April 5, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way, for we should bring thee greetings. But, we should answer that all should know of and understand our words.

For as you stand upon your earth day by day, [new] species and old species disappear, both of animal life and plant life, from the face of your earth; yet, you know not where they go. It has been written and it has been said that not one sparrow should fall without our Father’s permission and knowledge. It has also been said that man may [  ] destroy the body, but they cannot harm thy self, only you thyselves can do this. For God has given unto thee free choice.

We came but for one purpose, to give unto the earth a new coveth from God. Yet some could see it not, and some [who] would crucify it, and some would look at it idly and walk beyond it. But, much as yourselves, no one can destroy it, that that we have brought forth. For we are here but for one purpose, that purpose in itself, to bring upon the earth a place for the new Messiah and the preparation for the coming of the same.

Yet you ask unto us, “What has happened to these species?”

We say unto you, for our Father has many mansions. Your earth is but a speck of dust in the heavens. And our Lord, God, has placed for there for life for all. For that that you should willingly destroy you should not have back, for it shall be given elsewhere.

Therefore, we give unto you a rose without thorns. Yet the thorns you place there yourself. You say unto us, “We cannot do this, or we cannot do that, for we would have to give up this or that.” We have come not to collect the indebtedness or the promises you have made to your God. Only you can fulfill these, and only you can collect these. For if we came for that purpose, the Seventh Angel would surely walk upon your earth, and this speck of dust you call an earth would be no more. We said unto you unto these words, that the Book with wings would be printed. We told unto you to go, those of your Board of Directors, and arrange, therefore, for the monetary value to be brought forth for publication. We told unto you to change not of the words, but to place them in the right arrangement of the same.

Our Father has grown weary, for He has answered your prayers, each of them, yet you see them not.

We say unto you unto these words. If your book, the book of the people, is not brought forth, then we should take that of our own and place it in a different environment, as we have done before, for we should take, therefore, unto the one you call soul Ray, as we have done before. For now is the time of the Cherub, and now is the time that the Eagle should fly. We leave this decision in your hands.

We should remind unto thee that that as one known as Jesus did need kneel in prayer unto his Father, yet he knew within his heart that his Father’s words and his Father’s work was more important than his own needs or wants, and therefore, he walked from the olive grove to the hill of the skull, and therefore, let his blood flow upon the earth freely. Each of you speak of love. Look upon your land, this land of the Americans. In every grain of sand we have placed beauty. In every soul we have placed God. In every spirit, therefore, should flow as the wind; it should swoop upon the ocean, and therefore, gather seed, and back into the heavens again to spread upon the many lands.

We have brought flowers unto your doorstep, but none of these thing could we do without our Father’s permission. We have healed your sick and brought happiness unto your lives, for those who could see true happiness. For those who could not see, they should make their own hell upon earth.

As soul Ray’s body is still in the mending state we shall not overtax his body at this time. But for those who should ask for healing, it shall be given. For those who ask for knowledge, it has been given. For those who ask for love, let them kneel before the cross and count the drops of blood.

Yet, our Father does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Only man should do of this. Nor does He ask the blood of the Eagle, only man should do of this.

For as the river should flow upon the land, and cleanse it, as raindrops in the desert, your needs shall be fulfilled. Ask and you shall receive. Open the doorway that we may enter.

For you say, “Who are you?”

And we say unto you, for we are the spirits of Aka, for we stand as close to God that we feel His teardrops upon our forehead. Yet we are not great.

We have watched you as children, arguing, placing envy and jealousy above that of God. “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” If thy right eye offend God, cast it aside. If thy right eye offend thy brother, cast it aside. But give into God that is God’s; give unto your brother that is your brother’s; give unto yourselves that that belongs to yourselves, and all shall be part of God.

But we say, once again, Roberta [Rebekah?] shall not walk the face of the earth again.

The work that we have laid forth for a prophet -- yet should care not to be called one -- has just begun.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona