think of the need of your people, but only of your own need. And even as you followed the Master upon the Earth, you thought only, therefore, within yourself. And once, again as the Eagle should take flight, these thoughts are still there. Cast them aside. Prepare in thyself a place for others, and in doing so, many shall prepare within themselves a place for you. For the Lord has not placed us upon the Earth for idle curiosity. We are here but for one purpose, and that is, within itself, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            We see in thyself many other questions. But to protect soul Ray’s health we must depart.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona