June 29, 1974

Globe, Arizona

[The third Annual Meeting]



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, unto thee unto this manner. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For the Lord, God, has seen, and we have seen.

We say unto you that all things our Lord has seen He has give glory unto, for this is the day of joice and rejoice, both upon heaven and upon the earth. For we have seen you cast aside your grievances. We have seen you build together and become as one.

A house divided cannot stand. The house is no longer divided, for it stands.

            Now we shall say unto you, more hands shall be needed to do unto the work that we shall bring forth unto you, for now we shall lead thee from the river into the oceans. We shall open the doors that have been closed. Your work shall be praised by many.

We shall remind you in this manner. As we are the servants of God, as we are teachers, remain as such. There have been many that the gifts have been offered to who have thought themselves as gods and closed the doorway unto their Father. Leave your doorway open. Let the multitudes come forward. Place forth now this Rose without Thorns.

            Your media, your television, your radio, your newspapers, all shall be set in motion. We have already started the thoughts into many minds that the way should be prepared.

            Some shall come unto you and take. Some shall come unto you and give. Remember in these words, that a gift, a true gift, is giving without expecting anything in return. Let the words we have given unto you flow now freely. Do not be hypocrites. Do not flaunt yourselves in such a manner that you should disgrace yourselves and your God.

For the Lord, God, gave unto you the Ten Commandments. And Moses, on his return from the mountain did see his people in idol worship and did cast the stones, therefore, unto the people. Yet, that day the Lord, God, learned from Moses, as He has learned from His children. But a true teacher should always learn from their students.

But even though the tablets were cast unto the flames, He brought forth the Cherubim.

            Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. The land should become parched and hard and dry. And fire should consume much of the land. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, shall ravish the land.

We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored.

            Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice.

Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for.

Cherish within your heart this day. Let none forget the vows they have taken.

            We have placed in your hands this one thy call soul Ray -- not by chance, not by accident, but by purpose. We have cast him into the fire, and led him through the fields of temptation.

And now he is ready, for we have made from him our Sword. The steel is fine and sharp.

            Our Lord says, “GLORY UNTO THEE.”

            But yet, we have told thee the Messiah is born upon the earth. Yet we can still not take him from his hiding, lest he be slain, for Lucifer lurks nearby to devour him from his mother’s womb. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

            Each step thy take shall be a step closer to your thousand years of peace and plenty. Each step you take shall build the temple of God in man.

There are those who have said vows and those who have not said vows. Yet we see in thy hearts the strength of all -- least she not be here [1-21-72-002].

We should tell unto thee the parable of the man and the boy who walked upon the hillside.

And as they approached a valley they saw before them wild dogs. Each was playful into their selves. But one was chasing its own tail.

And the boy looked at his father, and said, “Father, why should the dog chase its tail?”

            And the father said unto the boy, “For he chases his tail out of pleasure. He sees not what is at the right of him or to the left of him. All he can see is the end of his tail.”

            The boy looked and thought upon this. And he said unto his father, “But why should he do such as this?”

            And his father says, “For he knows not where he has been; therefore, he knows not where he is going.”

            And suddenly the dog caught his tail and bit it, and howled quite loudly.

            And the boy looked at his father and said, “Father, why has the dog bitten his tail?”

            And the father said, “He did not know it was his own tail he was chasing, and therefore, when he caught it he bit upon it. But he thinks that it is another dog that is biting his tail, and so therefore, he bites harder in revenge and hatred.”

            Upon hearing the loud howl, the other dogs grew curious and came forward. And they too started biting the dog’s tail, until they were all biting one another.

            And the boy was greatly confused and he said unto his father, “Why are all of them fighting?”

            And the father said unto the son, “For you see, my son, hatred and revenge can only destroy those who should hate. But people are much like the dog. When one is wounded they feel he is weak, and therefore, they try to dominate him. Because of their jealousies they want that which another possesses.”

            And the boy looked farther beyond the dogs, and there stood three coyotes -- a female, a male, and a young pup. And they watched the wild dogs, much as the boy was.                                   

            And the young boy said unto himself, “Father, I shall never be as the dog. I shall be as the coyote.”

            And the father looked at him and said, “Why should you wish to be as the coyote?”

            And the boy said unto his father, “For they have learned from our God. They love one another. They do not chase their tails. They do not fight, and tear themselves apart to steal from another, for they know where they are going, for they know where they have been.”

            Our words may seem as riddles, yet we speak them not for idle conversation.

Within each of you we have bestowed certain gifts. These gifts, as A Rose without Thorns, should mature and blossom. Take jealousy from thy hearts. Accuse not lest ye be accused. Judge not lest ye be judged. We say unto you, restore the Tablets in their original form.

When we first came unto you we said there was a chain of Thirteen that had been broken many times upon the earth, and each attempt to build it, it had been broken again. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Build it once again upon the earth, and peace shall come upon the earth. And where no rivers have flown rivers shall flow. You lands shall no longer be parched, but shall blossom forth and bear fruit.

            Give forth love, as the waters of the river should give forth life.

            Give forth hope, as the raindrops should fall upon the desert.

            Give forth faith, as a plant should have the faith from seedling to grow into maturity.

            For those who ask for healing in our Father’s name, it shall be given. For we shall heal not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, that all may come in accord with the same.

But we say unto you, for those who can give, let them give. For those who have but one teardrop to shed for our Father’s light, it shall be enough.

            Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.