April 10, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona



Aka is here….

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For throughout your worlds there have been many prophets born upon the earth unto all races, unto all colors. All of these are the colors of our Father. But we should say unto you, that has been said before, for the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

You say unto us, “Why does the Lord choose to place the gift of the psychic, or prophesy, into so few hands?”

And we say unto you unto this manner. The Lord has placed upon your earth these of His children that man may forever know of Him. But He did not place them here merely to walk on water for your amusement. He placed each for a purpose.

And you say unto us, “Then how can these teachers have teachers themselves?”

And as we said in the beginning, for the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, for there is no spiritual form that should stand near God and not feel His love for His children. Therefore, each should choose an earth incarnation where their brothers and sisters should remain behind, therefore, to guide unto them.

But, as children should be, we find jealousy in many of their hearts. We have said unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time to cast jealousy aside, to stand beneath the cross and let the drops of blood fall upon your forehead, and then you should surely know the true meaning of love.

But remember in these words, the Lord, our God, does not wish for the blood of the Lamb, only mankind should wish for this. So we say unto you, let the Lamb be a living breathing symbol before mankind. Let your love for your God and your love for mankind be as one. Give forth unto your God one-tenth of the love He has given unto you, and then in truth you have given a true tithing unto your Lord. Give, therefore, one-tenth of that love unto your brothers and sisters, and war and pestilence shall reign no more, and your thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, and our Father shall have a place to lay His weary head.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-10-74-001] asks to know, ‘Will our finances be increased by a better paying job for me, or will C___ be physically able to return to work soon?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

You have brought this soul unto soul Ray for healing, that of the surgery and the knowledge we have placed within his mind and through his hands. And therefore, we have brought forth and answered your prayer that he should live.

Therefore, we should bring forth your second prayer. Your financial condition shall improve, but it should come as raindrops. But soul C___ should not return to work for the present time. This shall come at a later date.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the gift, and blessed be those who should ask for the gift in our Father’s name.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-10-74-002] says, ‘I wish to know if I will make a trip in May to Mexico, and if the man who asked me will become a part of my life.’”

Yes, we see thy need. First we should answer in this manner, thy shall make the trip into Mexico that thy desire, and in your own way, of your own choosing, he shall become a part of your life.

But remember unto these words, the Lord, God, has placed unto every soul free choice. We say unto you, go forth, therefore, and stand at the place of Guadalupe. Stand and you shall see the roses grow without thorns, and the blessings of God shall be with you. But we say unto you, there are many roads that should lead unto our Father’s many mansions. Criticize no one else for choosing a different path. Bring forth the philosophy of thought unto this one. Share your thoughts, and the blessings thy seek shall come forth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8-24-73-003] would like to know if his investment of last week will turn out to be profitable.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. That that thy have given shall come back in return, in a like manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-10-74-003], ‘I will appreciate anything on any subject.’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we shall say unto you unto these words. Thy seek within thyself spiritual growth and knowledge.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall come forth. Prepare, therefore, for this time, but fear it not, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish. Men shall flee unto the hills and try to hide themselves and pray for death, but there shall be no place to hide. But the children of God who have not forgotten Him shall not feel the pain, for the faith in thy Father shall save unto you and thy kinship. [See The Revelation 6:9-17, chapter 7, and chapters 12-17.]

We give unto thee these words, prepare therefore within thyself. For we are not great; we have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Look therefore, as a man who leases land, for the owner to return, into each soul thy meet, and treat each person as though he was he who should come, and therefore, thy should know of him when he does come. For there was the time of Abraham. There was the time of Moses. There was the time of Buddha. There was the time of Mohammed. There was the time of Jesus, the Christ. There have been many who have reached the Christ state, for the beggar on the street may be the next. Treat each person as thy brother, and thy shall prepare within thyself a place for his coming and a place in thyself for thy thousand years of peace and harmony. But think not as you should count, for think of each day as a thousand years. Therefore, one of your years shall be one thousand.

Yes, we see the confusion yet in your mind. We should say unto you, come forth and learn of the knowledge we have brought unto your earth form.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-10-74-004]; the question is, ‘I am interested in knowledge if my new venture will be successful, and if the precious metal deal will give me a profit?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer the last first. Profit shall come forth, but not in abundance. The venture shall be successful.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-10-74-005] says, ‘My system is very run down, and there is hardly a time when I feel real well. What’s causing the problem, and what can be done about it?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto these words. Come forth unto soul Ray for consultation, and the necessary information that is needed shall be placed before him to make the necessary repairs in thy system. We say unto you, come forth after thy ovulation period.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10-19-73-002], ‘Where can I get a job where I can make a living? What is the problem in my left ear?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. The problem of the left ear comes from brainstem damage of the same, the lack also of blood circulation into the inner ear proportion of the same. We find, therefore, this of a ringing sensation. We would suggest, therefore, that of the Lipoflavinoid be used, of six capsule substances per day. This would greatly help to alleviate this problem. Take therefore – yes -- of the dark clay substance, this which soul Ray brings forth of the Aloe Vera E Earth, applying to the back and frontal side of the ear, and to the forehead. Do this over the entire area. We would also suggest that you come unto soul Ray for consultation and ask of the new shampoo formula which is in his mind which should help to increase the circulation in the hair follicles of the same.

You asked of a job and we should answer in this manner. There are many opportunities where thy stand at this time. Look around you and take advantage of them. But look upon it in this manner, that the toil, place love within it and love shall be returned, and the toil shall no longer be toil, but should be happiness and faith.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4-10-74-006] asks, ‘What does the future hold for me in the psychic field, any major change?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Become therefore a pupil, and therefore, become a teacher. But the teacher should never be greater than the pupil, nor the pupil greater than the teacher. Prepare thyself to wash of thy brethren’s feet that they should know that true humility should come from within you, and the change thy desire shall come forth in fullness.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4-10-74-007] asks, ‘What about the property? Will I need to borrow the $32,000 to repay Mr. S______ by next month, or will I be able to avoid that interest and sell my property for its appraised value of $110,000?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in two-fold. As we have said before, there is that of free choice. At the present time, that of the property is in the process of being sold. But we also say unto you, prepare therefore, the extra monetary substance as a safety valve within the same, that you may be a wise seller and not take less than is needed, than the value of the property.

One moment. Yes, we see the confusion within your mind.

We shall explain in this manner. If you should go unto the market place and have chickens to trade for a calf, fatten the chickens, but not too fat, for everyone knows that a chicken that is too fat shall not lay an egg. Therefore, be a wise seller of thy property, and the monetary value shall be greater in return.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4-10-74-008] asks, ‘Will I work in an institution with healing, and if so, when, and will it be in this state?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer, as we have said before, there is that of free choice. There lies before you an institution that deals with healing. There lies before you an institution that deals with healing that comes in falsehood. Choose not that of the way of false prophet. Within thyself thy have seen the truth. Enter, therefore, that thy heart and thy mind should guide thee, for God is everywhere, and God dwells within you, and the knowledge of God lies within you. Therefore, go unto the healers, and know of them. Do not listen to their boasting, but judge them by their records. Judge them, therefore, in this manner, not as a judge should judge, but in a search for knowledge, for a true healer shall heal, and a false healer shall only promise to heal.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, there are no more written questions unless you…”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. You asked unto us from which we come. And we say unto you, we stand as close to God as His heartbeat. We see and feel His tears. Yet we stand to guide unto this one known as soul Ray, for he shall be I, and I shall be he. And we, of our, of not one, but [the] thirteen, for there is twelve and God, the thirteenth of all. We are not great.

There are many here who have asked for healing. Bring forth thy quest in truth, and thy wish and thy prayer shall be granted. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows tired. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona