January 14, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

            And first, we should answer that that is utmost in your minds. And we should answer in this manner. Remain as you are. Do not reincorporate at the present time. That that is needed shall be provided. As we have said before, for those who should stand beneath the cross and let a drop of blood touch their forehead, the way should be provided unto the same.

            Second, we should answer your question unto that, the financial assistance that should be needed in the printing of the Book with wings. First, so that fairness should prevail among your group, let the seven who serve upon the Board of Directors go forth unto the money lender. Let each sign for one proportion of the monetary needs that are to be provided. We shall provide a way for the return of the money. Bring forth the loan from the money lender in such a manner that it should come unto one payment.

            We should answer your question in this manner. For as the Seven Spirits of God did descend into the universes to create your Earth, each did their own job, that that was laid before them -- one to create the water, another in the creation of the earth, another to create the ferment [firmament], another to create the fish that went into the water, another to create the animals upon the earth, another to mold from that of dust that of the man-animal. And yet, after all was laid forward they stood aside and let God blow life into all of it.

            But from all things there is a beginning. Yet there need not be an ending, for ending only comes when you return to that from which you came. And so it shall be with all the souls upon the Earth. Some shall lose their paths for a short while and regain it again. Others shall lose the path and the light of God and never regain that that they have cast aside, for it has been said that no one but yourselves can destroy you.

            And so it is so. For God is the God of love, compassion, and wisdom. He holds no vengeance in His heart. Yet, with love and wisdom and compassion, He should yield upon the Earth the Sword that should cut two ways. Yet, in the making of the Sword, He shall seek out those who may stand, and come forth without question.

            And now we say unto this one known as [3-9-73-001], you have ventured forth, for you have opened the door that we may enter. We have brought you forth unto this land for a purpose. Have faith and your needs shall be provided for, for there is a need for you and your need for your God stands as one at this time. Lay aside the past, for the past is but yesterday. Today, and tomorrow, and the tomorrows after that shall blossom forth. Now we shall place the flowers at your feet, the wine and the bread. The yeast lays within yourself. For we build a temple in man -- not a building, but the spirit[s] and souls of men and women that we seek. Come forth then and be a teacher. And so it is written, and so it shall be so.

            We see that you have many other questions within your minds this day, but we must not overtax soul Ray’s body at this time. Healing must come back into his body.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. But be as one and you shall defeat him.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.

Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to protect privacy.]


Copyright © 1974, by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona