January 6, 1974

Globe, Arizona


            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For if you should go unto the desert and see not the beauty God has placed there, then you are blind. If you go unto the mountains, and see not the beauty that God has placed there, you are blind. Yet, both in the desert and in the mountains there are treacherous things. There are serpents in both places.

            And you say unto us, Why should these serpents be placed upon the earth? In what purpose do they serve?”

            And we should answer in this manner. In the nature of all things there is a balance, one working for the other. If you can see this, then you can see the purpose of thyself.

            Yet long ago, in the days of Atlantis the serpent had not fangs and was friendly unto man. But God placed the serpent both in the deserts and in the mountains that man should know that in his travels through life that all things should not be given without cause. For that that you should seek shall be given unto you. But if you should run from place to place, you should always take thineself with thee, and therefore, that that you seek you shall not find until thy find thyself, for all things come in a just manner.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [1-6-74-001] who is here tonight asks a number of questions. The first, she asks for a life reading, and asks, ‘What in the past lives can help me in my present life, and how can I increase my spiritual growth?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same – yes -- and therefore, we have the records before us. Yes, you are all things that thy have been before.

And we should answer in this manner. In the time of Troit we find this one. You must understand that Troit was a small continent near that of the third continent of Atlantis. You must understand that Troit was a separate nation from Atlantis, yet you had made pact of peace with these. And the Atlantans, therefore, did not bring forth war upon you until the later days.

            At that time you were called upon through the council to venture forth unto them, those who worshiped the God of One, the mighty ones who lived in the hills and the valleys on the first continent of Atlantis. And so you did venture forth, and therefore, find the one known as Arcan. And Arcan sent you forth in council unto the land of Egyptan with the one know as Ra-Tai.

            And after you had gone unto Ra-Tai with your plight, he did say unto you, “We shall bring forth the ships that are needed to transport your people unto the land of Egyptan. But we should take thee forth unto another land that is known as Greece. And therefore, you should farm as you have worked before, for there are many that should come unto this land of the Atlantans, and your presence would cause further warfare.”

            But alliance has been made with this new land of Greece, and therefore, you went back unto the council with your message. Some wanted to stay and fight; some wanted to venture forth unto this new land.

            But as had been promised, the huge ships arrived at your ports, and all your animals and all your people were taken forth from the island continent.

            Your first sight of Egyptan was that of utter amazement, for your land was a rich land and fertile. The rains did come in plentiful amounts, your agriculture was good, and all things had been blessed by the Lord that had come unto you and your people. But in this land of Egyptan, the land was barren.

            Yet, you saw forth the huge pyramid-type structures. And in your many talks with Ra-Tai, you asked why were these structures build. And Ra-Tai took you forth unto the many temples.

            And one of these temples was the Temple of Beauty. In this temple through techniques of surgery and that of germination through cosmic generators with the use of negative ions, you saw the many wonders performed in healing and changing the forms of man and the man-beast. And you saw those that had been left and that were brought forth from the great wars, the atomic wars, the mutates, and you saw the great wonders performed upon them. You were taught, therefore, in that of the dietary food substance and feeding. You were shown through the use of herbs and healing.

            You lingered long after your people had gone forth unto this land of Greece in this land to study that of medicine.

            And then one day you were asked by Ra-Tai if you would like to visit unto the laboratory and structures of [Ray]. And with eagerness you ventured forth. Here you found plant life in abundance. Here you found fruit substance and vegetable substance of larger size. Those in attendance urged you to taste, and the taste was good. And then Priest Ra-Tai said that an audience was ready that you should meet this one.

            You ventured forth. At first when you looked upon him you saw an eagle standing there, yet when you looked again there was but a man. You were afraid to mention what you had first saw. You talked long upon medicine and healing, and then you left this strange one.

            Upon your departure you laughingly said unto Ra-Tai, My eyes deceived me this day, for when I first saw this one I saw an eagle.”

            And Ra-Tai said unto you, “Your eyes did not deceive you; your mind saw the truth, for the Eagle you saw shall never die until the beginning and ending of his karma.”

            And then Ra-Tai suggested that you go forth unto your people and teach them.

            And as you boarded the craft that took you forth, Ra-Tai looked upon you and said, “Your mind is troubled, my friend.” And he said unto you, “I know the source of your trouble -- first, that of what you saw upon our visit, but that does not trouble you as greatly as that that you have seen in the body substance.”

            And then you spoke of it and you said, “Yes, this one does not look like any of the people I have seen, for he is different. Why is this so?”

            And Ra-Tai looked upon you and said unto you unto these words, “For he carries with him that that he brought upon the earth; for the structure of the man is the same as the structure he first brought from the old planet, the home planet.” [This was spoken sadly.]

            And then he handed you forth scripture of many kinds. You went forth studying the scripture. You saw the measurements of the many stars, the distance and the means of travel and the reasons that the great pyramids were built.

            You taught your students for many years and died, therefore, in old age form. You walked into your afterlife with full knowledge, and therefore, looked forth unto the other teachers.

            And then one day you heard of this one known as Jesus of Nazareth and his birth that was soon to come. You chose entry, therefore, as a Roman. You became, therefore, a soldier and were sent forth unto the land of Israel.

            And upon that fatal day you were among the soldiers that cast lots for his robe and saw the darkness come upon the earth. And yet, your heart could not believe what your eyes had seen.

You went back unto this land of Rome, there to be promoted to a centurion, or captain of the guard. And as your life went on, you saw many Christians and many of the old faith brought forth and tortured and killed. And your mind thought, “Which is the difference between these two? Is that of the old faith, with [which?] the god, Jupiter, has ruled that we should destroy, yet they kill no one. Yet, they do not worship this one of Jesus of Nazareth, only as a prophet, one sent forth by God.”

            And therefore, you went back unto the land of Israel, back to the hill of the skull, and something brought your eyes forward, upward. And there you saw a huge eagle in flight. And the sun brought forth upon its feathers, and it shined as gold, for this was that that would be known as the Golden Eagle. And feathers dropped forth from this one to the earth and you raced forth to gather one, but when you touched it, it turned unto blood.

            You went back to the hill, and yet the blood had turned into a crimson red, and memory stirred deep within your soul, and you knew the words of Ra-Tai. You brought forth your saber, and you killed yourself.

            This time your passing was not so easy, for you slumbered long, afraid to awaken; yet you had to learn. But when you did awaken, there were masters there to assist you. At first you wanted to re-enter. They told you that the choice was your own. Should you choose to re-enter, this you could do. But they suggested that you linger, for the Eagle had flown again in another land, and the Eagle would not fly for a long time. Only in small places would he appear, and then only for a short while, for he was here to prepare the way.

            And so you waited unto this lifetime, and so you have chosen entry. You have seen death and pestilence pass before you, and you have sought healing for yourself and others.

            Now you say unto us, “How should I know when the Eagle flies?” And we say unto you, for the Eagle has touched unto your body and healed unto it, and brought healing, both unto the body and unto the mind. But yet there is farther healing to be done.

            The karmas that you brought forth have come to an end, but they can only come forth when you yourself realize that you brought forth them only to conquer them.

We say unto you, forgive of thine enemies. Forgive and forget thy fears, for now is the greatest time of all times. For we are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have but one mission and one thought.

            Thy have asked for healing. We have brought you forth unto this land unto soul Ray to administer to your needs and bring forth wisdom unto your mind; yet there is much work to be done and much preparation in the same. The choice is yours once again, for we advise you to stand firm. We advise you to heed the wisdom that has been give unto you. Go not back forth unto this one who should slay itself because it could not wash away the blood that came from the eagle. Take forth this blood, this single drop of blood that should come forth upon thy forehead, and you shall truly know the meaning of love and compassion. Fear not now for your body. Fear for that of others.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka She asks, ‘I have two lots on Padre Island. Is it a good time to sell one? Also, I would like to build a duplex on the other Padre Island lot with another family. Is it a good time to do it now?’”

            First we should answer in this manner, the selling of the lot at this time would be a good time. The venturing forth into partnership of this type would not be suggested.

            You have other questions, ask.

            We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Give forth that that is uppermost within thee to give, and fulfillment for thy days shall multiply into many. For the Fifth Angel walks upon the earth, and so pestilence and famine shall reign, and healing shall be needed unto many, both of the mind and the body. Thy ask for purpose. Take forth that unto thy hand, and we shall deliver thee unto thy destiny. All you must do is open the door that we may enter.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript could not be compared with the audio recording because it was not made available.]


Copyright Ó 1974, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona