September 21, 1973

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee these words. Blessed be the meek upon the earth. Yet, blessed be the strong. Blessed be those among you who should build the temple of God within you.

            But we say unto thee, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses. We have come not to change the testimony of the one known as Jesus Christ. We have come but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            But we should say unto thee, each of you, for in stone upon the mountain was cast in flame and brought forth unto mankind. And the tablets you brought from planet to planet, and the knowledge therein, that unto which you call your Ten Commandments, they are the words of God. Yet, He asks unto you but two things – love unto Him one tenth of the love that He should return unto you; do so in the same manner unto your fellow man.

            Coveth not that that should belong to another. That thy should overcome thy karma, understand into which that that each of you are. Only by understanding can you cast the seed upon the earth that should grow the fields that should prepare the way for the coming.

            We say, therefore, unto you, soul Paul, many has been the day since we have spoke unto you directly, yet we have spoke many times in an undirect manner. We have placed unto soul Ray’s mind many new thoughts. At times these thoughts have confused you. It was not intended as such. Yet, we are prepared to go into the ocean. And as you should go unto the ocean, many changes within yourselves shall take place.

            We should say unto you, we shall come into thy mind for three days and three nights. Therefore, we say unto you, go unto prayer and meditation, that we should enter, and the confusion shall be gone. And the glory of God shall lay before you. You have thought within your mind and your memories now have come into fulfillment.

            And we shall say unto you, each of you who stand within this room, each of you who has been named, and unnamed, for we shall tell of thee now of the beginning upon your earth.

            For as soul Ray brought you forth from the destruction of your own planetary system, he brought you forth of a warring kind, yet with great knowledge, therefore, to enter unto man. Yet, that that had saved you was the Lord in Himself.

            Therefore, you did enter into the daughters of man, “and find them fair.” And you became within the self earthbound. Yet, that that had destroyed your other planets, you cast forth your lot, once again. You went into warfare. And you cast out from your heart that of God.

            Yes, you stood on opposing sides. For soul Ray, as before, had asked of his Father’s permission that you all be spared, and therefore, he would give servitude unto his Lord for all of his planes, that his life would never be his own, that not one lifetime, or any lifetime, would ever be unto himself. Therefore, his karma was to bring forth you unto one house.

            Because your minds were so mighty, you destroyed and killed thousands of the man-beasts. But soul Ray, because his mind was stronger, destroyed you.

            And yet, he destroyed you only to save you. Yet, it is written, “Thy shall not kill.” And therefore, you in an unknowing manner had slain others. But soul Ray, in a knowing manner, had slain you all. Therefore, it is his karma upon this earth.

            We shall say again unto you, if you fail, this time, it shall be 3,000 years of darkness.

            But yet, you who would call unto this one friend, and teacher, you shall have that within you of free choice, to choose unto the directions and unto the lifespan....

            [Editor’s note: The message is cut off at this point, as though the tape recorder was turned off to not record the rest of this message. It is uncertain how much time passed before the recorder was turned back on. By the increased fatigue in Aka’s voice, it sounds like much more had been said before the recorder was turned back on for Aka to say these closing words.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[This transcript, as it is, has been compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.