January 25, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Look to thy feet and count thy blessings. “Ask and thy shall receive,” and so be the words of the Lord. Make no promises that thy shall not fulfill. For remember, judgest not unto others, lest ye judge thyself first, for thy shall judge thyself in the end as well as the beginning.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have one question tonight. I wanted to ask, who is Lucifer, and under what circumstances was he cast from heaven, and when did this occur?”

            Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. Lucifer, as you would [know it], was of a spirit of God. And as a part of God, yet he was cast unto the Earth, and therefore, became part of man. He dwells within you, that proportion of you that should take over and produce hate and fear and chaos in your own lives and others. He sought to rule. And yet he has in his own way. For you, that within you, the spiritual form, is a part of God. If you let that form be dominated, then the form of God shall leave. Then you shall be left with a lost soul. Then think ye that thy are nothing, and Lucifer would have no longer a need for something that was nothing.

For the seed of Lucifer may be chained and cast into the pit of nothingness. Only when you, yourselves, shall cast him out, has God cast him out. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

            In many universes in other planetary systems Lucifer has been cast aside. Yet, his power is great. Yet our Father’s is mighty.

            Yet Lucifer should go forth, day by day, to prove his power over men. Yet God should plant flowers at your feet and fulfill your wishes and your blessings. Which should you choose?

            Lucifer is madness within man. Lucifer is greed within man. But Lucifer, as a greedy person, only wants. Yet when he receives that which he wants, he has no use for it. He builds nothing; he only leaves destruction.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Last week I asked about [1-18-74-001]. And she asked, ‘What way am I to fulfill myself by serving others?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For each of you has brought forth that from which you have come, and that that is talent of which you have come. Yet those who should have a talent and waste it [has] denied God, Himself, for God is the giver, and man is the builder. Take this talent that thy possess, the talent of serving the needs of others who cannot help themselves, the elderly people. Put this talent to use in this manner, and you shall serve God in a like manner.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. She asks one other question, ‘Is there a specific man involved?’”

            We do not see this.

            “Thank you. Aka, [1-25-74-001] asks, his parents ask, ‘What is the cause of [1-25-74-001]’s recurrent illness? Is there any cure?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have before use the body, the soul, and therefore, the spirit and the immortal body. One moment.

First, we should answer in this manner. The child in itself suffers from hypoglycemia, or that of low blood sugar. Over a prolonged period, damage has been done to the brain area, a lack of blood or oxygen flow unto the brain. This in itself has brought forth a form of epilepsy in the same.                                            

We would suggest that biofeedback therapy be used in accordance, therefore, with hypnotic therapy. We would suggest the taking of 2,000 units of vitamin E per day. We would suggest the taking -- yes, we see this – taking, therefore, of the Jerusalem artichoke, grinding it finely that it might be easilier eaten. More green vegetation be brought into the food substance. No sweets except that of honey in pure form. We would further suggest that the use of oxygen, developed forth into the system in mechanical means; the drinking of more of that of pure drinking water.

            We find also, therefore, that of a sinus condition. We would further suggest the use of a negative-ion unit, with filtering system in accordance, be used while the child sleeps.

            This is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [1-25-74-002] asks for a health reading...She asks, ‘What is the cause and cure of chronic depression?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.      

First, we would say, environment has a great deal to do with the problem set forth. The use of negative ions while in slumber would take away that of the depression periods, allowing more and more of new body and new tissue to form into the brain substance of the same. It would be further suggested, the taking of 1,000 units of vitamin E, 2,000 units of vitamin C. A good multiple vitamin substance should be added into this. We would further suggest the greatest improvement in all would be a change of atmosphere, or that of moving from your present location.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she also asks what can be done about a recurrent rash on the hands, and also what is the cause and cure of recurrent severe headaches?”

            We have just answered these questions.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            Soul Ray now grows weary, and that that he has already overtaxed his body and mind, it is time for our departure. But we should leave with these words.

If thy should go unto the forest to find that of vegetation to sustain life, do not bring home weeds that are of no substance. For the wise to hear, let them hear.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

But as two should walk together, they must walk as one; yet each must retain their own separate identity. Let not one rob the other.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.

Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona