Comparing Ray’s voice to Aka’s voice


            Ray began speaking July 8, 1974, to the El Paso crowd before he walked up the stairway to stand with God and allow the spiritual messengers of God to come from God to enter into his body to speak.

“I’ll be very frank with you in saying this. Last night those who usually hear me speak in a normal voice wanted to see the difference between the two voice values. So they said, would I please say a few words before I went into trance (chuckle)? Well, this is something I seldom ever do because usually at this point my mind is pretty well blanked out (chuckle). But I’m giving it a try, so they can do a voice comparison. We’ve done this once before to see how a voice comparison -- in other words, a voice box comparison. And the people that did the testing said that it was utterly impossible for my voice box to change that radically. But anything, this is left up to everyone’s own judgment. Other than that, I hope I’ve talked long enough for them to gather their comparison between my voice and the one that you’re going to hear.”