February 19, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good morning, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we should tell thee the parable of the rich man who went forth unto the priest.

At each visit he would go unto the priest and say unto him unto these words, “Would you pray unto your God forgiveness for me, for I have sinned.” And each time he would leave a large sum of gold. The priest, therefore, took the money, but he did not pray for the man nor for forgiveness. This went on for many, many years, and then came the day of the man’s death.

And the man passed on. And he waited, and he waited for those who would come to take him, therefore, into what he thought was heaven. Yet no one came. Then finally one day he woke up. And he saw many people walking by. And he said unto them, “I paid the Lord great sums of money to get into heaven. Where is the gates unto the heavenly place?”

They looked at him and said, “Within you.”

He understood them not and walked on.

And therefore, he saw a church much like he had gone and paid his large sums of money, and he walked in. And as he walked through, he saw many of the priests that had served in his own church seated there, and yet he knew they had each passed on. Yet, he saw one that he had paid large sums of money to, and he said unto him, “I have paid you large sums of money to give to God. Why hammer I not before the gates into heaven?”

The priest looked down and about, and said “I am not a holy man. I am but a man. I, through trickery, have taken your money, for you see, God has no use for gold not silver. These are man’s tools, not God’s. You have bought your way not into heaven, but into yourself. Your own fears and the correcting of your fears and your problems, not the money, was that that ended your karmas. Now you must go forward, for you are more fit than I. Go forward there, to the pew, and tell the people what you have learned that they may also learn from you.”

“But,” he said, “I must be judged.”

And yet a voice came from within and said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

And for those who should kill with the sword should die by the sword. Glory be the peacemakers. Glory be those who live in love and tranquility with God. But glory be those who live from within and find themselves, for whether it be labor or money, that that belongs to God is God’s, that that belongs to man is man’s. But neither promise God that that you shall not do unto yourself, and unto your brother, and unto God, for then you have sinned against yourself.

You have questions, ask.

“[02-19-74-001] asks for a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto thee, for thy have wandered the path of life. We shall give unto thee that which is the most important of all that has brought you forth time and time again, unto this time, unto this place. We shall not start from the beginning, but we shall take from the records your time and birth.

You were born 16 years earlier than the man known as Jesus of Nazara, in the same town. You are a cousin of Judas. And as you saw the young man that turned into a man and traveled far into the many lands, and came back and picked your cousin to walk beside Him, you could not understand why.

Yet the day came upon the earth when Judas did betray his Master. The betrayal within itself was not sin nor karma. The betrayal was that that was written and that that was to be. It was the wishes of God. And therefore, Judas was blessed. Yet he knew it not. And therefore, he committed suicide.

You watched this. Therefore, you went forward and took unto Judas’s wife unto your own, for you had long lingered for her.

This brought forth into your house two wives. Each day that passed one became more jealous than the other.

And your own first wife came unto you and said unto you these words, “For that that you have given me, so you shall receive. By all the gods of darkness I shall cast this curse upon you forever; for every female child born into your family shall commit suicide or die of waste.” And then she herself committed suicide.

It was not long before Judas’s wife which was now your wife bore a child. And the child grew unto young and beautiful and into a wonderful youth like a flower of love. And yet she grew into womanhood and married. Not long after marriage she died, committed suicide.

And we say unto you, one unto the other, for these two beings have come forward unto your life unto this time, for the curse of Judas lies, and has lied within you.

Your time upon this earth in the body form, in this shell you have chosen, shall not be for many more of years. This we shall tell of you. Therefore, cast aside this curse, and do so now. We say unto you, go unto the work of the Lord, God. Give labor and love into this work. And so, your soul, your spirit, and your immortal body shall free itself. And in doing so the karmic action that was created in Judas, these souls who have passed before you in this lifetime, also shall be free. But if you do not do so, then that that is most precious to you shall pass before you pass.

We have long waited your arrival. We have long waited, for the Lord has looked these many centuries upon your souls and wept, for it was not His intention that Judas should die by his own hand. Nor was it His intention that so many should suffer so great a plight.

Judas has found his way; now you must find yours. For brother and daughter, husband and wife, have all been the same throughout your lifetimes, and you have brought them forward. We say unto you, go forth, and we shall lay before you the greatest gift of all. We shall provide for your needs and not for your wants. But the needs shall [grieve] gardens in Eden.

And we say unto you, the land on which you should choose to dwell and travel is like a twisting snake. New eruptions shall occur in this area. And there are serpents there that should bite of you. Lay before yourself and unto mankind a path that is clear for the rest of your life. And then all life shall come in the light, and in clarity and in beauty. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have come here to hear of your many lifetimes, and we have given you but a small proportion. But without it, you would perish. For soon your soul and spirit would depart from one another, for the anguish within your heart could not stand much more. Therefore, we have given what is needed.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

No audio recording was available with which to compare this transcript.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona