December 26, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For we say these words. For those who have asked for life, we have given life. But the Lord, our God, does not giveth death. The Lord, God, giveth free choice unto man. And as the Lord gave forth life everlasting, therefore, He could not giveth death without the asking of the individual soul.

We told of you in our last reading that we had given unto you a rose without thorns, and now we gave unto you life. Many have thought that once again we have spoken as unto riddles. We said unto you, look unto the heavens, from the 21st of your month of December unto the 24th that a sign would be given. And we said unto you, look unto the heavens.

And so all of you looked unto the heavens.

The heavens that we asked you to look unto was into yourselves, for there within yourselves, a new sign was to be placed forth, the sign of life. The Lord stayed the hand of death unto those three days.

We have seen within your hearts the desire to bring forth life, and in some, to let them pass gently. This, thy request, shall be given, but only into those who should ask.

For life upon the earth, and a cleansing of the earth, a time that the earth should renew itself, is much like a winter storm. It should be harsh at times, yet gentle in purpose. For each thing that is taken from the earth, a new life must come forth. And therefore, life, as a precious gift from God, should not be taken by another, even though you see the other in great suffering. Life, like the rose, should come from the root of all things. And the root should be our Father, and the gift should be that of God everlasting.

You say unto us, “You have spared the life of many and sent your instrument forth to do of the healing. And what purpose should it serve that he should go forth and save one’s life many times?”

The purpose should be within itself, that yet, a karmic lesson was to be learned, a very important lesson -- that a gift that is given must be given in love, that a word that is spoken and a vow that is taken should be in love, and therefore, to the best of one’s ability, the vow should be fulfilled.

The Lord, God, asks nothing, yet you should come forth and promise Him unto

certain things if life is given. When you make these vows and do not fulfill them, then you should take our Father’s name in vain, and this should be the beginning of a new karma within itself.

If you should take the vows of a minister, or a teacher, take them in such a manner that you do not become a hypocrite. There are those who should say that a man that should drink too much wine has sinned. Yet we should say unto you, he should create a lesser sin than the man who should take vows unto the Lord and preach one thing and do another. What is right for one should be wrong for another. What is food for one could be poison to another. We say unto you, judge not, lest ye be judged. Look unto your brethren and your sisteren with understanding, not with judgment.

We say unto you, two things shall be given in this year that should come forth. First, should be of the robe that should come forth into the cardinal, and the robe shall be trimmed in red. Second that should come forth, we shall say unto you that the second robe shall wear the red and the gold together, and the trim of the same, and it should be called of the bishop. The knowledge of both of these shall be placed, therefore, in soul Ray’s mind.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [12-26-74-001] asks a question…and she asks, ‘How can I help my husband and help myself, and my family situation? Any advice you give would be appreciated.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And first, we should say unto thee unto this manner. The answer unto your question lies within yourself. There is a time for all things upon the earth, a time for learning, a time for eating of the food of knowledge, a time when the mind, like the stomach, should become too full. You have doubts within your mind of your husband, and doubts within your mind of your children and their health. The health problem shall correct itself, within the children. The problem and the doubts of the husband shall also come forth in such a manner that fulfillment shall come forth. But we say unto you, because of thy worry thy are harming thy body.

Now we should say unto you, because of soul Ray’s health, we should shorten your reading, and another should come forth in a different manner.

But we should say unto the one known as [7-27-74-001] and unto the wife of the same, [7-22-74-002], we say unto you, as you have become students, so you should become teachers -- and remembering that a teacher should be no greater than the pupil.

Yet the land of California, which should soon need of the hand and the healing that we have brought forth, should need of both of you, that these who should reside there should not perish. We should ask of you to venture forth unto this land for a short while, and therefore, establish new group form and study form. We would instruct all of the teachers, ministers, and the prophet to assist you. The urgency should grow very soon. There should be those there that you should teach, that they may in the time ahead go forth in the light of the Lord.

The need, and their needs, is very confusing, for there is many roads that lead to nowhere. We should give further information on this subject in our next reading. [Editor’s note: the tape recording ends here.]

We should give further information upon new earthquakes and storms. We should say unto you, prepare. The winter shall be harsh, and times shall grow harder.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501