July 8, 1974

El Paso, Texas



            Ray began speaking to the El Paso crowd before he walked up the stairway to stand with God and allow the spiritual messengers of God to come from God to enter into his body to speak.

“I’ll be very frank with you in saying this. Last night those who usually hear me speak in a normal voice wanted to see the difference between the two voice values. So they said, would I please say a few words before I went into trance (chuckle)? Well, this is something I seldom ever do because usually at this point my mind is pretty well blanked out (chuckle). But I’m giving it a try, so they can do a voice comparison. We’ve done this once before to see how a voice comparison -- in other words, a voice box comparison. And the people that did the testing said that it was utterly impossible for my voice box to change that radically. But anything, this is left up to everyone’s own judgment. Other than that, I hope I’ve talked long enough for them to gather their comparison between my voice and the one that you’re going to hear.” 


            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

            For we should say unto thee the parable, that once, of long ago, upon a hilltop there grew that of a wild rose. It grew in a meadow surrounded by tall trees, and other flowers, but none of its own kind.

            It looked upon the trees and the meadows, and it said unto itself, “If there is none of my own kind, then from where did I come? There are trees of their own kind. There is a clover of its own kind. There is the grass of its own kind, and there are many flowers of their own kind. Yet I stand alone, apart.”

            This rose was a different rose, a rose without thorns, for its beauty within itself was all it needed for protection. For all the animals in the forest looked upon it as it blossomed forth, from bud unto full rose. They looked upon it in the winter time when the earth slept. And when they saw the first bud there was the promise of new life upon the earth. And none dared to destroy of it.

            And then man came upon the earth. And man looked unto the rose, and he grasped it in his hand to hide it, and ran away unto a hidden place, to share it with no one. But when he arrived at his hidden place and unclasped his hands he found there before him crushed petals.

            We say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing, thy can only change its form. But from that day hence, the Lord, God, placed thorns upon the rose, that man in his greed could not destroy that of such beauty, that others may share of the same.

            But now, once again, your Lord, God, has seen fit to offer unto the earth A Rose without Thorns for all to share, for all to see. [Editor’s note: A rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. It is also the name the spiritual messengers of God guided us to choose for the first book the Association published.]

            And we say unto you unto these words, for the blind shall see, and the deef shall hear, for nothing shall be left uncovered and nothing shall be hidden. Yet there will be those who can not see, though they can see with their eyes, and yet those who can not hear, yet they can hear with their ears. But we say unto thee, hark. For those who may hear we say unto you, we are here but for one purpose -- the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-8-74-001], he asks, 'What are the limitations set forth governing space explorations by the people of planet Earth? Will we discover life on other planets; if so, in what year?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. Life has already been discovered on other planets.

We shall also answer in this manner. The atmospheric conditions, life adjusts to the same. Life shall be found in humanoid form, yet the form shall not be of your image. Yet we say unto you, you shall all be the children of God. For would not a wise farmer plant but one seed in such a vast field? We say unto you, this planet of yours is but a small proportion of our Father’s domain.

            New forms of energy shall come forth and the utilization of the same by you, the people of the planet, Earth. It shall come forth in that of cosmic-magnetic energy form. The harnessing of this source of power shall be limitless, and your space travel shall be as common as your earth travel today.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. [7-7-74-003] asks, ‘To what degree should soul Ray’s work in the psychic be publicly promoted, by whom, and what means, and how soon should this public promotion begin?’”

            We shall answer in this manner, as we have said before. For as the spirits of God should be as the pebbles in a brook, as the souls of man should be as pebbles of an ocean, as the spirits of man should be as the pebbles in a river, all shall flow unto the many lands. The doorway shall be opened. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

We have brought you forth. The psychic abilities we have placed within the same, of soul Ray, should be utilized and publicized to the fullest extent. We say unto you, go forth. We shall open the doorways for you. Hasten, leste the Seventh Seal should be opened upon thy earth, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth now. [See The Revelation, chapters 5-20.]

            We say unto you, thy haven’t known of the story of Jonah, that our Lord, God, sent him forth unto the city to warn the people of a day of destruction of the city? And the people did change their ways and turn back unto their God, and the Lord, God, spared the city. Jonah became much disillusioned and walked out of the city and said, “Oh Lord, why have you placed me into such ridicule?”

            And the Lord, God, spoke back unto him into this manner. “IT WAS YOUR JOB, THEREFORE, TO WARN THE PEOPLE THAT THEY MIGHT BE GIVEN THE FREE CHOICE TO CHANGE THEIR WAY, TO CHANGE THEIR OWN DESTINY.” [See Jonah chapters 3-4.]

            This choice has been given the Earth this day, this time. If man shuns these words, this Rose without a Thorn, then man shall perish in a polluted land and no rose at all shall grow.

            Each man is worth his hire. That that you should make profit from should not be shameful[ly] thought of, for you shall earn, and reap, from the field thy should sow. But sow not in greed.

            We have placed before you a prophet, a healer. We have molded into “our kind, of our image,” a gift unto man, that he that should come after this one should bring forth your thousand years of peace upon your earth, a new heaven and a new earth, that the earth may join with the other proportions of the galaxies in peaceful harmony, that God’s children may return back unto their many mansions, each in their own way, each by their own free choice. [See The Revelation, chapters 21-22.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-8-74-00-3] asks, ‘Considering the hard tasks which we may possibly encounter in the next few years, would it be advisable to begin a family at this time, or to wait, and judge the outcome?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. At the present time, for yourself, and in your own financial position, it would be far wiser to plant your fields before, and make them ready before you sow the seed.

            You do not understand of which we speak; therefore, we should clarify of the same. Your husband and yourself are starting anew on the pathway of life. For your own financial needs and the needs that thy may provide for your children, time should be given before birth first should come forth. The nest must be prepared.           

            We say also unto you, of that to come forth upon the earth, we hand unto the earth at this time the Rose without Thorns. [Yet] if it is grasped, then your earth shall grow into a paradise of peace. Once again the Garden of Eden shall be brought back unto the earth.

            But children are the fiber of a nation and the world; they are the pathway for the rebirth and the recycle of other souls onto the earth. They are your Earth’s tomorrow, and they are your tomorrow. Even in the worst of times children have been born upon the earth. In this day, when your earth has become overpopulated it is wise to choose the time and place. Soon, as the Lord planned, the rest of your own planetary system will be open and other earths provided for your expansion. All of these things lie before you. All of these things are at your fingertips.

            Even in the time, the time of the barbarians, in the hours of darkness, if the Rose is not picked up, then the years of darkness shall come upon the earth. But even then, it shall emerge into light again.

            Be patient. Does not the wise bird prepare a nest before she lays her egg?

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [7-8-74-008] asks, "What can I, as a parent of young children, do to help educate and prepare them for the new era of spiritual unfoldment we will experience in the coming years? Also, any particulars about my children, L___ and J____,  as to the work they may be called to do?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. We have brought forth unto thy doorstep the doorway. Enter, and we shall show you the light beyond -- and your children’s light. For all that has been shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [7-8-74-004] asks, ‘Will I ever get back down to my normal weight, and when or how?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. There are certain glandular problems within the same. We would suggest that thy should go unto soul Ray for consultation and healing of the same. We would suggest that thy should write unto soul Ray, that he may answer in letter form and give, therefore, unto you a dietary substance that would help in this manner.

            But we say unto you, all these things may be done. Yet without faith or hope -- the Lord, God, placed in your hands free will. Some parts you must do yourself. We may give you the yeast, the bread, and the wine. We cannot drink it for you nor eat it for you.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-8-74-005] asks, ‘What can you tell me about my father, whom my mother left when I was a baby?’”

            We may only answer in this manner. We are not allowed to violate the free choice of another. One moment, permission must be given. [Note: a 15-second pause.]

Yes, now we may answer the question in this manner. Soon there shall be born into thy family that of a girl child. It shall be of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [7-7-74-004] asks, ‘Concerning the famine, which you have spoken of, how widespread, and to what degree will it affect the E1 Paso-Southwest area? And when can we expect its coming?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. The time of the famine is now. You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same. And then will come forth the time when it will stabilize itself and be worth more.

            Yet we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And in this manner you shall be prepared for the same. But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy today, you shall pay more for tomorrow.

            We would suggest in this manner, that full knowledge on this subject has been placed within soul Ray’s mind. Come unto him for consultation -- or bring forth him into lecture form that he may tell unto the multitudes.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-8-74-006] asks, ‘Do you see any big change in my family situation in the near future?’”


            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you. [7-7-74-007] asks, ‘Will I continue in the same line of work I am now in?’”

            We should answer in this manner, in this way. You shall continue in the same profession, yet it shall change its form in the capacity of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-7-74-004], who has asked a previous question,  asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind.

We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God.

We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.

            Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth.

            But war, also, may come forth with it.

            This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.

But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 6-8.]

            We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

            We have told of you of life on other planetary worlds. Shall you kill of them when they come [up] in peace? For the crafts that have landed upon the earth, so far all you have done is try to destroy them -- yet they have harmed you not -- because their forms are different than yours. When you leave your body, this shell that you should live, it should wither away and turn back into dust. And as is proper, should you look upon it and stand and watch it decay, you would think it a horrible thing and fear it.

            Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom. [See The Revelation of John 20:4-6 and chapters 21-22.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. That’s all that we have written.”

            Then we should answer in this manner. There is that among you who has come for healing. We see thy need.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Ask in thy Father’s name and thy shall receive.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.