February 22, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we should tell unto thee the parable -- for in the days into which the temple of God stood as one.

And day by day it became that of a market place, until the walls itself should tumble down. But the true temple of God did not tumble; it stood erect, for it was within the heart of man, the mind of man.

There shall be many who should come and say, “I shall do this, and I shall do that,” and make bargains. But we say unto you, for those who should do the work of the Lord, there is no bargain to be made. If thy thyselves are ready to do the Lord’s work, then do so. If thy are not, stand aside, and walk forth away from those and allow them who should do the work of the Lord to do so in a righteous manner.

But we say unto thee, ask not a gift of the Lord with false promises. For we have weeded your garden once before, and Rebekah stood no more. Heed our words, for we speak not [in jest]. We have said unto you that the Lord is the Lord of love and kindness. But He is a just Lord. And remember unto these words, “Vengeance is mine,” sayeth the Lord. And for those who should not remember unto these words, they should perish.

And we should also say unto thee unto these words, do not misinterpret our words. We have brought forth unto you philosophy. Change not of this philosophy. Print it as it stands.

You have within your minds that unto which to do of your organization. And we should say unto you, do nothing. Stand aside and we shall do that that is necessary to be done. We have given you a structure and a way. Remember the miracle of the candelabras. And so it shall be once again.

Soul Ray has overtaxed his body and mind. Therefore, we shall depart.

But look to the earth beneath you. Look to the east and to the west. New eruptions shall arise all around you.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona