December 16, 1974

Dallas Texas

[Fragmentary Tape]


            Before the reading, Ray shares with the audience gathered: “I’ll tell you how we usually do it there. Usually the person who does the conducting will start a prayer, but each person prays in their own way. The one thing I’d like to say more than any other thing, and I won’t get a chance to say it, is how much of a pleasure it is for me to have met so many beautiful people, and to have come here. There’s something I mentioned the other night when I said, here’s the city who had placed on it that we lost a President. And I said, how could this happen amongst such beautiful people? Maybe God, in His divine wisdom, there’s a purpose for all things. I’ve had the fortune to travel. I’ve had the fortune to meet people from every religion. I’ve had the fortune to see the beauty that can flow among people from all religions under one house seeking God. And I don’t think anyone could receive any greater gift than that. I think if I could live life over again, the mishaps, as they say, in my life, I don’t think I’d change anything. I think each thing was a step toward today. I know a lot of you wondered why I do what I do. Well, I have one purpose in this world, beyond the healing of the human body. I try also very hard to do healing of the soul. But I think the greatest gift that I was given – and it’s strange that I’m saying these words so close to the this of this prayer – was the coming of the Messiah, the preparation for his coming. Most people wonder why this would be important. I think if we can find him before he gets here, in our hearts, we’ll know him when he arrives. And with that I’m going to go to sleep! Thank you….”

            The moderator, Kathleen, says, “I should stress to you that during the reading there should be no getting up, walking around, doing this sort of thing. The energy level will be very high and to touch him could be dangerous for you or for him….”


            [Editor’s note: the beginning of the reading was not on tape.]

            We have brought to your doorstep A Rose without Thorns....

            We have no other purpose than the servitude of our Father.

            We should say unto you, as you should prepare to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, presents were brought forth; yet the greatest present of all should be in the love you should possess for one another, for look unto thy neighbor as thy blood kin, as thy brother, as thy sister. Learning to love is the greatest gift of all. But we say unto you, as both to prepare birth and the death through resurrection was necessary, should you know the true meaning of the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word, love, stand beneath the cross and let one drop of blood touch your forehead.

            But remember, our Lord does not demand the blood of the Lamb, nor the sacrifice. Our Lord asks that the tiding [tithing] you should give would be one tenth of the love in your hearts for Him that He possesses for you, and give that one tenth of the same love unto your brother and sister.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [12-16-74-001]. And she asks, ‘Do you have a message for me?’”

            Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. We have struck a torch in the land of the Eagle. As you should venture the Eagle’s nest, seek not only the material things that dwell there. Seek out the vast knowledge that should be laid before you, for we shall give unto you a sign, both in dream form and in vision, that you should know the words we speak are from our Father. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12-16-74-002], ‘Can you give us the month and year of the great California earthquake, and its extent and effect upon the rest of the United States?’”

We shall answer in this manner. We may only give of the information that the Lord, our God, should allow us unto you. And therefore, we should say unto you, it should be in the month of October, it should be in the year of 1988. This, in itself, shall be the worst. The final blow shall be struck in the year of 1999, in the year, in the month of January the 3rd.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. From [12-16-74-003], asks, ‘How soon will I be doing my psychic work full time, and when is my marriage indicated?’”

            (Chuckle.) As has been written, we shall say unto thee, “as the last should be first, and the first should be last,” so it should come. Bring forth the marriage. But we say unto you, bring forth this in a righteous manner before God and man. We shall answer your question further. You should say unto us, “If I should say my vows before God, then why should I say them before man?” We say unto you, the vows of marriage are not taken unto man, they are taken unto God. But it is written that nothing should be hidden nor [covered]. If you marry in the light of love, then that light shall spread and be seen by all. Make it a glorious thing, a thing of beauty.

            One hand shall lead farther into another.

            New teachers shall be brought forth. The mind shall be much as the stomach. Only that that the mind can digest should it be fed, or it should forget what it has learned. Take each teacher that is brought forth, and learn in fullness that that is given.

            We say unto you, never use your gift in a jealous manner. There are many who should come forth and say, “For I am the greater of the psychic.” They are foolish children. Do they not know that the gift that is given by our Father was bestowed upon all of His children? Yes, our Father saw fit to bring forth prophets. Our Father saw fit that certain of the earth thing should bring forth unto His messages and do His bidding. You shall find that the greatest shall be the humblest.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, [12-16-74-004], she asks, ‘Will 1975 bring much change into my life?’”

            Yes, yet your year has not come forth in your calendar. The change has already started. We have brought forth and laid before you A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up and give it to another. Learn the simple lessons that dwell within, and then thy shall be ready for other tasks. We find the thought within thy mind a good and righteous thing.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

Yes, Aka, from [12-16-74-008],would like to know, 'Does food need to be room temperature when you are psyching it out, and it is possible for both hands to have equal sensitivity?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. It is not necessary that the food be of any temperature; it can be varied or changed. The predominant hand that is used in the manner unto which soul Ray has shown you may be used by either hand. But train one hand before thy should train the other.

            But we say unto you, listen to your inner cravings. They shall be the lack of nutrition in your body, that is needed for the cell regeneration of the body structure.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, from [12-16-74-005], he asks, ‘We own an apartment house and operate it; we want to sell it. When will it sell?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We say unto you into this manner, in the early summer it shall be traded and bartered for. But monetary value will not be all that comes within your hands, for you shall trade for other property.

“Aka, from [12-16-74-006], and she would like to know, ‘How soon will we move from this area, and will it be a good move?’”

            Yes, we should see this in the earlier part of the summer, and the move shall be a good move. But we should tell you in this manner, take that which you have found here with you. Treasure it. Plant the seed, and you shall find fellowship of the same type where you should go.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. From [12-16-74-007], and she would like to know, she has two questions.

‘Has my husband chosen the right track in going on his own, and will he find production?’ And ‘Do I have a talent that could be of use to others, and how can I learn to use it?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. We should not be allowed to interfere, neither by question or gesture, with another soul without their direct permission.

            We should answer your question -- and answer, yes.

            We say unto you unto these words, soul Ray now grows weary. Because of the condition of his health form we should not overtax him at this time. But we say unto you, open the door that we may enter.

           You have opened your doorway, and those of us who are called, Aka, will remain with you in heart and spirit. We shall never be so far away from you as your own thought.

            We find one other question that we should answer. There is one here who should seek of healing. In our Father’s name, the Lord, God, the healing is granted.

            Glory be the name of the Lord. 

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.