August 28, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For as two shepherds carried their flock from the mountain ranges unto the lower plains, they did meet upon the same pasture and begin to quarrel over whose flock should graze upon this pasture. And they quarreled long and their anger grew stronger. And then physical violence came forth, and they fought. And one of the shepherds overcame the other shepherd and grasped a rock and was to kill the shepherd. But as he raised his rock he looked back, and all of the sheep had come together. And he dropped his rock and jumped, therefore, unto his feet, and said to himself, “How shall I know which are my sheep?”

And the other shepherd came to his feet and looked. And both looked into each other and said, “How shall we know which sheep belong to our masters?” For each knew the exact number of their sheep, but they did not know the exact kind.

And as they stood in wonderment a stranger passed forth. And the stranger said unto them, “Who owns such a fine flock?”

And each said unto the stranger, “My master.”

And the stranger said, “Then you both have but one master?”

And they said, “Nay,” unto the stranger, “for each of us has separate masters.”

And the stranger said unto them, “How do you know this to be true?” And he asked the first stranger the name of his master, and he gave forth of it. And he asked the second stranger, and he gave forth of it. Yet the names were the same. Therefore, all of the sheep belonged to the same master.

And we say unto you, that you, as the children of God, all come from the same God, that that has created all.

Yet you say unto us, “Which is real then, this that we dream of in our slumber? Is that a real world, or is it fantasy?”

And we say unto you, for matter, as you know it, there is none of such.

Then you say unto us, “Then how can we be real, and if we are not real, then how can God be real, a whole thing?”

And we say unto you that you are as a city that God should dwell within, and each part of your body is, therefore, part of God. Yet the Holy Spirit should dwell within all.

Yet, we say unto you, “If your right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” We do not say unto you, cast aside a part of your body, but cast out that unto which you dislike. That that you see unto others and dislike the most is that that which dwells in yourself. Look unto yourself as you would look as unto a mirror. See, therefore, the truth, not an image built in your own ego, and you shall in truth know of heaven, and therefore, you shall have known of earth.

But we say unto you, remember, none can know of heaven that [it] does not know of earth, for this is our Father’s way.

But it was not our Father that created death, it was man, that he could evolve back unto that unto which he was in the beginning, the sons of God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [8-28-74-001]. And he asks, ‘What should I be doing to improve myself in my work, with teaching music, tarot, and yoga?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. And we should answer in this manner. We are here but for one purpose. That purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, that ye should know him as he should walk upon the earth.

Then we say unto you, take each day and know it within thyself that thy are thoroughly prepared for the Messiah’s return upon the earth plane. Be as the shepherds we spoke about. Do not fight or quarrel over the ownership of knowledge, for all knowledge should come from God.

Share your knowledge freely, but be, therefore, that thy should walk and knock upon the door, and if they bid thee enter, then dine with them. But provide, therefore, upon the table both the wine from your cup and theirs. Share of it. Learn from each knowledge a whole truth.

Should a man come unto thee and say, “I believe in such and such,” then ask unto him, “Why should you believe in such a manner?” Should he become angry because you have asked, then walk away from him because he believes in nothing. But if you should ask of him and he should tell of thee, then sit, and learn from his knowledge, and grow from it, and give of him your knowledge that all should grow in unisis, and therefore, prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah in this manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8-28-74-002]. She wants to know, ‘Will my son take care of our business to our advantage while I am in Colorado? And will my husband and I be changing or trading in our trailer, and if so, when?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. And we shall answer first of the son. And the son shall act in his father’s stead, and therefore, gain glory in his father’s eyes. But he should also act in his own stead and gain glory in his own eyes. And in both he should serve his father and you.

Of your second question, we should answer in this manner, this that thy desire shall come into fact.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“From [8-28-74-003] -- would like to know, ‘I would like information regarding my husband’s profession, his professional growth and his success.’”

Yes, we see of thy need. First, we should answer in this manner. We are not allowed to violate the right of another or to answer a question that would affect another’s free will. But we shall answer in this manner. That that thy seek shall come into fulfillment. That that your husband seeks shall come into fulfillment. They shall both not come in the same, exact manner. But as you are different, and as you are individuals, so that that thy seek should come forth.

But we say unto you, thy have asked a question without a meaning. Therefore, we should answer that which is in your mind, [on] that of the child to be born yet unto you. It shall come forth and be a healthy child. It should know of the God of One, and therefore, be blessed unto the Lord.        

For the children that should come forth upon these days should be blessed unto the Lord. And they should lift their eyes upward, and [ye] should listen unto them, for they should come forth with much wisdom, for they shall know where they have been and they shall know where they are going. Yet they shall be the first to recognize the Messiah, and not cast him aside for the Anti-Christ.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [8-28-74-004], ‘I would like to know should I look for work or will they accept me in the school I want to attend; if so what kind of class should I take?’”

First we should answer in this manner. Continue with thy studies; you shall be accepted. You would do well in the field of nursing, and nursing teaching, the admin­istrative type of both. But we also say unto you, affairs of the heart are close at hand. These are good and shall be fine, but let them not interfere with your own quest for knowledge.

You have other questions, ask. One moment, please.

Yes. Yes.

“From Dorothy -- ”

One moment.



Yes, we have been instructed, therefore, unto this one, that this message should be given unto her in this manner.

It is said unto you that thy have known in thy past life of Roberta. Prepare, therefore, for the time that should come of Lazarus. The words we have spoken, we have spoken in such a manner that only you, and you alone, shall know the answer from within. We shall give this much further information. We are here to prepare for the coming of the Messiah; the Eagle flies once again.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [8-28-74-005] -- ‘When will I sell my store? Will the health food industry get the Food and Drug Administration off its back, and when and how?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Yes, in a three-month period of time thy shall sell thy store, but we shall answer in this manner. It would be a foolish move at this time.

The health food industry shall get the federal government off its back, as you would call it. And it shall happen in this manner. The new administrative government within a government is now taking form. Your Government shall come forth of the people, by the people, and for the people, that their voices shall be heard throughout the land. Let no man’s voice be silent.

We say unto you, all who dwell within this psychic world, you call it, you have defeated your own purpose, for you have divided and separated. We say unto you, the time has come to put your house in order. Come forth in unisance. Let one hand lay into the other and your words shall be heard across the world. Prepare for the coming of the Messiah, but start that preparation within yourselves, that you could look into thy brethren with love and understanding. And your brethren shall stand side by side until the army of the Lord’s should be mighty beyond all. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

If this is shown unto any government upon the world, the minds of the psychic world, you could change all substance of your world in a twinkling of an eye.

You have other questions, ask.

“There is a question from [10-12-73-004]. ‘My wife’s brother…died under unusual circumstances. Could you throw some light on this?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, we are not allowed, therefore, to give information that would be in violation of another’s free will. But we should give of you this. And we shall say in this manner. It did not come, this death, of free will. It came out of an act of greed by another. And the greedy person should stand close at hand, and thy shall know by that that they grasp.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“This is from [8-28-74-006]. ‘I feel my life is in a real turmoil and that there are changes coming about, and I don’t know how or if I will be able to handle them in the right way.’”

First we should answer into you in this manner. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray unto a wakening state for consultation. And we shall be present within the same and give unto consultation, for the matters thy should speak of are those of a private nature that should not be voiced into the public ear. We shall give thee the strength that is needed for the situation thy have spoken of.

For those that should walk in the light of God, we should answer, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone.”

And we should say unto you, for the one known as Jesus, those of the priesthood did bring forth Mary [of] Magdalene to be judged by Jesus. And he looked unto her and said unto them, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone.”

They looked into themselves and were honest. And all walked away. He did bless upon her and walk away himself, for in Jesus’ heart he knew, unto himself, that with pureness that he had grown in this, that lifetime, and the temptations he had overcome -- yet he knew where he had been and he knew where he would, was going; therefore, he could judge not, lest he be judged himself.

The wisest ears may hear us not; the sharpest eyes may see us not, yet, we should speak. And if the eye and the ear should be in tune with our Father, then thy should see of us and hear of us, all of thee in thy daily lives. For we say unto thee, enter the door we have opened. Open thy door that we may enter, and the kingdom of God should grow.

The pebble that should form the rock that the brook should flow from, that the spirits of our Lord should flow, therefore, unto the river -- and as the pebbles of the river should be as the pebbles of the spirits of man and should flow there forth into the ocean -- and the pebbles of the ocean should be, therefore, as the souls of men -- so should we send forth now unto thee a gift this day, for we should give unto thee A Rose without Thorns. It should come forth into thy hands.

For those who should prepare of it, we prepared well. We weeded the garden many times. We cultivated the crop. And when the fruit was ripe for harvest we brought it forth and laid it gently into each of these pages thy should soon have in thy hands.

There is a simple truth within. Seek it and thy should find a rose without thorns. Only you within your hearts may place rose, thorns upon a rose of this type.  [Note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or coming of the Messiah.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8-28-74-007] -- ‘What is my real name? When, where and to whom was I born? Are my father and mother still alive, or any of their immediate families? If so where? Do I have any sisters or brothers?’”

The first should be last and last should be first. There are five brothers, one sister. You were born in Arlington, Ohio. Your mother’s name was Mary Jew -- incorrect -- Mary Sue. Your father’s name was Jonathan. Your last name, their last name was Snow. Your Christian name, as it was given forth, was Jonathan Albert Snow.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [8-28-74-008], and she asks, ‘Am I still progressing as I should be? I feel I am at a crossroads and am not sure of the path to take.’”

We should answer in this manner. We see thee as David, who would stand at the Ark. We shall place the Rose without Thorns in your hands. Pick it up. Carry it forward.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to build unto you in a spiritual way that you should be as mirrors, that others should look unto thee and see of the God within, and therefore, could see the God from without, and therefore, pick it up and drink from the cup.

Although it has promised unto thee a thousand years of peace upon your earth -- but count not as you would count your years, count each day as a thousand years, and multiply by the same -- that this new heaven and new earth should become possible, that it should come forth upon the earth, many hands are needed. Our Earth, this Earth of yours, is in great danger. Your species is in great danger of annihilation and extinction. Your enemy is yourselves. That the Seventh Seal not be opened we make this plea unto thee, that your year of 1999 be the year of the Messiah.

Much work is to be done, much to be prepared for, for would you not ready your home for a marriage? Then ready thyself unto the same fashion. [See The Revelation 19:1-9, 21:1-7 and 22:12-17.] 

We should hand unto thee the bread and the yeast. Give it forth unto all.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, would you give us information as to why we are on the earth plane?”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this way, in this manner. Most of you who should think of the spiritual plane -- one day upon this earth plane you can learn more and progress farther than in a hundred years in the spiritual plane.

You should think because the mortal soul and the mortal body should pass away, that this one or that one should become smarter. This is not true. They stand as they left the earth plane, sometimes bewildered, sometimes to sleep years, and sometimes thousands of years, before they will allow themselves to awaken. And sometimes they are bewildered by where they stand, for all their civilization has made them ready to pass before a judge which does not exist except within themselves.

There is much bewilderment in the first of passing. Therefore, they run around, as you would say, as a chicken with his head underneath its wing, making great noises, but knowing very little.

We say unto you, we, this council, has existed since the beginning of time. Yet, we must go to our Father for information, for knowledge. Our Father, your God, is kind, and gentle and loving. Yet each of us has existed upon your earth planes and others throughout the many galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. We have lived lives upon [yet] what you would call the earth plane. We picked one from among us and sent him forth upon the earth plane as a teacher.

And he stands within your grasp.


But each should be different in kind, but beautiful in all, for the kingdom of God lies within you, each of you. For who could not love of God’s beauty He has placed upon the universes? And who could walk out among them each day and not know of His love?

Look at the flowers that He [has] placed beneath thy feet. See them. Give rejoice and great tidings each day, for each day is another day closer to his arrival upon your earth, that he should make himself known unto thee.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever! Blessed be the name of the one who should come.

And we say unto you, pray that the Seventh Seal is not opened. But show unisance unto each other, that you may show unisance unto God. For those who would wear the mark of the Beast shall be cast unto the bottomless pit for that one thousand years, as the Lord should count. Cast it from thyself. [See The Revelation, chapters 19-20.]

We stand as our Father stands. Ask and thy shall receive.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth; pestilence and famine. Prepare, therefore, into the same. Earthquakes shall shatter thy Western and Eastern seaboard. Hurricane and storms shall race across the face of you land. Prepare for the famine.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy

This transcript has been compared with the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.