January 18, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And once again we shall tell unto thee these words.

For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the plowman who should place the yoke upon his shoulders to plow his meager field.

And a rich man came riding, therefore, a chariot. And he stepped from the chariot and spoke to the plowman who carried the yoke. And he said, “Look, my good man, why should you, a man, carry the burden of a beast, for it is not fitting that a man should do such?”

            The plowman looked up into the rich man’s eyes, and he spoke unto him these words, “For there is a field to be plowed that my family may eat.”

            The rich man said, “Yes, but there are other ways to make a living. Why should you do the work of a beast? Have you not an oxen, therefore, to pull the plow?”

            And the poor man said, Nay, we have no oxen. But the yoke I carry I carry with love, for it brings forth the fruit that should feed of my family who I love. And I thank the Almighty God that should give me the strength and the land and the yoke to provide, for this is His way of providing for me.”

            The rich man said, “Take off the yoke, and I shall bear your yoke.”

            The poor man looked puzzled, yet he did of such. And the rich man worked until the dusk came. His clothes were soiled, yet he plowed on.

            And the poor man came unto him and brought water and food. He said unto the rich man, I understand why I should bear the yoke, but why should you bear the yoke?”

            The rich man looked back unto the poor man, and he said, “All of my life I have been provided for by others. It is time that I learned humility and responsibility unto others. It is time that I bore the yoke of love as you have.”

            But still, the poor man could not understand.

Yet, as they went forth unto the poor man’s house, there came forth thirteen strangers.

And the poor man said unto them, “Come into my house and share that which I have.”

            And the rich man looked unto the strangers and said, “Poor man, why should you bear and give that unto the others which you barely have yourself?”

            The poor man looked unto the stranger. Then he looked back unto the rich man. He said, You know not of this, and these who have come forth? For the tall one is the one known as Jesus of Nazara [Nazareth]. And he has taught us to share that with one another in peace and harmony.”

            The rich man spoke unto the one known as Jesus of Nazara, and said, therefore, unto him, “I have heard much of you. Yet, I thirst for your knowledge.”

            Jesus looked long unto his eyes and said, “You have found my knowledge, for you have shared the yoke with your brother.”

            Some of you shall say unto these words, that we have spoke[n] as riddles once again. But nay, study the words and you shall find meaning for all.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. Aka, could you tell me what happened to the comet, Kahoutek, so that it changed and did not become visible as people had foretold it?”

            We shall answer into this manner. The comet, Kahoutek, brought forth, as we had said before, its [karmic]. And as we have said before, bring forth prayer, and you may change your own destiny. And therefore, the prayer that was brought forth did end their karma, and therefore, the showering of the karmic action upon the Earth came not about.

            Yet, we say unto you, judge not that that is shiny and bright. Judge, therefore, its journey from where it has come and to where it is going, for now a new Earth shall be created from the old, and Yahweh shall live again in the heavens. For as we had said before, it was brought forth as a sign of the changing of times. Your earth is changing; your people are changing. But as we spoke before of the yoke was bare, that should be borne with love, do not forget this lesson your Father and gift He has bestowed upon you, for He has given the Earth, this Earth, and the old -- a new

 heaven and a new earth.

            Yet, ye should forget the lesson you have learned. For once there was a prophet who God foretold the destruction of a city, and he went forth to tell the people. And the people did repent, and therefore, God did spare them. [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

            Yet the prophet began sulking and went out into the wilderness. And he said, “Oh Lord, why did You send me forth to tell them, and yet, this that You told me did not happen?”

            And the Lord spoke unto him unto these words, “For all is given free choice. Their choice was to change or remain as they were. By the changing, they changed their destiny. Therefore, that that you have foretold came true within the same, for what is the difference between the turning of a rock and the turning of a soul toward the heavens?”

For the Lord giveth and the Lord may taketh away. That is your answer.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, thank you. [11-9-73-006] asks for a health reading, Aka.…She says, ‘Please help me find a way to improve the use of my hands, arms, walk better and talk better.’”

            We shall answer unto these words. Come forth unto soul Ray for therapy, and that that is needed shall be given.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-12-73-006] asks for a life and health reading. Specifically she says, ‘I feel at a crossroads, both health-wise and life-wise, and am seeking to readjust, to go forward, not back. What causes my extreme fatigue?’ There are other questions.”

We shall not give the life reading requested at this time. It should be asked at different time. But we  should say unto her, the answer lays, lies in the beginning of this reading. The fatigue has come from within herself. For that into which she has seen, she has not seen, for that which she has heard, she has not heard. For the problem itself is not a physical problem, but a mental problem.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. There are a couple other questions regarding her. She says, ‘What can I do to correct clumping of red blood cells, and is there merit in chelation therapy or chemical endarterectomy as received in Anaheim, California?’ And then she asks, ‘What is the best method for me to develop spiritually?’”

            First, we should answer that other question thy have asked first. And we should answer in this manner, we see not of a control of the disease thy possess. We would suggest, therefore, the taking of 3,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest, therefore, the taking – yes. One moment.


The transfer of blood -- taking that of three pints of blood from the body and replacing it with good blood. This should be done over a period of time. The transfer should be made once monthly for six months. If this were done, the problem itself would end.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She said, on July 12, 1973, when she asked if she should go through with her plan for Anaheim doctor exam and therapy, you told her it would be good in one respect, but other knowledge should come forth at a different time, not in public, and she would like to know what you meant.”

            We should say unto thee unto this manner, come forth unto soul Ray for consultation.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. I have a health reading request for [1-18-73-001]. She asks, ‘What way am I to fulfill myself by serving others, and is there a specific man involved?’ Apparently this is not a health readings request; excuse me, Aka.”

            We see not of this.

Soul Ray now grows weary.   

The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.

Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona