July 22, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

First we should say unto soul Ray, for that that the Lord taketh the Lord should replace tenfold. Therefore, we placed into your hands the Rose without Thorns. We should say into you, soul Ray, take of the last that we gave, for it was the words of thy sister, yet the words of our Lord. Give on it unto thy family, that they, in turn, their sorrow should be lessened.

            But we say unto you unto these words, the passing has been an easy passing. Those who awaited her loved her, as you know.

Yet, she waits, and says unto you -- you know, therefore, unto the truth, that she did not take of her life. Yet, we say these words unto you, “‘VENGEANCE IS MINE,’ sayeth the Lord.” Let that that should happen happen, but take no part in harming anyone. For vengeance she does not desire. Love, compassion was her wish in life, as it is in the life everlasting.

You, with your gift to see beyond the walls, have known the truth.

            Place, therefore, in the beginning of the book, as you have done, in your dedication, that none should ever forget the love she placed upon the earth. Do so in the manner unto which we have given unto you this gift. Yet we have not been great. The one who should come after you was the giver of the gift.

Yet her gift should go on and multiply and become a part of yours. For she is resting now, but for a short while.

Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

            Now we say these words unto soul John [1-21-72-002-7]. For you are now a minister within the work and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Go forth, now, and use of thy talent in a manner of love and forgiveness. Take from thy heart regrets and hard feelings.

            There is a time for all things, as we have told you before. There is a time for planting, and there is a time for harvesting, and there is a time when the earth must sleep. Take of these into thy daily life.

            But we say unto you, the marriage that was is no more. It can be built again. But as we have told you before, we would allow none from either side to interfere with this work. The work shall go on. For those who wish to work within the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, in some ways it shall give them, sometimes, heartache.

But we say unto you, you saw the soul of [7-1-20-002] depart. And you saw the happiness within it. This we desired for you to see, that in truth no soul either upon heaven or earth can live in entrapment; they must be free, to take, therefore, in free choice. And your free choice must come from within yourself. All hatreds and mistrusts must be taken from yourself, and this will come in time. But give yourself the time that the healing should take place. And then, if the two souls should desire, then let them come before man and God, and into wedlock. But only in this manner can it be in a righteous way.

            We say unto thee, soul John [1-21-72-002-7], we took from you the karma of soul John. We took from you your own karmas. The karmas you build henceforth from that day were your own. And you yourself must undo those.

            But once thy have taken the vows, let no man put asunder that that God has given, for thy shall be a minister for all planes, for all times.

            And now we say unto thee, soul James [4-3-70-005-5], and soul Luke [4-3-70-003-4], and soul Jude [6-9-70-004-6], we see of thy needs. But a house cannot stand without a foundation, nor can a ship sail without a captain. Come thee forth, therefore, in a righteous manner. You, once you had taken the vows, remain so, as we have said before, for all planes, for all lifetimes -- all for a purpose. We have bestowed the right unto soul Ray to make unto thee either active or inactive ministers. This must come from within him, and yourselves.

            And now we say unto soul Mary [8-24-70-001-3] these words in this manner. Have faith. The Lord sees of thy needs. Yet, there is a time for waiting and a time for planting of the seeds. All shall be in their proper time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-22-74-001] of New York city, who is here tonight, asks, ‘What have I not been able to do -- why have I not been able to make my living through my psychic abilities? Or would you suggest another way to support myself?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer thy question in this manner, in this way. Through a funnel of light thy came forth upon the earth. There have been times that thy have been jealous of thy own gift, yet times thy would rid thyself of it.

            We say unto you, the land unto which you dwell is a land despoiled by man, a land corrupted by man. It is a Babylon that shall fall beneath the sea. It is part of that that shall be cut away. We say unto you, take of thy talents, of thy gift, and take it elsewhere.

You asked of other employment, and we should say unto you, it would be good to seek of this.

            But we say unto you, soul Ray has worked upon the body and administered unto the healing, yet it is not complete yet, for it should come forth into the third day. Yet your mind can destroy all that we or he can do if you allow it to do so.

            We say unto you, you have traveled into a different land and different people, yet they are all of God’s children. You have brought forth part of those people with you that you have left behind. If you should seek other employment for your own health’s sake, come, therefore, into a warmer, drier climate, that thy may flourish once again into womanhood. Care not, therefore, what others have done.

We shall place that into soul Ray’s mind, that in the morn that he shall give into thee consultation. If thy should take of our advice and his, then your problem should cease, and be no more.

            But we say unto you -- as he sees, so do we. When you speak unto him he should show you courtesy and not say, “You are not telling me the whole truth.” But we see in thyself. When thy speak, speak of the whole truth, not a half a truth, and that that thy ask for shall be given.

            We say unto you, take, therefore, of thy life that God has given and thy shall be as a murderer, for thy would destroy the temple of God, thy body. You must judge unto thyself, and thy sleep would be long and painful, for thy would live again and again until thy truly saw the truth within thyself. We have opened a doorway that thy should see it now. We have answered your questions.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            But we say unto you, the Eagle flies now. We are here but for one purpose, that purpose is the coming of the Messiah.

            Now we should say unto you, [7-22-74-002], because of soul Ray’s tiring we should give unto thee a life reading at your next session here. But we say unto thee, all things in life must come in [completion] -- whole, not half a thing. Travel, therefore, unto the land that thy husband desires. Speak out in truth of your desire to live a different life. But make it a whole truth, and we shall go with thee.

The reading that thy desire shall be given.

            But we say unto you, who have traveled so far for healing and should wish a child, and conceivement of the same [7-22-74-003 and 7-22-74-004] -- that we shall give. Continue with the treatment of the same, and the child shall be given forth from the Lord, God.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            Then we say unto thee, you shall.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Tread carefully.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.     


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona