July 7, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as the Seven Spirits of God stood above the earth, and therefore, brought forth of their kind, each said unto the other, “We have brought forth the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the meadows, and fertile land. Yet why must we bring forth the desert, this barren land of waste?” Each spoke one unto the other, yet none had the answer. [See Genesis 1:1-28 and The Revelation 3:1, 4:5.]  

And therefore, they went unto the Lord, God.

And He did say unto them unto these words. “For my children have much to learn, for they have chosen this, you would call, death. Therefore, they must know upon the earth of the good and the bad. But thEy must find the beauty in the worst of all things. Therefore, we have placed the desert upon the earth. For if they can find beauty in the smallest of the things we have placed upon the earth then they shall find God within themselves.

“Some shall find the desert first, and thy shall dwell within the same.

“But make the desertS vast. Make them so great that man can neither hate nor love them, for they shall be too big for either.

“Place upon the desert seed that may lay dormant for many years and come fruitful and make the desert into that of flowers and streams. Place upon the desert the plant life that may absorb THE moisture, and they shall know, thEse who should dwell within it, to seek out the needs and not the wants of man.

“Place upon the desert those who should seek knowledge in its vastness -- for one day I shall send My begotten son unto the desert, and there he Shall lay his blood -- and the blood shall coveth the earth, and it shall remain such until he should come again. But for those who should rise above their petty thoughts, their greeds, their jealousies, then they shall pick up the drops of blood and see the desert bloom forth in all its glory.”

And the Lord said, “Hark,” unto them. “For when the stars appear, all in thirteen -- and the oceans roar, and the mountains push forth their mightY force upon the earth, and the earth shall shake -- yet near the shore of the ocean too, there shall come again a Messiah upon the earth. And they shall know that their Lord, this of their God, who has spoken many times, yet they hear Him not, is a true God, a gentle God, a loving God.

“All these things they shall know from the desert.

“Place, therefore, upon the desert animal life that should not need of the water form. yet place beneath the desert bodies of water that wells may be dug. And as man should dig each well, he should find, therefore, sweet water. In some he should find bitter water he may not drink. and this should be so of life. He shall learn from the desert, as he shall learn from life.

“As he travels across the desert, should he seek unto the heavens he should know his way. Should he not seek unto the heavens, he should become lost and perIsh within the same. And so it should be within man throughout his lIfespan. For within each life there are many lives. For within each death there are many deaths.

“We shall place that of oases in the desert that shall be hope unto man and unto the ones who should journey across the desert, and faith, and the strength, that man should build unto himself, that he SHOULD LOOK UNTO HIS BROTHER AND LOVE HIS BROTHER, THAT HE SHOULD stand, not alone, but together and build upon the earth.

“[Thus] we should surround the desert with mountains which should be covered with snow. And the snow should be white and brilliant in color, that they should know that should they wash themselves in the blood of the Lamb, so they should clease themselves as they should climb the ladder unto My many mansions.”

And so spoke the words of the Lord, our God, our Father, long ago.

And we say unto you these words. At times it shall sound as though we have spoken in riddles. But take forth the words we have given unto you. Know of this. We come not to bring hatred or war upon your earth, or to turn brother against brother, or sister against sister, or mother against mother, or father against son. We come forth but for one purpose -- that purpose in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.             

And you say, “Hark,” unto us.

And we should say unto you unto these words. Your year shall be in the year of 1999.

Yet the mighty Sword stands above you. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine spreads among your people. Fear has spread unto your hearts. And we say unto you, fear not, for those who believeth in the Lord, our God.

For the Sword that should cut two ways shall cast unto the land. Your earth shall move and shift upon its core. Your land masses shall change. There shall be many who should run and hide in the mountains. There shall be many who should hide behind the rocks. Yet, leste they walk in the light of the Lord, they shall perish. Yet some shall live and wish to die, yet they shall live on. [See The Revelation 6:9-17, 7:1-17.]

We say unto thee, as the Lord said once before, start now to prepare your thousand years of peace. Start now to prepare a new heaven and a new earth. Pray unto the Lord, God, and your prayers shall be answered. All of these things should not happen if the Lord may see among you those who should stand firm in their belief unto one God.

Be not ignorant. Cast aside your prejudice. Look not upon a man’s skin, look into his heart, and, therefore, find brothers and sisters to walk together to build this new earth and new heaven.

But we say unto you unto these words, “For none shall know of heaven that should not know of the earth, and none should know of the earth that has not known of heaven.” [See Matthew chapters 5-7, 13:24-52, 19:27-30, and Mark 8:27-38, 10:17-34.]

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-7-74-001] asks, ‘Will I live to raise my children?’”

Yes, we say unto thee unto these words -- for we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body -- the healing thy ask for shall be given. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have other questions, ask.

          “Thank you. [7-7-74-002] asks, ‘Will H___’s health improve?”

We have not of this, for we have not of permission of the same to answer this question.

“Thank you.”

You have other questions, ask.

“[7-7-74-003], he asks ‘What is the outlook, and or general plans for the E1Paso-Southwest portion of the United States in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We should answer thy question in this manner. For the Red Horse [Pakistan] hands out a false hand of peace, and the Bear [Russia] stands and sharpens its claws. Leste the Eagle [U.S.A.] be not ready to fly and spread its wings and protect this land of Israel, then Armageddon should be lost.

We say unto you, in the year of 1985 war shall come once again upon your earth, yet there shall be rumors of war before this time. Within this year shall come the war of Armageddon. Great masses of land shall perish from the earth. Yet the Lord, God, shall take those nations who should stand as nations under God, and therefore, protect of them.

The northern proportion of your European nation shall divide and separate. The armies shall march forward. Cities shall be obliterated. Great masses of land shall be turned into nothingness. Yet the earth, and God, shall prove that He is the God of all. For with His hand He shall turn the tide of battle.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you. [7-7-74-004] asks, ‘What will be the Presidential results in 1976 and its good or bad effect for the United States?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Your Presidential election shall go, therefore, unto the Democratic Party. Yet a third party shall arise and emerge unto the same, and a restructure of the same, and from that shall emerge your President. Yet, there shall be a government within a government.

We shall answer your question in this manner, for we know of soul Ray’s desire not to sway the people in their right to vote, in their right to vote as free people. And because of his words so many should vote upon an answer, we shall only answer that proportion that we have given. Yet we will say in this manner, it shall be good for your nation.

[Editor’s note: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon resigned a month later, on August 8, 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Four months later, in November, 1974, incumbent President Gerald Ford ran against the relatively unknown former governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter. Ford was saddled with a slow economy and paid a political price for his pardon of Nixon. Carter ran as an outsider and a reformer and won.]

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you. [7-7-74-005] who is here tonight...asks, 'When should I get the benefits from job-related disability that has been filed?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. Within one month’s time you shall receive notice of the same; within three months’ time the monetary value shall be in thy hands.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7-7-74-006] who is here tonight, asks, ‘Will my son make a go of his marriage?'"

We shall answer in this manner, nay.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[7-7-74-007] asks, ‘The atomic blast that Ray mentioned last night, that is to occur in 1985, how far a radius around E1 Paso will it cover, and where will be a safe place to go?’”      

We should answer in this manner. Because of the shock waves that should go through the earth, go therefore, into the land of Taos. Go, therefore, into the land of the Arizonians; the land of the Globe area shall be safe. There shall be other land in Colorado that shall be safe. There shall be land in the land of Nebraska that shall be safe. There shall be land in the land of Wyoming that shall be safe. There are other lands upon the earth too numerous to mention at this time. Come, therefore, unto soul Ray in an awakening state and he shall give, therefore, the knowledge thy desire.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. These are all the written questions that have been submitted tonight.”

            We see, therefore, the question, and we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have come not to serve the petty needs of those who should seek for themselves. We have brought forth amongst you a healer. We put forth the knowledge in the mind. He may teach you, and unto you, the basics of this knowledge, but only you may seek the knowledge between yourself and your God, and only He may choose you.

We say unto you in this manner. If you cannot stand in truth -- full truth, not the truth thy have manufactured within thy mind -- if you cannot serve in the manner of thy vows then walk away, leste we weed the garden ourselves.

We say unto you, think, therefore, of the tree and the woodsman who should cut down a mighty tree, and therefore, see the core of the tree, for the Lord, God, is that of the core, and the circles around each should be the lifespan of the tree.

Yet you say, “How should I return back unto the core of the tree, and be like that of the tree?”

You may only be like that of the tree by laying thy seed upon the earth and the ferment come from the same. For be as a leaf upon the tree, then as a branch, and one day thy should become the trunk of the tree, for thy seed shall go unto the earth, and come again.

For some there shall be many; for some there shall be never. But we say unto you unto this manner. For as the Lord, God, giveth, the Lord, God, should taketh away, but He should taketh away nothing He should not give in tenfold.

For remember unto these words. Upon your earth are His seed. Become, therefore, as you were in the beginning, of His kind, of our image, in truth. [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

Glory be the name of the Lord.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Give prayer unto the Lord; give glory unto the Lord, and the Lord, God, shall give glory unto the people.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


Note: The spiritual messengers of God often repeat what is said in scriptures, that no one, except our Father, knows the exact hour or day the Messiah will come. But the beginning has already begun. Therefore, the spiritual messengers of God may have been warning that if events had continued as they were from 1974 on, the dates of Armageddon and the coming of the Messiah could have been as early as the dates given to them. But man has free will, and our Father answers our prayers. Aka’s hope is to be as the prophet, Jonah, whose warnings were heeded and the people changed their path, so the destruction did not occur.

The editor’s impression is that the war that could have happened in 1985 in the Middle East over Israel was diverted by prayers and protective measures, perhaps by Israel or the U.S. Was the timeline for Armageddon delayed by the Israelis destruction in 1985 of the nuclear operations in Iraq provided to Saddam Hussein by France?         

Sometimes prophecies may be averted by the choices and prayers of people. The timetable of Armageddon and the coming of the Messiah, who will appear first to the Jewish nation in their despair, may have been changed.

Scholars believe this term, Armageddon, refers to the valley of Meggido in Israel. The prophet, Zechariah, writes of this. Ray Elkins, through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke these messages, was given a dream in late 1973 of which he spoke many times. He saw a fuse that had been lit in France that went to Israel, and if ignited, might go on to enflame the world. However, Ray was shown that there are two possible paths for the world.

The spiritual messengers of God have said much destruction may be averted, or prevented altogether, if each individual soul begins the thousand years of peace within himself or herself, and a way is prepared within people’s hearts and minds for the coming of the Messiah. They tell us they have come that the Seventh Seal need never be opened. (See The Revelation, chapters 4-8.)

September 10, 1970, just before “Black September,” when Yassar Arafat first organized a group of radical militant fundamentalists (terrorists) into a movement -- which later has become a worldwide network of professional assassins -- the spiritual messengers of God said: “Now is the battle of the minds of men. Remember, your greatest work is to unite all your religions unto one. And by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such a way that each of you may enter our Father’s many mansion in his own way. But your love for your fellow man shall be such that even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you shall help him enter.” 

These words of scripture about the opening of the Sixth Seal on the Lamb’s Book of Life beforehand, speak of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah: “Then I saw another angel rising out of the east carrying the seal of the living God; and he called aloud to the four angels who had been given the power to ravage the land and sea: ‘Do no damage to sea or land or trees until we have set the seal of our God upon the forehead of his servants.’  (See The Revelation, chapter 7.)