December 18, 1974

Phoenix, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we should give a gift upon the earth that all may see. For we shall place within the heavens a sign, and the sign shall give [life] unto the earth. We say unto you, as you come forward to celebrate the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, three days before the eve of his birth the sign shall be seen by all who have the faith and love to see. And for those who have the faith, healing shall come upon the earth.

On the 24th day, shall be set aside, for upon that day the Eagle shall choose a mate. We say unto you, take from your words of the wedding feast. [See John 2:1-10 or The Revelation 19:5-9 and chapters 21-22.]

We have given you A Rose without Thorns. Now we offer life.

[Editor’s note: A rose without thorns is said to spiritually symbolize the birth or preparation for the coming of the Messiah.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12-19-74-001], ‘What information can you give me pertaining to the dream I had last night?’”

Yes, we see of thy need; we shall answer your question in this manner. Your dream came forth in that of a learning dream -- first, to show you that you must be a student before you can become a teacher; second, to show you that the enemy from without is only the enemy from within. The color and light, and sound, in multitude was that of the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Bring these forth. We shall bring forth the other information within thy mind.

Thy have had thoughts of prophecies, and yet, could not believe that that has been set before you. You have had visions of earthquakes. You have had visions of hurricanes and tornados. All of these visions you have had should come forth into reality. “Yet time,” you say in your mind, “When should the time come forth?” Much as there shall be wars and rumors of wars, so there shall be earthquakes and rumors of earthquakes. But the final war and the final earthquake shall come in the year of 1988. In the year of 1985 will be the trigger. The final step shall end in January of 1999.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [12-19-74-002]. She asks, ‘Should I concern myself with the church charter I now have, remain with G_____, or strive harder to join R_______’s ministry?’ She sends love.”

We shall answer your question in this way. We have brought forth A Rose without Thorns. We have laid it before you. We have also laid before you the miracle of the candelabra. [See A Rose without Thorns: The Ministers’ Book, pages 44-45.]

If a child should walk the path across the river, and at the end of the path find many paths reaching out and try to follow them all, the child shall become confused and falter, and have to start all over again. Choose but one. Follow it. The choosing of one does not mean that you relinquish the love and the friendship of others.

You have joined hands unto that of the Spiritual Philosophy of God; you will soon be changed unto the Universal Philosophy, both being of the same. Look forth into the miracle of the candelabra, at the meaning of the same, and your day shall come, when you shall drink from the cup that shall be handed unto you by the Eagle.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12-19-74-003], and he asks, ‘Where have I been, and where am I going, and what is my purpose here?’”

(Chuckle.) If a dog should chase his tail, and bite it, and think that another dog is biting the tail, then he should bite it harder. But if he should learn that by biting his tail he’s harming himself, then he should not do this again, or shall he chase his own tail.

You have bitten your tail. Do not be as an ass and stand in one place. Go forth now. We have given thee a pathway. It has been laid before thee, not once, but many times.

Thoughts of marriage have entered thy mind. This, in itself, would be a good thing.

We say unto you, the beginning and the ending of a karma can come in the twinkling of an eye. Your word, be transformed, only means to turn around. And so let it be.

But we would say also unto you, a person who should brew a good pot should never stand and worry over it, or the worry should ruin of it. Living, with thy conscience in the light of God is an important factor. But God made man for laughter also. And the man who can look at his own folly and laugh at it, and walk away and learn from it, shall be the wiser from it all.

We have guided your footsteps and brought forth the pathway. We have offered the bread and the wine. It stands before you. You must provide the yeast.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12-19-74-004]. She has three questions. ‘How long will I stay at the place I work? Will my son, R__, be all right in school, work, and sports? Will my husband write, and if so, be a success?’”

First, we should answer the last. The writing should come forth as teardrops upon the desert, slowly at first, and then gain, and shall grow.

The problem of the son shall be of no [worry].

That of the job shall continue.

But a greater question lies within thy heart, and we shall answer in this manner. There are a time, even before birth, that we choose -- an entity, a vehicle. We enter this vehicle in such a manner that we should never leave it unattended. You now are like a ship without a captain. Beware, or it should run aground. Take your [emotions] in hand. There are those who would help you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [12-19-74-005], she asks, ‘Please relate on what is in the future for me.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Thy future should grow much brighter in the month of February, through March, completion of that that has been in thy heart. And most of thy life’s desire shall be set forth at an opportunity [of] the same. See it as it comes before you.

Quite often, when the height of one’s ambition has been achieved, one finds themselves bored, and therefore, cannot appreciate the gifts that God has given. But the mind is a fine instrument. It is like the heavens and the universes and universes beyond. There is no limitation. Let thy mind reach forth. Excel. Do not become stagnated.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [4-10-74-003], he asks, ‘Is Ray working too hard? If so, how can he be slowed down?’”

(Chuckle) We shall tend to the task. He is a stubborn man -- who has much to do. But we shall slow him down. But he shall continue to prepare the way for the coming of a messiah. We shall tend his body, that he may tend yours and others.

We shall say unto you, the many flowers that we were capable to bring through our channel, our instrument, unto your lives, we know the sacrifices unto which he has made. We know he has done them willingly. We know he has asked nothing for himself. Yet laughter should be in all lives. We shall say unto you, wedding bells shall ring, and a day of rest shall arrive.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [9-10-74-001], ‘Do you have any advice for me?’”

(Chuckle.) We shall give you this advice. Nothing shall interfere, from either side, with the work that we have set aside for our instrument, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. If we did not feel that you would enlighten, enrich the life, and add to, we would not have placed the flowers at your feet.

And now, soul Ray grows tired.

Yet, we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord.

For the Book and books that shall be written upon the sky, your time has grown short. You have asked of your earthquakes. You have asked of your wars. You have asked of your hearts’ desires. Yet none have asked how they could prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father should weep for these, for the time of the Fifth Angel’s walk is growing shorter, and soon the Sixth Seal will be opened, and then the Seventh. Must you go back into your caves? Or shall you walk as men and women of God? [See The Revelation, chapters 6-10.]

We shall say unto you, if our mission is successful, in the year of 1999 the coming of a Messiah shall walk forth from the heavens upon the earth, and the earth shall rise and all of the soul and spiritual and the immortal bodies shall rise within. But should our task be a failure, then you shall have 3.000 years of darkness.

The one known as Jesus of Nazara laid his blood upon your land, twice. And he came forth in both the land of Israel and in the land of the American. And he did show unto man the truth of [the, his] resurrection.

Now, we have come forth to show you a further truth of a resurrection. We have provided the bread and the wine. Shall you provide the yeast or cast it aside?

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501