July 27, 1974

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Across thy land has been much turmoil. The earth is yet infected with the planet Yahweh, and its passing, the comet you would call, Kohoutek. Yet it is a time for learning, for you have seen madness upon the earth. You have felt sorrow, yet joy.

And you say unto us in this manner, “Why, therefore, could soul Ray save the life of one, yet the life of his sister he could not?” And we shall answer in this manner. For where disturbance dwells, it is hard for us to penetrate and reach through unto his conscious mind. When the turmoil left his mind, then we could place that knowledge once again within his grasp.

            Yet we say unto you unto these words, in this manner, for there was that of free choice, the linking and the building of the instrument. You may seem -- as it may seem to you, a harsh manner that he should learn from. But, it was the releasing of a soul, long sought freedom from this earth, and the filling of further knowledge into the instrument of the same.

            We say unto you into this manner. For within your desert grows many flowers. When your rainfall is plentiful, the flowers are abundant across your land. When your rainfall is sparse, then the flowers grow few. Yet the seed does not die; it lays dormant within, and therefore, shall come forth in full blossom unto all to see. And so it shall be from this, this thy should call of a tragedy. Yet, we have answered a prayer, and freed a soul, for the soul and the spirit and the immortal body now dwell as one.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            We should say unto thee of the parable of the rose. For once again, from life to death we have shown you the resurrection unto the same. And a rose without thorns shall grow upon the earth once again.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-22-74-002] asks, ‘Aka, you know what is in my heart. Please give information on past lives that will help in this one, the people I am close to now, the reason for being here.’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, and the records of all time. And therefore, we should give of the same.

First, we should say unto this soul, many [arcans] ago you dwelt upon a land, this land known as Atlantis. And there your father worked upon the land. You were of the male species at this time. But your heart and soul was not in the land, for you had a longing to score [soar] unto the heavens as the craft of the people did fly, but yet in a different way.

            Many times you had gone unto the temples, therefore, to seek knowledge. And many times you had asked to become a priest of the God of One. Yet, they handed you a hoe and said, “Go, therefore, and weed our garden.” You did the menial tasks from day to day, yet within your heart you could not find the meaning of the tasks you had to perform.

And a day came forth when the great priests Ra-Tai and Arcan were to meet in your city. It was your thought, if you could only speak to these two. Yet, you felt unworthy of the same and continued with your tasks with the hoe, weeding, therefore, the gardens. You head was bent low when you heard the voices close by. And suddenly, as though from nowhere, a gentle hand reached down and touched your shoulder and took the hoe from your hand. He wore a white robe with gold lacing upon the same. Upon each arm were embroidered in gold and the great ankh, or the Tree of Life. You knew, therefore, their meaning, of the one that was yet to come, the promised one.

He took of the hoe, and as he raised the hoe, above his heart you saw, therefore, embroidered the seven candelabra. And he began to weed the hoe, the ground with your hoe. Yet, he spoke, and he said unto you, “This land is not the land you should dwell upon, for soon I shall return back into the land of Egyptan. There are many gardens in the house of the Eagle that you should weed.”

            You could understand him not. Yet as he laid the hoe aside he said, “Go, therefore, unto your father, and say that Priest Ra-Tai has requested your presence in another land.”

            And so you went unto your father. And your father gave forth his blessings, and you ventured forth into this land of Egyptan. You saw, therefore, the Temple of Beauty, the Temple of Knowledge. You were shown the great records. And all you saw, you were amazed and baffled by. Your head swam, and at times you had wishes to return back unto your homeland unto the simple task to weed the garden.

            And then the day came forth when the priest, Ra-Tai, came unto you, and said, “Come venture with me, for we shall go, therefore, unto the Eagle’s nest.”

The craft rose and soon within a short time you arrived upon this mysterious land unlike any land you had seen before. You ventured forth, there to see much wonderment -- and there, to see this strange one with the strange eyes.

            And the Eagle, therefore, spoke unto you. You looked upon him, and there he wore a robe as white as the snow upon the mountains, yet trimmed in gold, and yet, upon each sleeve, the Tree of Life. Above the heart was a candelabra representing the Seven Spirits of God, yet above it was an eagle in full flight.

            You were greatly puzzled. He brought you forth through the many laboratories and said unto you unto these words. “For soon all this shall be no more. For soon it shall be time once again to return back unto the future. In that far-away time, you will have lived many lifetimes. Yet, I will appear twice unto you, for you shall see me as I go forth to prepare the way for his coming. Now take up your hoe and weed the garden, and learn from such. Take thyself forth a wife. Bring forth children, and take them, therefore, first, into the land of the Sumerians. Second, venture forth into the land of Yucatan, and go forth and raise thy family and see to the needs of the same.”

            And then, as strangely as he had appeared, he was gone again.      

            You picked up the hoe and began to weed the gardens. Then suddenly, as once before, a gentle hand touched your shoulder and took the hoe. And he said, “Now, my son, it is time for your departure. I have brought forth one from the Temple of Beauty who has much to learn, who is frightened, who knows not where she has been, nor where she is going. We shall place this one into your keeping. If you wish take her as wife and venture forth now into the land of the Sumerians.”

            As the craft rose, all that had been suddenly disappeared, the gardens, the buildings, the laboratories. And you said, “Oh pray, master, what has happened? Is the Eagle dead?”

            And Ra-Tai said unto you, “Nay, for death is not his way. He has gone forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We carry with us the records of a future time, of much scientific knowledge of all his work. It shall go, therefore, into the three places of the earth. One, you shall carry into the land of Yucatan.”

            And so it was.

And you took the strange one unto as wife. Yet, your heart, and though she bore you sons and daughters, she was that of naught. She was half of the God of One and half of the god of none, for she was that of the man-beast that had been processed through the Temple of Knowledge and the Temple of Beauty.

            And so you ventured forth into this land. And your days were long, and your days were plentiful, and bountiful. And you rose from peasant into priesthood, and into the ruler of a land. Yet, you told of your people of the day of waiting that would soon be at hand. You passed and went back unto dust.

            And then we find the entry again upon the continent of Yucatan. And we said, you had known where you were going because you knew where you had been. This time you were born as a girl child. You told of your parents of the great wonderment you had known in another lifetime.

At first they were doubtful. Yet, there was rumors of the Eagle in the far-away lands of Jerusalem, of Bethlehem, of the American, and across the land. Some had said that he had died, beheaded. Yet death was not his, for he rose and went on.

            And then, one early morn, there was word came forth that the holy one who walked upon the water was coming forth. The trumpets blew and flowers were thrown into the air. Yet the craft which he was brought in was rowed by many men. Yet all seemed changed; they were not of the warrior type. As the craft drew near he brought forth his hand and the sea seemed to still, and he walked from the craft upon the water, there to heal the sick and injured, there to teach, there to give.

            You broke loose from your father and mother and ran forth. He stopped, and the gentle eyes that had so many colors looked down upon you. He placed his hand upon you, and said, “Fear not, for the Eagle goes forth before me to prepare a way. But marry once again in this land. And one day you shall be born again in this land. For the Eagle shall reappear to prepare my way once again, for half a thing is nothing.”

And he reached forth and took from a gardener a hoe and handed it to you, and said unto you, “In the future you shall know that there shall be a time to weed the garden.”

            And so he passed on.

            You married once again and found a husband who could provide well when he would work. But there were many times when he was much very unsure of himself. You lived out a full life. And then one day you heard of the second crucifixion of the gentle one, the one who should walk on water. And you heard the story that the Eagle had flown from that of the Black Mesa.

            And the words came unto you, “For I shall see the Eagle again, in the Eagle’s nest, for there beneath the earth shall be buried the records.”

            You passed forth again, there to be born again in this land, this land that was to be called Mexico. Then you ventured forth into the American land, that of United States. Yet inside you knew there was a time of waiting. Your time came forth and marriage vows you did take.

            And then came the time when you saw the Eagle once again.

            And then came the time when you saw him as you has seen him before, in full robe, and you knew that he was here to prepare a way once again.

            We say unto you unto this manner. Once again we hand you a hoe and say unto you, “Weed your garden.” You cannot do this by running away, nor can you accomplish this by throwing away all that God has given unto your keeping. We are here but for one purpose, that is the same purpose that the Eagle should fly again, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have weeded the garden here.

But we say unto you, as the man of Jesus said, “For should a shepherd who had many in his flock and lose a lamb, yet to leave his sheep with his flock to go forth to find his lost lamb, and find it in a crevice, injured, and risk his life to save this lost lamb, none should understand, but the shepherd.”

But we say unto you, that that is lost is important as the many who are not lost. And the saving of the lost was greater than the keeping of the many. Therefore, we say unto you, stand unto this land which thy dwell now. Be patient and wait. If the garden should be weeded, we shall hand thee the hoe.

Much frustration shall enter into thy thoughts. But we say unto you unto these words. The Eagle is here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. The Eagle and our instrument are one of the same.

            Much shall pass before, and much shall pass after, as a river flows.

Look into the heavens and thy shall see the Eagle fly, and he flies in freedom before his God. Entrap the Eagle with a net, and he soon should wither and die away. All things must be as they are.

            If thy should wish to work in this work, then we say unto you, welcome. If thy should not wish to work into this work, we still say unto you, welcome, and God be with thee.

            For many hands and many minds shall be needed across the land, that as a brook should flow and be as the spirits of our Father, and as the brook should flow into the river and be as the spirits of man, and as the river should unto the ocean and be as the souls of man, so should this that we have brought forth flow unto the many lands and the many universes, that all should see and know of.

            We say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            We have given thee the knowledge of where thy have been. Now, thy must know where thy are going. But do not be hasty. As we have said before, if the garden should be weeded, we shall hand thee the hoe -- but not before.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-27-74-001] asks, ‘What will happen to us?’”

            Come forth there, and repeat the question. You have not given full information unto the same.

            “Aka, [7-27-74-001], husband of [7-22-74-002], asks, ‘What will happen to us?’”

            We shall answer only in this manner. God has given unto thee free choice. Study fully of our words and thy shall know the answer.

We should say unto you into this manner. Proceed as you have and your soul shall become lost into nothingness.

We say unto you, you have given vows unto this woman. The Laws of Moses were the Laws of God that he did bring forth from the mountain. Yet, Moses saw unto the people that worshipped false idols, and he told unto them, “For you are not ready for these,” and cast them into the idol, and flames devoured and destroyed both. Yet the words stand, for they are the words of God. Go forth, therefore, and study the words of Moses, and the Ten Commandments into the same, and the answer shall come fully into thy mind.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, regarding [7-27-74-002], son of Bartholomew, [6-11-71-001] and [4-23-71-002], they ask for any insight at all you can give them in trying to help their son. Among other things, he has been having regrets that he did not go ahead and become a priest.”

            We shall say unto these words, unto this manner. Bring forth this one unto soul Ray for consultation, and the words shall flow as from us.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-7-74-001] asks, ‘May we please have advice pertaining to what can be done to help my parents and improve this relationship.’”

            We say unto you unto these words. For it is written, “Honor thy father and mother.” But it is also written, “Honor thy father and mother as into thyself.” Give that unto God that should belong to God; give that unto your brother that should belong to your brother; give that unto yourselves that should belong to yourselves. And in this manner, all shall be the work of God.

In your relationship with your father and mother, say these words, “For I shall not go before my Father’s altar in sin, nor shall I go before Him in anger, for I love and honor of thee. I ask that you should love and honor unto me in the same manner, and show respect.”

            But we say unto you, if you should go unto a door and give your blessings, and the door is slammed in your face, then go elsewhere and give of it.

But we say unto you, our Father is the God of not but one nation, but all nations. The Israelites were chosen people as the servants of God. But all of His children were His children. But the Lord, God, can change an Israelite as easy as you would turn a stone, for those who call themselves Jewish should not necessarily be from the Twelve Tribes. Yet, we say unto you, there was a thirteenth.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-27-74-003] asks, “I would like to ask, if it is for me to know, whether or not I should bear another child in my lifetime, whether or not the motivation within me to bear again is self-orientated or is it truly what should be? Thank you.’”

            We should say unto you at this time, there are certain adjustments and healing that soul Ray should administer into the body. But for the present time it would not be suggested that you should bear another child until healing should come in complete. There are other problems, that, both of your monetary value and that of your relationship, that should come into full blossom with your mate. Another child at this time would not be suggested.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-27-74-004] asks, ‘What is my exact time of birth?’”

            Yes, we have before us the records. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.


We find the time as 2:31 a.m.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. ‘Could you please give us your counsel on the outline for the new book and our proposed method of writing?’ Soul Ruth [8-10-70-002-2] asks this.”

            We say unto you, the new book shall be that, and we shall give of thee the title. It shall be called unto these words, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. It shall be in preparation for the Book with Wings. Each step shall be taken, one at a time. It shall also be used as a textbook in that of parapsychology. You shall use, therefore, the lecture form and the knowledge we have placed in soul Ray’s mind as material that should be brought forth and placed into this book.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.” [8-10-70-002-2 answers.]

            Other information shall come forth from time to time.

We see the other question within your mind, of the historical value that should be brought forth. And we say unto you, we will show you how to place certain proportions within the same. But a book, separate, at a different time, should be brought forth in this manner.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka.” [8-10-70-002-2 answers.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [8-10-70-002-2] asks also, ‘When I saw the vision of the Guadalupe, was it really her or was it a teacher taking that form to shock me into surviving?’”

            We say unto you, the Lady of Guadalupe has taken many forms. But the vision was also to show you that all powers of God have been placed in this work at this time. And all instruments shall be placed, that the work should go on, for we shall allow neither from either side to interfere with this work. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            And now we should answer the question that should lie in the mind of one who has been treated by soul Ray. Continue, therefore, unto the treatment form of the same, and full enlightenment, both spiritual and physical, shall unfold. You have felt but a small proportion of the gift within.

And yet all say unto themselves, “This is meant for me.

And we say, for the last person he treated upon this day, [7-27-74-005], this information is given.

            Yet, we say unto the others in the same manner, in the same way. For as healing has been asked for, so it shall be given. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

Your Government shall now face its greatest hour in the next coming months. Yet, fear not, for all shall end well. [See note below.]

            Eruptions across the land shall continue. Hurricane and tornado-type storms shall continue, as we have described before. Yet, for the children of God, fear not. For not one sparrow, unto the smallest thing shall fall without our Father’s permission.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.



[Editor’s note: Was the greatest hour for the U.S. Government 11 days later, when U.S. President Richard Nixon chose to resign August 8, 1974, as he faced impeachment for the Watergate scandal? Then in the November 1974 Presidential election, the now-incumbent President Gerald Ford was defeated by Jimmy Carter.]