September 15, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. For blessed be the wheats that should grow upon the earth that should feed God’s children.

            Yet we shall tell thee a parable, the parable that came forth within the beginning − the parable of the flower that should grow upon the desert.

            Yet it was placed there but of one kind. And as it looked upon the earth, all it could see were cactus, but none of its own kind. And at first the flower thirst, for the water was sparse. And it thought into itself, “How can I grow in such a place where water does not flow?” But yet, as time passed it learned to store the water, the small amounts, that which would drop from the heavens. And therefore, it had learned that the Lord should take care of its needs.

            But yet, it was lonely for others of its own kind.

            For the others looked upon it and said, “What a strange lot is this? It is a beautiful flower, but it does not belong among us, for we also produce beautiful flowers, but in our own way. But not in the way of this plant.”

            And the plant grew into adulthood. And as it produced forth the seed that should come from the flowers, its thoughts were, “How can I reproduce myself? My seed shall go upon the ground and be wasted.”

            But yet the wind came, and the bees that picked up the pollen and took it elsewhere and brought it to and forth. And soon, its own kind grew from beneath the ground.

            Yet the old plant looked upon these young ones that were born and took the desert as a natural thing and still could not understand even their thoughts. But now that there were more than one, the other plants had accepted it.      

            Yet all of its needs had been taken care of; it still wanted the valleys, the green grass, and the tall trees which lay within its memory and the memory before the memory.

            And so it should be with mankind who should be cast, for within each soul and each spirit shall lie the memory of all lifetimes, and all memory.

            But the plant had forgotten one thing, that as it had been cast from the earth and cast from the likeness of God’s own flowers, it too was of God. And though it be a stranger in a strange land, God looked there and saw its needs, and provided also.

            Though our parable may sound strange, and though the meaning shall take a time for you to understand, find the meaning within the same, and you shall find no strangers in your home. And you shall find no stranger within yourself, for the body of man is the temple of God. Destroy it not. Though man may harm your body, none can harm that secret place that hides within the mind, into which the soul should dwell, where the candle is lit. None but yourselves can do this, for God has given unto thee free choice. He did so unto the flower.

            But do also unto yourself as you would unto others. In your daily lives that should be so busy, stop but just for a moment, and think of all needs God has taken care of for you.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a health reading request for a 34-month-old boy, [8-37-73-004]. His parents ask how to treat or eliminate hyper kinesis?”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, soul, spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            The treatment within itself, and the diagnosis within itself, is not the same. We find small non-malignant growths in the lower [lombera] [mastoid?] area, which has, therefore, placed pressure which has caused the problem within the inner ear. Therefore, should this be removed with minor surgery, the problem within itself would readily disappear. This could be determined quite simply with the use of what you call of your x-ray.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-7-73-004], has asked, ‘I have had a stapedectomy on my left ear which has been very successful. Would one on my right ear be advisable and successful, especially with the fenestration and plastic surgery that was performed in that ear approximately 23 years ago?’”

            We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Your present problem is not of that that you had before. The problem is that which you would call the hardening of the arteries. The suggestion would be, therefore, with medication. This could be done with either the use of nitrogen in small quantities or with the drug known as Ardelin, 20 milligrams per day once -- twice daily, given orally. We would also suggest the use of a vitamin known as Lipoflavinoid, This should be taken in such a manner – yes, we see this -- that the subject in mind could also use this as a vitamin supplement, therefore, taking six capsules per day.

            We further see the problem – yes – problem of the left ovary – yes – pressure against the same. We would suggest therefore, come, therefore, unto soul Ray, that healing could be given unto this area.

            We further find in the liver area a degeneration of the same. We would suggest the use of vitamin E in quantities of 1,000 units per day. We would suggest the use of vitamin B, preferably – yes – preferably this could be done by injection into the bloodstream. If this is not found practical, use that unto what you would call your vitamin B-Plus supplement in such a manner that you would take three times the normal dosage, or six of these per day. This should only be done for a 30-day period, no more. Then go back to a normal dosage.

            We find, therefore, within this subject – yes – we see this (sigh), that of the overactive thyroid, that of which would be known as a borderline diabetic. Neither of these are serious. The eating of the Jerusalem artichoke, the taking, therefore, of the substance known as Lydia E. Pinkham would stabilize these areas within the same.

            We find that of a cosmetic problem. We would suggest, therefore, that you should seek out that of the clay of soul Ray. This could be used to rectify the condition.

            We find, therefore, the problem of slight overweight, therefore, pressure against the heart area. We would suggest that before the eating of any meal the taking of two capsules, units, of safflower oil – yes. This should be done at least 30 minutes before the eating of your meals. We would suggest that your breakfast consist of no more than one glass of milk and one piece of rye toast, that your luncheon meals consist of no more than one glass of milk and as many of the green vegetation as you should desire. You shall find that the breaking out, the reddish spots upon the body are caused from the lack of green vegetation. We would further suggest – yes – the taking of the vitamin A and D in normal quantities.

            This is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, She asked about how she could improve the lives or health of her loved ones and those she comes in contact with. And she asks whether or not she would be suited to go into the ministry, for she is interested in this.”

            We should answer her question in this manner, and we shall answer it in such a manner that you shall not ask any more questions on this subject at this time. Therefore, let her come into consultation with soul Ray. These are private, and of such delicacy that they should not be answered at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [9-15-73-001] asks for a health reading and about his job. He says x-rays show three degenerated discs in his back, and he needs to know what to do to strengthen them or bring them back to normal. He’s concerned about his eyes. And he says his arms are getting too short to read by.”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.

            We would suggest, therefore, chiropractic help be sought, that that of the third and fourth vertebrae, therefore, should be adjusted, that that of the brainstem from that of the scalp or skull unit which should come into eight parts should therefore be shifted, therefore, to relieve pressure upon nerves of the same.

            We find, therefore, that this soul has a great problem with the dentures of the same within the teeth. If this problem, if this soul could seek out a good oral surgeon and the gum disease within the same could be rectified, this would cure the problem of the eyesight, with the proper adjustments of the head and neckular area within the same. We would suggest that at the present time the use of vitamin E be used, rubbed in all along the gumular area. These should be massaged for at least two minutes per day. This would greatly help to alleviate this area within the same. [Editor’s note: the tape that was available ran out at this point, so the rest was not checked.]

            We, therefore, also see of his other questions, and we shall answer in this manner, that these too should be sought out in private consultation unto soul Ray, for they are of a personal nature too delicate to discuss in public.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. That we should not overtax his body, it is now our time for departure.

            As we have said before, the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth. New earthquakes shall erupt in your California lands. They shall soon sweep across proportions of your Arizona lands, downward again into the Mexico area, upward toward you San Francisco areas. You shall soon have earthquakes within the Kansas areas, and that proportion known as St. Louis shall find, soon feel tremblers of the same.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks across your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona