January 4, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For the deaf to hear let them listen; for the blind who cannot see let them see, for the words we should speak should come forth unto all.

            For there are many gifts upon the Earth; and each person, each soul, has been given a gift unto themselves. Yet, much as the ass who should stand in a field of clover and look beyond the fence at another field of clover, he cannot see what he stands upon and the worth of the same. There are some asses that were brought to carry burdens, others who were born to be free and never carry a burden. Each should envy the other.

            But the man, above all things, were given special gifts -- the gift to oversee the land, the sea, and the sky. And in doing so, each was given his own tasks.

            We should say unto you unto these words. As the Seven Spirits were sent forth upon the Earth to create the same, each within themselves had the power and wisdom to do a certain job in the creation of your Earth. And each did that unto himself that he knew well, and therefore, the Earth came whole and pure, and God looked upon it and found it good.

So it is so unto each of you.

            Each of you look upon another with envy. Yet this is foolishness. Be that unto which you are. Be that unto which God has given you and the gifts that God has given you. Even a gift should take work to achieve and to see it come into full blossom.

            God has placed within each of you a psychic gift, of sorts, each to be used in a different way.

            Then He looked upon the Earth after giving these gifts, and He said unto Himself, “HOW SHALL MY CHILDREN ALWAYS KNOW ME?”

And therefore, He created into some the gifts of prophesy, the gifts of clairvoyance, the gifts of great projection. And into some He placed the gift that should lay belaten [belated] into themselves until the time was right, both for God and for them, for their destiny to be fulfilled. He did this for a purpose, that man should always know of God, that He could find those who He could speak through.

            But we say unto each of you, cast out of yourselves your petty angers. Cast out of yourselves that that you and you alone must be so important unto man. Be important unto yourselves and unto God. Take the gift that was given unto you and use it unto its fullest. If you should wait, the gift shall gradually dwindle away, until one day it shall not be there at all.

            You have, therefore, within your minds, of the Book with wings, and in which form it should be printed? And when it should be printed? Now, we should say unto you unto these words. Three months from this day it should be ready to go unto the printer and be in the printer’s hands.

            As we have said before, we have given unto each of you gifts, fulfillment of your wishes. Within each of you, you asked and it was given. You promised, but yet, did not fulfill. We have said unto you, we are here to collect the indebtedness owed unto our Father.

Yet, it is said to forgive unto those that you should owe. But, most important, forgive unto those who should owe you. And so it is with our Father. For our Father makes no bargains. He has listened unto your prayers and given unto you that which you have asked for. He did not bind you unto an agreement. You only bound yourselves.

            This work shall go on, and the fulfillment. As it should spring from a brook as the spirits of God, as it should spring into the river as the spirits of man, and as it should flow unto the ocean as the souls of man, and therefore, unto the many lands, so should this work go on. Many shall come, and many shall go.

            If you should give unto another, give that with glad tidings, not with indebtedness, for only in this manner have you truly given a gift. Therefore, we say unto you, take of the work, place it in such a manner that it should flow, but do not change the meaning of the same. For beware, for those who should misinterpret our words shall bring forth their own wrath upon themselves.

            There are some who should say, “Fear these who should speak, for they should speak in such a manner that should carry the wrath of the God.”

            We came not to place fear in front of you, but glad tidings, for we have come but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. He is born upon the Earth. Now, we shall prepare a way for him. For those who should give but one teardrop, and this is all they can give, this is enough. But for those who have many, then this is enough.

            But that that the Lord has given unto your hands, the Lord can taketh away. We have said unto you before, this work, these words shall come forth as a new coveth [covenant].There are those of you who have handled them in not a respectful way.

Three months from this day we shall place within Ray’s mind that unto which he should do, and he shall do of such.

            We have healed your sick; we have strengthened your bodies. We asked nothing then, we shall ask nothing now, for we want only those who should walk of their own free will. For we placed this work unto the river, and we placed the opportunity for it to flow beyond, yet this was not acted upon. The opportunity to take this work forward has lied dormant.

            But we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. For those who walk in the righteousness of the Lord, a way shall be provided. For those who do not, they shall have to prepare the way for themselves.

            We have told you to store many things. Yet each of you have not come together in fullness. You have stood apart. For those who should stand together, they shall live together. For those who stand apart, we say unto you, let the dead bury the dead, for our God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona