April 28, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And now we should say into thee unto these manners, for we should speak of the matters of God.

First we should say unto soul Mary [8-25-70-001-3], thy have come forth in thy light before thy God and shown guidance unto others. Thy have left behind thee the tribulations that you have found before as stumbling blocks. You have chosen well. Both our Father and ourselves are pleased. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto soul Paul [8-10-70-003-1], we have heard your words. In choosing you we chose a likeness unto Paul; yet unto that that was his karma came unto you, and you have cast it aside. You have thought in your mind, “How may I better serve my Lord?” And we should say unto you, have patience, for unto each their time shall come, for thy shall serve at the right hand of our prophet.

Soon should come forth the time of the making of ministers and teachers. You have thought long upon soul Ray’s decisions in wonderment from whence they came, whether the man or the prophet did serve unto your needs. And we should say unto you, of the works of God the prophet did serve unto you, of the works of man the man did serve unto you.

We say unto you unto these words, glory be the name of the Lord.

A new decision shall be laid before you all. Handle each with patience and justice.

And now we say unto soul Ruth [8-10-70-002-02], we see of thy need, and of thy fears. We shall say unto you unto this manner, why should you fear the thoughts of others when we stand before you? We have said before that no one from either side should interfere with this work. Do unto that that is within your ability to do, and take one step forward, and more shall come. Soon the small tribulation shall remove theirselves. Worry not unto these of the Satanists. Go not unto their houses, for it would only serve to confirm others’ thoughts.

Each step has gone by, and as we have promised, we have brought this organization forward unto the respect of mankind. Your needs have also been brought forward. Cast aside these doubts, for nothing should stand still, not river, not ocean, not earth, not man, not seasons upon thy earth, for all shall change.

We say unto you, take unto your heart these words, for you are a minister of God. Thy have pledged servitude unto our prophet, as is just. Thy have pledged servitude unto thy Lord, which is just.

Remember of these things, for the things we should say shall be hard for you all to understand. Study the words well. Do not just listen once, but listen more than once, until each meaning of each word has brought truth within yourself.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

And now we say unto soul John [1-21-72-002-7] -- we say unto soul John, come forth and kneel before us. Come forth, soul John.

And we place a drop of blood upon thy forehead, that thy should know the true meaning of love and compassion. There have been doubts within your mind, for you forgot that when you were made a teacher both God and ourselves stood in presence. We have watched your day to day progress. We have watched you fall and stand again.

We baptize thee, John, in the name of the Lord, our Father, from this day forward. Take, therefore, unto the oath that shall be offered unto thee. Shall thy accept this?

“Yes.”[she says.] “Yes.”

Then in the day of days to come thy shall become a minister.

[Ah kay nay mah. Yay, yay mah sah they. Fah, fah.] Hallowed be the name of the Lord, our God. And so thy have been baptized as John. And so thy have accepted. Your day of the candelabra is soon at hand.

Rise, soul John.

And now, we should say unto this one, [2-4-72-001]. You have been chosen to become a teacher. Instructions shall be given forth, both of the prophet and of the ministers of this work.

Thy are soon to become in wedlock. We have seen and shall continue to see, for as your Ministers’ Book should say, a rose without thorns. Before thy accept, go unto thy betrothed and discuss of this. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

In your decision we say unto you, give unto God that is God’s, give unto your brother that is his, give unto yourself that is that is yours, and in all things you shall continue to do the work of God.

[11-26-71-002], come forth and bow. A drop of blood shall be placed upon thy forehead, and a teacher thy shall become. Study well the words that should come from the prophet and the words that should come from the ministers. Thy have been chosen to become a teacher. Answer now, do you accept?

“I do.” [She answers.]

Then we say unto you, from this day forward thy shall be called Mark [11-26-71-002-11]. Do you accept?

“I do.” [She says.]

[Allah, kay ne. Allah-nah-mu. Kay, kay.] Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.


[3-9-73-001], come forth and kneel. You have been chosen to become a teacher. A drop of blood shall be placed upon your forehead. Shall you serve before your God and in the light of the God of One?

“Yes.” [She says.]

Then we should call thee from this day forth Ruben. [Allah, kay ne. Kay, kay. No va lay-a-ney. Sah, nah.] Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, the Almighty.

Thy shall serve and receive instructions from the prophet and the ministers.


And we say unto soul Paul, this one known as [8-27-73-001] shall also become a teacher. He must be brought forth in the same manner. You shall understand our words.

And now we shall say unto you, we divided and cast from thy lot three ministers, James [4-3-70-005-5], Luke [4-3-70-003-4], and Jude [6-9-70-004-6]. Should they desire to come back unto the work of God, we have seen their travels and their destiny and found them good. But in all things, a leader has been brought forth, that into which we should call the prophet. Should they therefore bring forth their desire to serve again, and to serve under the instructions of our prophet, their ministerships shall be restored. They shall be notified of this. A copy of the tape of the same shall be sent to each individual, separately.

[2-4-72-001], after thy have discussed unto this unto thy husband-to-be, come forth and give unto us your answer. Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so.” [She answers.]

Accept not that that thy could not fully coveth, both in your husband’s eyes and yours. And we shall stand and make your marriage into a blessed thing. But we see of thy doubts. We say unto you, long ago, in a different time in a different place, you were chosen once before. You accepted then. Should you accept now, your task shall begin, but we should not give forth the name until the answer should come forth.

This house shall stand, not divided. Both ministers and teachers should therefore meet together at the half-time of the month from this day forward. Both ministers and teachers should give in writing form that of their activities unto that of the prophet, that a better understanding should come among all of you. For the house shall grow beyond your wildest thoughts and speculation, for this is a house of God; this is the mansion of God.

And now we shall give you one other suggestion that you should talk among yourselves. The book of the ministers should not lie only within yourselves. There are certain proportions that should be taken from it, and then in its present form -- and you know those instructions that should be taken from this book -- it should [thus] far be gone into print and go and prepare a way for the Book with wings.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Aka, are we to take it to a publisher or are we to print it ourselves?”

You shall print it of yourselves. Take forth all of the mentioned teachers, take forth all of the mentioned ministers except those of James, Luke, and Jude, and discuss upon the same.

“I don’t understand you.”

Study our words. The book as it stands shall help prepare the way.

“[11-26-71-002] understands.”

Take forth, therefore, the instructions of the installation of the ministers. Take forth, therefore, the baptism; take, therefore, the marriage vows, leaving all unto the rest.

“Do you want the exorcism taken out?”

Take, therefore, of the exorcism.

Only in parts. For a beauty has blossomed upon the desert, and a rose has grown by the well. It should not be hidden.

Soul Ray now grows tired and weary.

In your own language, we shall say unto you, butter it up.


Bring forth certain knowledge of your prophet, adding to and within the book.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Fear not for the children of God. Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.