“You must be willing to love mankind enough to

give up your life each time you go into trance state”


Ray Elkins talked to a crowd gathered, August 28, 1974, at a bookstore in Phoenix, Arizona, after he came out of trance, back down a stairway from God when the spiritual messengers of God finished speaking through his body.

He said: “To answer your questions, I have not heard your questions so I have no knowledge of them until I already hear that recording. I really have no knowledge of what took place during the trance state; I just hope that you got your questions answered.

“Trance state in itself, this type of trance state – I’ll try to explain it to you as best I can. I don’t think any one who has ever done it can really explain it. In its own way it’s beyond the words that a human being can express. I can tell you this. It started of its own accord, by itself. I didn’t force the door open; it opened its own doorway. I often said that I walked in darkness, or in the wilderness, for 40 years before I could walk in the light of God. But I am much like you, I’m human.

“Yes, I’m a very widely known psychic, as they say. Not long ago, a man that’s here with me tonight, among many, called to tell me a story that had been written about me in an Eastern newspaper. I had no knowledge of the story until one of the people brought the story to me. And quite often, people have a habit of trying to manufacture a god, so sometimes when they’re writing they put too many flowers in things. A lot of people, because of the things that I do, the healings that I have performed, sometimes try to put me up on a pedestal. No human being belongs on a pedestal, because when you put them there they’re going to fall off, because they’re human. And no human being should ever be worshipped, only God – each in your own way, each in your own belief, each reaching to God in your own way. But in that reaching, always have time to stop and understand another person’s path or the way they are reaching. A true psychic will tell you this much – there are many truths, there are many paths that lead to God.

“I, in my search, became a parapsychologist. I teach at a university. The reason I became a parapsychologist was purely a selfish thing; I was searching for a truth about myself. Why was I as I was? Why was I born with the gift that I was given? Why did it intensify after an accident? A lot of times I’ve said, all of my life it seems like I’ve been walking a tightrope until that day came when I knew that I had to step off of it and do what I’m doing today.

“But for every healing I have given, I could do nothing by myself. Without God, I’m but a speck of dust upon this earth. Yet, with the abilities that God has been so generous to bestow upon me, I see so many abilities within each of you. I love to listen to beautiful music. And music is much like beauty that you see with your eyes, it’s in the eyes of the beholder, so each of us like different types of music. But stop and think of the composer; where did this music come from? From what universal source was he listening as the tones came into reality, as he trapped the thoughts and placed them on paper and preserved them so that you could hear them and that others could sing them, or play them. He is as much a psychic as I. The carpenter who can visualize a beautiful work of art from a piece of wood is as much a psychic as I. The plumber, the man who makes your sewers work, if all that he could visualize is a piece of pipe your sewage would run over, the water that you drink. The wells that are dug, the purification plants that take your water from where I live down to where you live and puts it in your faucets, all comes from inspiration thought; therefore, psychic thought -- a dream implanted into reality.

  “On this week, as I traveled across this beautiful country of ours to different people, each saying, “Well, this person couldn’t be psychic because they cannot do what you do,” yet I think in my mind, how wrong they are, for each is given a gift. Each should use that gift in their own way. God didn’t create a bunch of zombies. When He said, “OF OUR KIND, OF OUR IMAGE,” He didn’t mean molding a piece of clay and turning out mass-produced human beings, because God has free thought, creative thought. If you don’t believe me look around you at each other, or look within yourself, you will find not one cell in your system that is identical to another.

“Another man said, “As you pray, don’t repeat what someone else has said unless it means something to you. If you pray and want an answer, speak to God as you would speak to yourself.” And in truth you’ll get your answer.

“Quite often, that that we think that sits in front of our nose is not what we really want. It’s a lot like the old goat that I had once; that old goat was in the prettiest, greenest pasture you ever saw. And there was a big, six-foot fence between that pasture and the next one. The fellow that owned the next pasture, he didn’t plant anything on his field. But that old goat would jump that darn fence. And after it found there was nothing there, it would stand there and raise cane until I’d have to go over and horse it over that six-foot fence to get it back into its green pasture. Well, most of us are a lot like that goat. We think that the pasture is greener on the other side of the hill and we never stop and look at our own pasture. This was what I was trying to tell you about your own psychic gifts. Each part is important.

“But I’ll tell you one secret about the reading that was given tonight. For those who wish to do it, be willing to love mankind enough to give up your life each time you go into trance state, for there is no guarantees of returning. Make certain that the life that you hand over, that you hand into the hands of God, that it cannot be misused, or abused.

“I’ve forgotten how many readings I’ve given, there have been too many. At first I was very skeptical of them. They spoke of things I had no knowledge of. And, they frightened me, because I had no wish to harm anyone and I was afraid that they would harm someone. But finally, inside of me I consented to continue with them, as long as I knew that they harmed no one.

“Well, one reading has gone into probably a few thousand. And from them have come forth many words.

“I hope that by the middle of the month, or maybe by next week, we’ll have a new book here at your store. It’s called A Rose without Thorns. It’s been in the writing since the beginning of the readings. It’s been written and rewritten, and torn apart and thrown away many times, because there were always thorns in it. Finally it came forth without thorns, and we all knew it. And so, we’re ready to give it to the public. The good or the bad of it you have to judge for yourself. It’s a simple book. It has some beautiful illustrations, each one done with much love. The book was not written by me; it was written by many. All of it was taken from the readings to be given to you.

“As soon as the binder finishes with it, which I said I hope will be done either by my next visit which will be next week, or if not, we’ll have it here on the 28th of September. And for those who want autographed copies I’ll be here to do them at that time. In the meanwhile, after next week I’ll be on my way to El Paso, and then I’ll be back here, and then Tucson, and then to Dallas, and then probably from there to Chicago, and who knows where else (chuckle). But I will be back here. I will continue to be here, no matter what happens, to take care of the same people and to the new people who need help, at least twice a month, and that’s a promise.

“God be with you. And thank you for having me. Good night.”         


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85501